I was just wondering where is the best place to get all your summer holiday stuff like suncreams and shampoos and even your clothes?
any comments are appriciated
thanks sian x x
i always use superdrug for my holiday stockup on suncream and toiletries . they always do lots of offers .
thanks just gotta keep an eye out
Loadsa different places! Especially:
For me, Next, Debenhams, M&S for my undies and Matalan/Tescos for day time clothes and Hubby, well it's usually what he took last year unless I escort him to the shops. He seems to think holiday clothes go on and on and hates buying new stuff

Clothes - Primark, Asda, Tesco, Matalan - you don't mind suncream stains on £3 tops - Primark is my personal favourite
Suncreams - Boots - most branded suncreams (Piz Buin, Ambre Solaire etc) are on BOGOF for most of the summer and you get your Advantage Card points too
Toiletries - again Boots if you want your card points, or else Home Bargains/Quality Save or Bodycare for cheap stuff you can leave behind when you come home. I've just bought Boots "Basics" toothpaste, shower gel, mouthwash etc, all for a couple of quid for the lot so I won't feel bad about not bringing the leftovers home.
Suncreams - Boots - most branded suncreams (Piz Buin, Ambre Solaire etc) are on BOGOF for most of the summer and you get your Advantage Card points too

Toiletries - again Boots if you want your card points, or else Home Bargains/Quality Save or Bodycare for cheap stuff you can leave behind when you come home. I've just bought Boots "Basics" toothpaste, shower gel, mouthwash etc, all for a couple of quid for the lot so I won't feel bad about not bringing the leftovers home.
lol exactly like my bf
for clothes at a good price I like : New look, H + M, primark, and next
We use matalan. They do all the Sun cream stuff. They also sell travel guides for most popular places. They do luggage and all those nik naks like bum bags, battery fans and other stuff.
for clothes we go to primark, asda, tesco, new look, jane norman i look round my local market as well!! suncreams and tolitries ( excuse the spelling) supersavers, pound shop, asda, local market, poundstretchers there are a lot of place where you can get good bargins!!
Thanks this is a real help
I had light hand luggage on check in and they had loads of offerson in the airport and got all my shampoo's etc there.
Going to do it again this year

Clothes I get online in the sales from my catalogue site as I am not one for crowds in shops or changing rooms

I've just bought some quite nice next basic vests at 2 for £8 and some red herring linen knee length linen skirts at £20 each.
I love holiday clothes buying and always buy far too much, I love sarongs and I like the ones in Monsoon as they are like a cross between a sarong and skirt and they are knee length but properly sewn up the side and with a sarong style tie at the side , I bought a few last year for £25 each , alot for sarongs I know but they are lovely designs and will last for a good few years, I also just bought a lovely new sarong off ebay which is brand new with a debenhams tag for £3.
I buy lots of mini toiletries throughout the year and keep them in a special drawer, I do go away 4 times a year so I keep my drawer well stocked and a couple of weeks before I travel I love going through the drawer and choosing what to take, I like the sanctuary product from boots and they often do 3 for 2 on travel sizes , also superdrug is great for travel size toiletries , i really like the imperial leather shower mousse in a mini bottle as this is great to use for washing and doubles as a shave gel, the small travel size is 1.59 from superdrug and there is plenty for 1 week.
I love the solid shampoo bars from lush , they are georgeous and much better than heavy shampoo bottles, you can get a special little tin to take it on holidays and I never travel without mine, this is a great thread by the way, love shirleyv
My handluggage always weighs over so last year esp with the no creams or lotions ban etc I actually bought mine at the airport.
I had light hand luggage on check in and they had loads of offerson in the airport and got all my shampoo's etc there
The airside Boots store at Manchester Airport is usually sold out of most things most of the time

I love the solid shampoo bars from lush , they are georgeous and much better than heavy shampoo bottles, you can get a special little tin to take it on holidays and I never travel without mine
I love Lush!

thanks for the apprication of this thread Shirlyv

Mainly though so I have light handluggage at check in like I say.
Solid shampoo bars? Never heard of them? Are they good?
yes i was wondering the same what a solid shampoo bars
Especially thrifty as we usually have 3 rooms to cater for on the toiletry front!!
Some great ideas on here, keep them coming

They are really good and my hair is very shiny after use and feels really clean.
thanks they sound really good

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