i find it hard to understand how people say they are getting greedy and pushy. we as the tourist have made them this way i have been going to goa since 95 yes this change but everything does. plus many people should maybe think how much they earned years ago and how much they earn now but then want to complain things are going up and then think hmm whos been greedy now?. you can not keep paying the same prices you did before.goa will always offer the diversity to do as you choose. go to the south beautiful clean and unspoil at resorts but outside the complexes are some of the worst sights ive seen in goa. my family and i have travelled all over goa many many time we even pay to sleep in a hut made from cow dung and willingly paid for this as is called a trip over night stay at the elephant sanctury.
i rarely get hassle from beggers and the sellers are curtious and polite and sit and chat. i go to the market and buy things when the local come and ask do i want bananas i open my bay and set my stall out i sell fruit crisp pencils books boiler eggs coffee tea. they sell 5 banana for 50 rupes i will swap them for 7 bananas for there 5 it totally confuses them . my point i think join in with them make a new friend loose the english way of moaning complaining and lets be miserable half way around the world. youve paid for a holiday have one. we are lucky we go away alot and just come back from the maldives but even though was a fantastic holiday i miss goa and the antic of the people. i love goa and all it offers. you can walk around england and see alot of sites as equal and be hassled alot more and at least in goa you can walk around safely and not beattacked by a group of hoodies.
Well after what i saw and what i have read on here, i only wish i'd gone 5-10 years ago.
I knew well before i went Goa was going to be cheap, as i'd read it, but this wasn't by any means my reason for going.
I felt more relaxed when i was out of the resorts.
what i enjoyed
I loved wakeing up every morning and standing on my balcony and waving to the old lady next door, when she was doing her washing on the old concrete slab.
I love walking past the kids on the building site, and them shouting hello.
I loved walking through the village up in nerul, with people waving at me and saying hello and not asking for cash for doing it.
I enjoyed panjim market, no hassle no bother with wanting me to buy anything.
what i hated
the beggers, they don't take no for an answer
beach sellers, i work hard for my money and want to relax on holiday, and don't want to be woke up when i'm asleep on the beach, to be asked do i want to buy a sarong, massage, manicure etc etc
taxi drivers, i got out of a taxi outside highland beach to be asked by someone, do you want a taxi
the rubbish at the side of the road, i'm sorry but there is no need for it in candolim or anywhere
the hassle from the shop sellers, i ended up buying a pair of shoes for 200 just to keep a shop keeper happy, as i had to pass her everyday, they were naff and dirty shoes and i left them there, then i saw the look of disgust in her eye when i walked past wearing an anklet chain, bought from somewhere else, that she also sold.
Got fed up of saying no thank you
The fear of visiting a toilet, wondering what your going to witness, and having to squatt again, how hard is it to put a bit of beach down 3 or 4 times a day and scrub it.
men openly urinating in the street
Whist there we talked about going next year for 3 weeks, because we did enjoy it, but did get fed up of some aspects of it, but now whilst home.
I'm sorry it is a NO NO from us.
Interesting Chris, but what you have said are the things first timers see in Goa and I too would be having serious thoughts on returning had I never been before. Next year I cannot go because of the new kitchen but whether I return in the future is a tough one to answer, probably I will but combine it with other parts of India. Who do we blame ? locals or the tourist people and authorities ? most of your bad bits are things that we have all been saying should be addressed and that have steadily increased over the years, which I find very sad. The Goa I know exists past the tourist belt and starts in Anjuna and goes to Arambol, my Mrs never came backpacking with me when I first visited Goa and she is amazed when she asks me where such a place is when I spent so long here, I honestly don`t have a clue where I am going when people mention this restaurant or this hotel. Never visited Calangute or Candolim in a five month stay there and now I`m a package tourist I don`t really take it in, maybe I just block it out and remember strolling around Vagator happily waving at the kids and locals going about their daily business, Those are the good memories of Goa for me and they are still there as you said in your good parts, it really is a shame that things that should have been put right years ago never were and it spoiled your illusions
And yes i did the touristy thing, but i got more enjoyment from my day walking through nerul and the villages. where genunine people waved at me, and i took photos of, without being asked for cash for doing it.
I'm going back to Goa for 5th time in March, other people have commented on it having the Blackpool factor, but I don't agree with that, In Goa I have never seen rowdy drunken yobs, baring their rear ends and other parts of the anatomy like they do!!
I think Goa is a great place, and have no hesitation in going back, the atmosphere, sun, sand and good food it what it's about.
Hygiene is not necessarily poor but just not the high standards we have in the UK (most places) so it is touch and go! it will take more for me to be put off going again
We have been to north Goa 10 times but last year we decided enough was enough for a lot of the reasons mentioned in the above posts. This year we went south to Cavelossim. We loved it and will definitely be going again.
or something like.
Went in 1994 and it was glorious, went again in 1995, again glorious (Candolim).

Went in 2002 it was busy(ish) (Candolim).

Went in 2004 it was very quiete where I was (overlooking the Mandovi).

Went in 2006 it was absolute chaos in Candolim.

Would I go again - not to Candolim. I would go down south either to Bogmalo or Benaulim.
I enjoy hopping on my bike and travelling and exploring. Its not just that the beaches are better, they just don't seem to have the falseness of Baga etc. Arpora is decent to stay as its far enough out from the hustle and bustle but everything is still close.
Sorry Ellibee and Jock, I keep forgetting.
Cavellosim it is then
I forgot until reading these posts about the ice cream selller on Baga beach who ducked under my brolly and tried to shove his ice cream picture card things between my legs
I know " My Goa " and yes I will return,
Well this year has been my fourth consecative visit to North Goa, this year we enjoyed it but it has changed for the worse I cant really put my finger on what is going wrong but the Goan authorities need to stamp out the over zealous taxi drivers who will rip you off if you are naive enough to let them, the rubbish mountain is getting worse, bars and restaurant prices have gone up this year we spent much more money than we thought we would. I will not say I wont be going back because I love Goa and particulary the Goan people, but on the other hand I think we have to make a stand and next winter I am going to look at different alternatives.
see you there
Would love to see you there Fiona but , I don't think you will be in the same area ,
i meant the Thailand discussion forum lassigirl- I'm mod there too

We've just booked to go back again in December so our answer would be yes

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