Hi Black Night and katysclan, I thinks that's it in a nutshell, an all english hotel abroad just doesn't work, I enjoy meeting other nationals and I think thats what I missed. All inclusive is a bit of a rip off in popular destinations such as spain, turkey etc. The only time I would go AI again is long haul, in places like the caribean where it isn't recommended that you go off site the AI is superb and as it should be.
With regards to the mossies, there seems to be an epidemic, it truely wasn't that bad when we were there, the little blighters were around but not as bad as it seems to be now, again this is something that they must address immediately.
keep moaning at the reps about mozzies, surley ,first choice should pay to have that lovely swamp near by,fumigated,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,well swamps mozzies and british beef fresh every 2 weeks....lol think the mozzies are getting a great deal..the doctors n medical staff are happy.constant sick holidaymakers.............................its not good enough from first choice, they built the place next to a swamp..................and if id have found this out when we booked,i would have never booked...................sorry but swamps mozzies heat humans n food with flies = sick........................guests...............do you get a mozzy net to cover youre beds.this is when they will eat you alive....................................lol lol
Like others have said, I feel drawn like a magnet to this thread even though I stayed at PP in July.
In September, I was thinking, gosh more and more people are enjoying their holidays, and hearing about the improved entertainment etc, was starting to feel a bit envious, and wished we had gone in Sept.
Then the last week or so, soooooo many complaints again!! Perhaps october is mozzie season i dont know, and maybe they are winding down for the winter, and aren't so keen to impress??
In July we sprayed ourselves every night and only got about 5 bites in 2 weeks, which I for I was very happy with, as normally I get bitten about 30 times a week on holiday in Greece etc.
All I can say, we had a great time, and will be popping in from time to time over the next 2 years, and hopefully, would return in about 3/4 years, providing the hotel does not go downhill further.

I know we werent there in july but the complaints in september were the same complaints that we read in july. The difference was in peoples expectations, after some horrific reports in july and august, we went expecting the worst and it wasnt like we were expecting, we thought it was quite good, its only when you get back home,and start comparing this holiday with others in the past...and the others in most cases were far better, and cheaper than this, one.
if our grankids were aged 7 and 9 again i wouldnt hesitate to bring them here,because for kids it must be like the magic land in pinnochio, for a couple without kids, it aint the same. We looked enviously at families who had kids just wishing ours were that age again.
if youve got kids then,( as marty mcfly said in back to the future "your kids are gonna love it" ) you,ll have a great time
With our experience, because the kids were having a great time it put a smile on our faces and stopped us dwelling on how much we just wanted to come home. I agree that if we hadn't got any kids i would of payed for a flight home alot sooner than our departing date. Our kids loved the kids clubs and were going to 4/5 sessions a day and loved every minute and we were left with not alot to do as entertainment was very poor etc. So even if you have got kids it doesn't mean that you'll have a great time.
HiJoand Beth, We where at the PP the same time as you, the only let down was the adult entertainment, (none existant), i felt the second week was better, recarding the dining situation i have never been to a hotel where you are allowed to do as you please, i think FC and the Pegasos chain need to address some rules and reculations, also at the back of the brouchre it states code of conduct, but at the PP the conduct of some poeple was totally out of order if they had been in another hotel i feel some off the people at the pp would have been asked to leave or had a warning off the Manager or FC ,as i have seen this in more than once in other hotels, i have never seen so much disrecarde for a hotel in all the 15 years i have been going abroad, lets hope FC sort everything out for next year as the hotel will not last the 5 year contract FC have got, or they will sell it to the German company FC own.
it would have to have been a very brave manager to warn some of the people i saw at the palace.about their behavior or dress in the dining room....i think he might of ended up in hospital
black knight
Though it isn't really funny at the end of the day, but very, very true... I witnessed one "gentleman"(if that's the right word
) roll up a table cloth and quite literally throw it with considerable force at a waiter and then say "Clean this ****ing table
... didn't even say please
LOL Though it isn't really funny at the end of the day, but very, very true... I witnessed one "gentleman"(if that's the right word

I personally found some of the entertainment very good (Tom Jones - Fab, Hypnotist - very good) admittedly we did not bother much with the entertainment once the childrens disco had finished, we preferred to go for a drink inside as we were paranoid about getting bitten.
Pools were fab, cleanliness of rooms fab, friends we made were fab.
I don't no about you but i'm glad i didn't cancel as i originally wanted to, but i wouldn't go again

Hi Jo and Beth, W e did enjoy it we had a great time in the day, but when it came to the nightime, we found this very boring, we had no problems with mozzies, some of the people on our coach on the way home i throught where out of order, nearly everyword was f.... place , we wanted english food, where was the f.... bacon and sausage, them calling their children f..... b...... infront of everyone, them are the sort of people who put you of gpong AI, like i said i have been on 9AI and never seen so many poeple swearing, children ruinning around the place as through it was a playground, where are the rules and regulations of code of conduct, alot of popele where making complaints about the food, so when we came back i looked on other hotels reviews and the menu is the same what ever 4 star hotel you go in, i never saw any uncooked food, but we never eat in the inside restarant at all i throught it was to much like a school canteen.
We tried to watch a couple of the evening entertainment shows but they were rubbish. So we would have a game of cards and a few drinks and go to bed early. Never saw any bad behaved teenagers it was the badly behaved adults that stole the show.

It is better than a soap opera here, had a quiet moment so thought would check out the site to see if anything has changed.
We went in August and had a fab time, my kids 11 & 8 absolutely loved it, the food was ok always something I fancied, I did eat a lot of salads and the kebabs were lovely. My wife and I were ok with the choice of AI drinks, but again I new that before I went, the kids clubs were the best I have seen, well done to those FC Staff.
The two issues I had with the place and I am sorry to reiterate a few of the earlier comments, but I thought the evening entertainment was poor, we spent the evening chatting with fellow guests which was great but a little piped in music would have been welcome. But the thing that really got me was the behaviour of some of the guests, if I had been a member of staff I would have made sure that dress code in the restaurant meant no topless diners at least a t-shirt and shorts as a minimum below, general conduct and disrespect of the turkish people and other british people left me aghast, constant moaning, why do people like this go abroad, personally I am looking for sunshine, time with the family and experience of a different culture and food, if this is not what you are looking for stay at home and stop bothering others....... enough said
(I usually can) ........ I sked this groop of people what seems to be their problem. Their problem centered around the fact that none of the "F*****G native speak F*****G english !!!! And the food is S***E.
I asked what they felt was wrong with the food ....... They said "It's just F*****G S***E" I then asked then what expectations that had of the food when they bought the holiday, they replied "Good english food"
It was then I nearlt lost it...... I remonstrated with them for their bad language in front of children, and told them to be a little more respectful to the bar staff, and they might find they get a better service !!!!
I can't stand oafs ......
i have to say this was only my 2nd experiance of ai,we went to mexico 2 yrs ago and the food ect was set out exactly the same(canteen style as some of you have said )so how is ai normaly set out then,do u not normaly have to queue for your food at an ai hotel or is it just the 2 hotels i have stayed at?im interested to know?as for entertainment we thought it was ok there was plenty on every night(we went end of sep).....in mexico we had a simerler problem with other guests except in our case they were all american with no manners and very rude!!!so dont think u can win wherever you go ! i would not go back as a couple as i did feel it was more aimed at familys but we did enjoy it and met some great people there...
and i know that there are bad mannered,arrogant and mindless people wherever you go, its just that in the last two weeks in september pegasus palace seemed to have cornered the market in that respect.
I also have been to mexico on an AI, and I found the americans to be rude and arrogant whilst on holidat, but lovely in their own country
I was there the last 2 weeks of September, and didn't encounter any rude guests, unless you class one father letting his daughter pull her bikini bottoms down next to the kids pool at the tropical and have a wee there, even though the toilets were no more than 20 foot away, as rude!! A lot of people complained and they were told by the rep that it was totally unacceptable to let her do that as there were a lot of younger children and babies around. The maintenance guy came straight round with his water testing kit too. He denied it at first until the people next to them spoke up and said she did. Disgusting!!
We had quite a lot of Dutch people there when we were. I for one would rather be in an all English hotel than have Russians there!! The Russians love Turkey and if you think the English are obnoxious, try being with Ruskies. They drink til they fall over, from morning til night while their wives come down to the pool dripping with gold and full make up on. Strange. They are rudest people I have ever come accross. The only consolation is that you don't know what they're saying about you, but believe me, they are!!
All I can say is, I must have had some pretty c**p holidays, as I loved this place. I wouldn't go back though, after having my acute allergic reaction to the mossies!!
The one thing that ruined it for me was the mozzies without a doubt
any questions i will be online for about another hour
hi everyone, can anyone who has been recently tell me if the scateboarding ramp is open as my son wants to take his scateboard with him
we arrived back on the 7th oct and during our stay the skate board ramp looked complete and ready to use but we didn't see any one use it. I think that was only because no one had use of a skateboard. I did however see 2 of the boses talking to a man who was showing them all kinds of skateboard etc. I think they will most probably be getting some to hire out. Hope this is of help.

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