I too have the tins you have to open with a can opener, they are brilliant they are not that easy to get into even with a tin opener.
I am usually terrible at saving as i always seem to borrow from it and not put it back.
But I have been saving like mad since last April when i booked for a surprise holiday to the Iberostar costa Dorada Dominican Republic

If i can do it i am sure you can all do it, just put what you can in the tin when you can and just forget about it you will be surprised how it mounts up.

Good Luck


Of course, taking cash out weekly and using that for spends instead of debit card increases the chances of acquiring some.
Lyns, that's great! I take it he knows nothing about this until when?
Just hope he doesn't come on here and read your message!
No he doesnt know a thing. Hopefully he wont find out anything untill we go, we have hatched a few plans (sorry this is going to be long and boring)His brother is going to tell him in the summer he is taking tim on a golfing trip for his birthday to perhaps Ireland but will change it to spain costa dorada (He will need to pack the right sort of clothes Hot ) and the airport will change from bristol to gatwick we have booked hotel for the night before him and his brother in one room and me and sister-in-law in the other we are going to take them to airport and he will think i have driven car home again but i will be parking it for the 2 weeks by this time they should be in their rooms (I have found a luggage courier who will collect my case and my sister-in-laws and deliver them to the hotel and the hotel is happy to except them http://www.carrymyluggage.com i dont know if anyone can recomend them) and we can then check in we wont come out then untill we check out and go to airport. I did have a problem with him getting his jabs but i thnk i can arrange them for his work as i know his is out of date and need to be redone. Hopefully he wont suspect anything.
Hi Chivas69
He doesnt like the computer i think i am quite safe there.
All the best Lyn

Imagine if you could bring him out a beer whilst he's having a snooze on a sunlounger!
I will say something like
do you really think i would let you go abroad with out me lol
He will probably be dissapointed untill we tell him where we are really going and for 2 weeks not the 3 days golfing

I wouldn't be able to contain my excitement for the overnight at Gatwick. I think I'd be inclined to let him think he's going to Spain golfing with his mate (as your treat?) but then spring it on him in the morning as you are about to leave.
Last September I booked a surprise holiday to Mexico for my hubby's 55th birthday. I told him we were going to Turkey (where we usually go) and didn't let on until we got to the airport. He was thrilled and loved it so much we are going back this September - only this time he is paying!!
i am so excited about it now and it is so hard not being able to mention it when he is around i am like a little kid (i am 48)
Hi denny.53
This will be our first time abroad.
And i think my hubby is going to be thrilled also so much so he will want to do it again next year and as you say he can PAY LOL

2 year ago my wife got me up in the morning for work and told me I was running a wee bit late!!
We had our kiss and cuddle as per norm..And as soon as I was about to leave through the front door she said!!!! GARRY YOU HAVE FORGOT SOMETHING>>!!!!!!
YES Take a look outside, She said

So I opened my front door ,only to see two mates sitting in a taxi waiting on me..!!!
WHAT THE XXXX ....I said
My wife then handed me 1 return flight ticket to Bordeaux with 1 football ticket for my team..
She knows what strings to pluck with me...!!!
The moral of this story is that MEN ( me anyway) Love a wee surprise now and again, and Iam sure your hubby will love his 50th birthday surprise .
With so much thought and planning .. How can you go wrong .

WOW what a lovely surprise you had.
I am sure he will be pleased and not cross with me LOL
i did ask him if he wanted a party but he said he didnt want any fuss oops
Got another 2x £2 coins from Asda last night. I'm finding I'm deliberately handing over notes even when I have change, just in case I get a £2 back. Sad.
I've got £70 now - that's an extra £20 of £2 in less than 3 weeks - plus I removed the £1 coins I had in there (not many) as I needed some dosh. Mustn't do that with the rest of it.
My tin feels pretty heavy now , I'm going to save until the beginning of June and then have the grand opening ceremony followed by 3 weeks of taking the coins to the bank 5 bags at a time
£110 now - that's another £40 in a month and that's been done by only using cash and not debit card.
My tin feels pretty heavy now too. I was going to open it at Easter when we go to Beni, but as weRe only going for a week, I've decided to keep it until August when we go to the Dom Rep - unless its full 1st
Glad I didn't listen to 'friends' who wanting to go out suggested I delve into the holiday fundage. I try to explain to them that the odd night out here and there will not jeopardise my fortnight in the sun and if I don't have the dosh for boozing this month, then I don't have the dosh.

I am still doing very well with me holiday saving i have got way over £1000 saved now.
I am not going to Dominican Republic untill October but i am going in August to cornwall so I am going to keep going,
Well done Every one.

I also have a little money box that I save 5p, 2p and 1p coins in and so far I have got £25 from that all bagged up .
only 10 weeks till my holiday now and I can't wait.

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