I normally do at least six hols/breaks a year, but not at this rate, unless I can save a few hundred on the actual holiday.
I really feel sorry for the expats, it must be hurting them now changing their pensions to euros. Not long ago they would have got €300'ish for £200, now around €220'ish - €80 loss on just £200!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm off to the Algarve in just over a month and I've got a few days away in Mallorca later on in the year and that's it, looks like a few hols in the UK this year perhaps, that's if the weather isn't as bleak as the euro.
It will be interesting to see which countries get hit next year, I imagine Cyprus may suffer. Benidorm, on the other hand could actually profit as it's cheap for food and drink and offers value.
I'm looking forward to May to see what the "late deal" offers are, maybe even the operators will cut back.
Anyone else thinking of sacrificing their hols, or cutting back?

Turkey, Bulgaria, Goa and Australia are more to my liking now.
I was thinking of the US, but the £ has even dropped against the $. I don't want a lot, just VFM.
Any suggestions?

My cutting back will be because I do about 4 to 6 short breaks on top of my hols - these will get "kicked into touch" unless the euro recovers above the 1.30 mark.

Went Full board in Turkey, but did eat out a couple of times and it didn't seem that cheap there, I am not sure why as traditionally it's been seen as a cheap place to holiday specifically for those who wish to go SC & eat and drink out all the time.
Perhaps Bulgaria or Egypt might be good for those looking to flee the Eurozone next summer. Although the later is a very different holiday from the Costas and Algarve.
There is always Tunisia and Morocco, they seem to have quite well established tourist industrys. They seem to have been in the brochures for the last 30 years or so, and the duration of the flights seem more comparable with Eurozone ones.
I predict 1.02 by 24th Decemberbut will climb in the New Year
I knew it would be down but not as far as it might
they are now saying the pound may be worth less than the euro
However the euro zone is yet to be hit hard be the recession. soon they too will need to reduce rates and counter balance the trade that will go to the uk and USA. Its a juggle but this correction will take time to level.
I'm skipping a trip to DLP because its already a rip off let alone with the euro so low but will still go to Spain in August
I feel sorry for all those expats out there in euroland. Retirement just got sour
My prediction for August

£1 for 1.10 euro
Certainly if we joined the euro now i'd need to seriously look at my holidays into Spain, etc
The only plus point is that i work for a French company, and my shares are in Euros .... they have soared over the last year when taking the conversion into account. Swings and roundabouts, eh?

Luckily we are going to Portugal this time instead of some places that have ridiculous prices, i remember Mallorca only a couple of weeks ago, meals were at least 10-15 euros each, thats more expensive than eating out in England!
Another problem I see is when eating out we'll be paying a tip also so the meals and drinks will be a lot more than the uk! Not that I don't tip in the uk but if we have a meal for 3 with drinks in Mallorca say, then we tip a couple of euros too but it'll be a bit harder now and maybe will have to just tip a euro at most! Seems a bit unfair but if we're eating out 3 times a day and there for 14 days it's a lot of money!
Sorry to say that Sterling has been inflated for the past 3-4yrs,the Credit Crunch has brought this home to roost.Dont expect the pound to get back to the giddy hights of 2$ to the pound 1.6-1.7 is where it should be,the good times have gone.
There is a chance that things will be better by then, as mentioned before the global reccesion hasn't really hit the euro zone all that hard yet.
€1.02 today! And it's going to get worse, say the "Experts".
€0.98 to the £ today according to this evenings news
1.015 in Benidorm today
I have just booked a holiday to Turkey so hope the TL doesnt collapse against the pound!
1.00 at the Barrel in Benidorm today.
I am the lucky one I get paid in Qatar Riyals and they are linked to the dollar just had a 20% pay rise so no complaints from here.And we decided before this leveling out of the pound to go to Turkey next year not our usual trip to Cyprus,and for our trip to Punta Cana in March I can buy my USD here so its win win at the moment.
Moving up quietly, it will get to that €1.30 mark eventually......
Hope it improves, we are off in a few weeks
Gordon Brown seems hell bent on lowering the interest rates yet again on Thursday. If the markets havent already allowed for it, the pound will plummet again

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