There's always loose change hanging about our house. My sons colect them in tins, trays and everything you can think of. Muggings here usually ends up counting and bagging the money. Problem is the building society savings accounts are only willing to take about 5 bags of loose change at a time. So it takes an age to try and get it all into the account. Are the banks willing to change a limitless amount in one go, does anyone know?
Dunno Shirley, but if you have a bookies by you, try there.
Hiya Shirley, was wondering if you have an Asda close to you? because ours has one of those machines where you put all your loose change into it, then prints out a reciept... you then take it to the til/customs desk, and they pay out in "proper money"!
Those machines take quite a high commission though, around 7%.
Think our local post office take change too.
Yes, that's our problem as our accounts are with the B. Society and not a bank. I don't think a bank would change it directly. As someone said, they put it into your account for you to withdraw it. Do you think the post office would change it (if you don't have an account with them).

we have just counted our tin with £2 coins and we had £1782 yes i cant believe it either & my jar with copper in had £182.65 in but when i get a £2 coin i will not spend it even if i am skint we had a big tall tin and my husband superglued the lid on so its well worth it would'nt you say
look forward to spending it in icmeler 54 more sleeps
cheers dodge

i change mine at the bank but like has already been said you need an acc with them to do it, as far as i am aware the post office wont take more than about £20 depending on what the coins are but most wont change more than a couple of £ of coppers, in the past ive used the coinstar machine at asda and as its only coppers i do there im not really bothered about the 7% as it also saves me counting it out too
Wow Dodge. How long has it taken you to save that much. I'm the only one who does it here, and I usually get around £120 over a year. I will never spend them either.
we saved 800 in anything under and including £2 coins in just 6 weeks ,this may , been back 3 weeks now and got £350 already towards our next holiday when i can find one last minute . my hubby terrible he just raids my purse so if i got a five pound note then im ok . we must change 2 £20 notes every day .he things it great but i think its just false econmy .but if hes happy with his little self who cares /
We also save £2 coins and also small silver. I have just changed £300.00 and put 100 in Nationwide. As we ususally go to Europe we try to change into Euros so we are not tempted to spend it. However, with the Euro being so poor at the moment we are using Nationwide instead. We have a tin which we keep all the pennies etc we find on the floor or wherever during the year. By New Year we may be able to afford a pint or maybe two!

that was from last sept but still saving get a few extra pennies to spend in icmeler in aug cant wait
cheers dodge

Our holiday funds have took a bit of a hammering this past week -
the flat roof on our dormer decided to *die* and it wasn't covered on the insurance

And then the combi-boiler decided to go on strike and wouldn't produce any hot water!

The boiler man came and discovered another fault on the boiler (he showed us the part so we
knew he wasn't trying to pull a fast one).
So now the roof and boiler are fixed, and the holiday fund is broke!

I am definitely going to take a leaf out of your book Dodge, and start my 2009 fund after this holiday.

Have you walked into my life this week?

First of all, the car needed taxed. Then said same car needed service and mot. Same

That came to a total cost of £424.96. Absolutely gutted. That was the start of our holiday spends for September.
Then if all that wasn't bad enough, got in the shower and it's broken too.

What savings we did have, has not gone completely. Thank god we're AI. You still need some money though don't you?
Think it may be time to sell of my beloved Radley bags on ebay.

Sick them on Emma - I'm dying to have one, but can't afford them new
And I've already started on selling stff on ebay now.
(Not as good as it used to be though - the ebay/paypalfees and increased postal charges
don't half make a big dent in your profit.

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