In our experience, we have always found the price of the holidays(we have booked) to go up, in price, that is why we always book 12+ months in advance, (also gives us plenty of time to save up).
A lot of friends and family think we are bonkers booking so far in advance, but i can honestly say it has "payed off" for us over the years, can't honestly remember one holiday we have booked going "down" in price, but know of a dozen or more going "up"! (for example last years holiday nearly doubled in price, a month prior to departure). Next years holiday (up to now), has increased by over £400!

Another example - my mother rang me about 3 months ago, asking me to price a holiday up for her to tenerife, in March for 2 weeks, got her a great price, - and advised her to get in booked, she hummed, and arrrd,saying she would wait a couple of months, - well now the price has gone up by over £350! She wasn't a happy bunny, but ended up,booking at the higher price (as she was worried the flights/hotel may be fully booked, - (as she could only go these particular 2 weeks!) - Was on the tip of my tongue to say "I told you so" - (But I didn't

My advice to you, is book it (if you are happy with the price)
Maybe we have just been lucky, who knows?

- but until I'm proven wrong, we'll continue to book early!
Regards, belly!