Hi Jules ... someone else mentioned problems earlier today on the previous page of this topic.
Yes I saw that, I will let you know how I get on tomorrow.
Tried to get in touch this morning and got the answermachine left my name and number but still not heard.What about Sandra have you had any luck?I'm worried theres a problem with the company? I've paid my deposit by visa so I will be covered. Just need to know whats going on!!
hi jules 29 i have tried all day tuesday and thursday to phone them all i got was answer machine, have e-mailed them twice no reply. Dont know what to do now as we are supposed to be going away on 16 may
We are due to go to Beidorm on 30th May.Let me know Sandra if you get through them.Don't think its a very good way to run a business not getting back in touch having left messages on the answermachine and sent e-mails.I'll be worried now if I do get through to pay the balance that when I get to resort they've no record of my booking!!Anyone else been trying to get in touch with them?
Have you been able to contact wintersunshine holidays yet, we have booked with them for October.
no still cant contact them not answering phone or e-mail we have 2 holidays booked 1 in may and 1 september. just want my money back now there not havin any more to go awol with.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are experiencing delays with contact simply due to a huge increase in business that was not forseen.
Please be assured that we are working through all our backlog of requests for balance payments, amendments and enquiries. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this situation has caused.
We are in the process of making modifications to our website to allow balance payments to be paid online.
Once again, our sincere apologies for any inconvenience and distress we may have caused.
Very Kindest Regards
David Clifford
Managing Director
Winter Sunshine Holidays
After alerting Mr Clifford to the concerns of our members this morning, I have had an exchange of e-mails with him in which it has been stressed that there are absolutely no problems with any bookings past, present or future, and that he will resolve this temporary problem as quickly as possible. Sincere apologies have been offered, with a request that clients may be patient for a little longer while the backlog is cleared.
Thanks for doing that David, athough I have a while to go yet, it would of been a pain trawling through the websites to look for accommodation again.
i also have been having problems with them i payed my balance of my holiday last weds they said they would e mail my comfermation to me after three e mails off me and a phone call [answer machine] they did finnally e mail me i am also a bit worried as they have given me no details of hove to collect the key to the apartment tried to phone again no luck so far
Is your own departure date imminent, or do you have time to wait a little longer for clarification about key collection, etc.

Further to my discussions with David HT Mod and my initial post above.
The ability to pay balances online is something we were in the process of having developed for release in May, but due to the increase in business, a temporary fix is required until the main balance system is installed.
Hopefully this will help alleviate the work load from our travel consultants enabling them to concentrate on amendments, enquiries and requests for information on bookings.
We have a preliminary date of this coming Tuesday 19th April for the temporary balance payments online facility.
Until then, our travel consultants are continuing to contact all customers who have telephoned (and left a message) and/or emailed us.
We very much appreciate our customers continued patience and understanding, and hope that this unfortunate temporary situation has not discouraged both previous and possible new customers from using our company.
Very Kindest Regards
David Clifford
Managing Director
Winter Sunshine Holidays
Thank you for your update and swift action to help alleviate this temporary problem. I have invited those members who contacted me off-forum to come back and have a look at this topic, in the hope that your assurances will now put their minds at ease and allow them to look forward to their holidays with confidence.
thank you david for your help i have had a pm off david clifford to try to sort it out once again a big thank you
many thanks to the forum I have regieved all the imformation needed for my holiday
Thanks David for all your help,it certainly puts my mind at rest. I got a pm from David Clifford this afternoon and also a message left on the answer machine. I will phone them tomorrow if no luck might try on tues to pay balance on line.Will keep you posted.
Sorry to hear of your two's experiences, I've mentioned before that I personally think Winter Sunshines service is great and I travel quite regularly (although I use Alpha if WSH don;t have the hotel I want to stay in).
I wouldn't know about deposit bookings tbh as I've only ever paid in full since the largest majority of my stays are 3/4 night breaks so its not usually worth paying a deposit, plus I leave it till quite late so I don't think it gives me the option.
On the flip side of this I think it says quite a bit about them that they bothered to come on here and let us know a) whats hapenning and b) whats gonna be don about it. Don't know if thats a comfort to you two or not.
Just my two pences worth

Success!!! Got through first attempt this morning, balance paid and I will get the accomodation voucher sent via e-mail within the next few days.

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