Bedfordshire/Cambridgeshire borders [western edge of East Anglia]
snow this morning [about 1/2 inch] fell between 7-30 and 9 am, a brief respite followed. Then around Noon it started again, moderately heavy. Now about 15-30 still snowing, accumulated amount 2 inches so far, temps just below freezing, more expected this evening and tonight.
so what's happening in your neck of the woods, [and please remember to tell us where]
We had about an inch in parts of the North West sunday evening but it soon melted and had pretty much gone by lunchtime today other than on high ground. Pretty boring really!
North East had snow this morning but it took it's time to lay due to the ground being wet from the last little snowfall during the night. It's all more or less turned to slush at the mo.
In Glasgow, very cold but no snow and hope it continues this way, I hate driving in snow.
The cold has been here for some time, we did have snow this morning but soon went although forecase more for tonight - Kent
The M23,M25,M1 ,M18 and A1 were clear!
We were dreading the journey after seeing the weather reports but got back without any problems,

Just south of Glasgow we have no snow but there is a dusting on the hills to the north of the city and the mountains to the west are covered.
no snow or frost here in South London this morning, quite a pleasant morning really.
We've had a lot of snow falling today. Rumour has it we are to have -4deg tonight which is going to turn everything to ice. At the moment we have fog.
we didnt take the second bout of snow that was offered for last night, had a slight thaw this morning, forecast for tonight minus 5 to minus 7
welll after last nights Minus 7 its been a warm bright day, temps peaked at MINUS 3 an hour or so ago and now started to drop again.... roll on the end of the month... Cyprus should be a tad warmer
Ground's pretty firm but the sun's out here too
Looked out in the garden and the cobwebs on our satelite dish look like string
Glynis HT Admin wrote:Ground's pretty firm but the sun's out here too
Can you send some sun down here please Glynis! I was at Manchester Airport at the crack of dawn on the promise of some sun but it never materialised (thanks Metcheck!). It was -2c, not as cold as forecast probably thanks to the blanket of cloud but all the motorway signs are warning of severe weather for the area for Friday. That'll probably mean 0.5 inch of snow but the Met Office must be worried as we don't normally get all these warnings.
Stay safe all,
It's been bright and sunny all day, there is no snow although the hills around the loch are all covered and do look lovely in the lowering sun at the moment.
light to moderate snow started at 8-45 revised forecast said it would clear us by 2pm....
We've had light snow for most of the day and have a thin covering, nothing too major and not enough to build a snowman yet! The southern and higher parts of the north west have had a couple of inches though.
Same here Darren just a light downfall. We've still got some of the old snow/ice though so it's just sitting on top of it.
Due to being stuck in the lounge with others and subjected to sky sports I can see it is snowing like crazy in Tottenham which is maybe 10 miles away (as the crow files) and snowing in Chelsea which is probably 20 miles away, yet it stopped here about 4 hours ago, even though we have three inches laying

Hubby's working in Ilford Doe and said it was snowing there this morning too. We haven't had any today and what we've got is starting to thaw but the BBC online did say we were to have heavy snow overnight.

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