hi im wondering where to go begining nov that has the shortest flight and nicest weather? got the chance to go abroad with family then, but im unsure as we have a new baby who is 4 months and would be 7 months when we travel if we go. i have posted here a short while back about going abroad with baby and all have told me it should be fine and to go for it etc, my friends say do it too. im a pain in the backside as i just cant stop worrying, i wasnt really a worrier before but i worry about the flight and my baby, im not a great flyer as it is :-( i worry will he be settled, will his ears hurt like mine flying, what if something bad happend. will he be ok once there, the worries could go on and on but i supose its all what ifs, im not sure if id be able to relax to enjoy the hol, maybe once im there till its time too fly home anyway!
i also think am i been selfish wanting to go on holiday, am i thinking about whats best for my baby. i know loads of people do it all the time and it would be lovely to get away and get some sunshine! ahhhhhh but ive got all the worries in my mind too :-( i really dont know what to do! id never ever forgive myself if something happend while we were away or on journey and what if he's teething while away and just misrable and in pain, that wouldnt be much fun for either of us, my partner will be with us too and his parents but its always down to the mummy isnt it, (not that thats bad at all, i love my baby more than anything in the world but doubt itd be much of a hol for me if he was to be poorly/in pain or whatever)
i know any of this is prob likely not to happen but these are my worries! is it worth going at all? lol!!
anyway after getting that of my chest! back to the origonal question sorry for going off on a tangent there! if i do decide to go id like a short flight and weather thats nice to sunbathe/swim but not too hot for baby, obv he'l be kept in shade (partner stays under umberella) suncream on etc but dont want him getting groggy if its too hot.
any sugestions?
i would suggest you look at spain, but as its november you could strike unlucky. costa brava is a 2 hour flight from london, and costa del sol about 2 1/2 hours.
when the weather is good - more times than it is bad-you can go swimming etc without it being too hot.
thankyou, what about tunisia? were in the midlands and that is a 3 hr flight which i think would be ok, well better than 4+ hrs anyway if its going to be better weather than spain ?
Have been to Benidorm twice now end of October and first two weeks of November and been lucky both times with the weather. Still able to swim in the pool and the sea
I would definitely recommend Tunisia. The weather isn't guaranteed but it is usually quite nice at that time of year and Tunisians love children.
Alternatively look at Malta - weather good there most of the year - apprwox 3 hour flight.
thanks, Debbie, thats sounds good, nice wetaher in spain begining nov, ill take a look! just about to post and saw yours reply pippa, that too sounds good, ideal if it is nice enough to sunbathe and take a swim. ill take a look at that too, great thanks :-)
As for the flying, taking off and landing seem to be the worst times for people to feel their ears so give him a bottle to suck which will help (it's something to do with relieving the pressure). If you worry at these times, maybe let somebody else hold him as you may transmit your fear to him. As for him teething, well he would be teething wherever he was so if he is, just treat him the same (eg something to rub on his gums, maybe a little Calpol is he has a temperature, etc).
And don't forget it would be your holiday as well. You say it's always down to mummy - well it shouldn't be, let daddy take a turn (he wouldn't want to feel left out) and I am sure your baby's grandparents would be only too pleased to help out whenever necessary. My partner and I travel with my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter and we all take turns with her. Anyway, grandparents enjoy that kind of thing!!
One final bit of advice if I may, if you do book somewhere, go and enjoy yourself. Don't spend all your time worrying - babies are much more resilient than you think and can adapt to most conditions. Wherever you do, just remember that people in that country have been having babies for ever and they have survived!! Enjoy and have a great holiday.
Jak xx

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