Cases near fit to burst but tonight have used our newly purchased Wii Fit to weigh them and if its to be believed we are underweight. I laughed at son when he first suggested it but seems it was a good idea after all.
What I do is weigh myself on the scales and then weigh myself holding a suitcase. Then subtract one from the other and hey presto, you get your suitcase weight!
Please don't rely on the Wii fit, according to mine I've lost 4lb since starting it two weeks ago but slimmersworld and scales at work are telling different at only 1.5 lb.!!!
I know there has been a thread about them before but we purchased some portable luggage scales for this years hols. It's hard to guage your luggage with some of the budget airlines especially when you can't combine weight. We couldn't fill our large case last year as it would have been over the allowance so we ended up taking more luggage. I wanted to get the scales as you can weigh before you leave home but its the return flight that's the problem, making sure none of the cases go over the limit.
You can get the exact same scales HERE for $10.84 which is around £5.50 inc free P&P. I ordered them and they arrived within a week. Even better was that only £4.47 has been debited to my credit card!
I had already ordered the ones from Betterware so I now have 2 sets.
Slightly off topic but - people actually buy stuff from beterware??????????
Their catalogues have never seen the inside of my house - just pick them up from the porch floor and put them straight in the garden for them to collect.
So did I! I would leave it at the front door to hand back when they arrived. I have never looked at one.
However..... someone posted about the luggage scales and when I asked around, no-one had seen a Betterware book for months. I ended up emailing the Head Office who put me in contact with an Area Manager as there were no reps in my area.
He was going to drop off a book, but I said I didn't need a book, I only need the scales.