I'm not interested in personal insults as it will be removed by an admin sooner or later so all I will say is whats applicable to the resort.
It doesent spoil my entertainment it just goes to prove the general attitude of people there which seemed to be 'I've paid my money so I will do what I want. Get drunk, be selfish, insult the locals, moan, moan, moan'.
You seem to be the one getting very irrate over this, I am just giving my opinion (which you can't seem to handle given the fact that you seem to find the need to write in RED and BOLD)
If you want insults I will oblige

... oh and by the way, yes I did pay my money for all of us as a Family so therefore we did do what we wanted to a certain degree... ain't that what you do on holiday???
you poor,poor soul... if you think that's an insult
hello,we have just returned from pegasos palace and I have been reading the messages.I want to say that yes we booked this holiday mainly with the children in mind but as a couple who do not go out in the evenings at home as we do not have baby sitters available we were really pleased that for two nights out of the fourteen FC offered adult entertainment our children did not go to club every evening but on these two nights we did take them as the reps did advise that the content would be adult on these nights family entertainment was available at the tropical,as far as we could see mmany of the children on those nights were not even sitting with their parents FC did a fantastic job and did not say that children were not allowed but they were trying to offer entertainment for all and unfortunately some people were not prepared to work with them to enable all the people on holiday had the oppotunity to enjoy themselves incidentially we do not use foul language and we too enjoy being with our children when on holiday but we also like to protect their innocence and so followed the reps advice and took our children to club.We did not suffer any tummy troubles at all as we were careful to take our children for their food and picked out what we ate with care I feel that the complex staff did an incredible job feeding us all and the supper at the end of the evewning was a bonus we have been to all inclusives before and I would rate this as one of the best ever!
So sorry its nothing to do with the chefs at the resort that my son got food poisoning..... We are all entitled to our opinion. I am very glad to all off you who had a great time out there but those of us who didn't don't knock us for giving our view. I have been to places all around the world and this is one place i would not like to go back to. To all of those who found the food good don't knock those of us who didn't.
HI Spurs1971, Hve you been tol Turkey before in an AI hotel, as from the reviews of other hotels in Turkey, suncity, and other 3-4 strar hotel in Turkey the food was not much differant, was it because some if the food was cold, my only i compaint about the food was the tiny portions, like the barbacue night steak cut up in very small slices and the chicken also cut up in small slices the fish was ok , but to small to enjoy, the reps said that next year FC are bringing out another head chef and giving the hotel more money to spend on food, but as reqards the entertainment i have founf that every hotel which is just for FC have problems with the entertainment, the lack of it. What also annoyed me was the hotel had problems having enough beakers to go round in August, but when you looked round by the pools their was children always throwing beakeres in the pool day and nigh, thats why their was a shortage. as for the Rif Raf who went to this hotel if you can call them that, adults swearing at the staff, chefs, barmen, reception staff, reps, one night me and my husband went to fetch my 16yearopld son to come to bed it was around 12.30am and we saw a 50yearold man urinating over the bridge which took you to the themed restarants, as he was urinating he hit a girl on the head and he was then taken to his room by the staff on reception, how discusting is that, those are the people who put you off going AI ever again.
Some of the many things that annoyed me were the parents who stupidly allowed their children to dive and somersault off the wall at the end of the pool at the pegasus despite their being big warning displays. Had one of these children broken the backs the parents would be the first to start criticising FC and the hotel. Like wise the young teenage girls flirting outrageously with the staff (all teenager girls flirt I no but we are in a foreign countryand some were very drunk) whilst they were on and off duty, and the paretns who at the 9.oopm slot of the childrens club who hadn't bothered to enrol theirs effing and bing because they couldn't get their children in. The FCkids club reps deserve medals, not only have they to cope with the hasstle of ensuring children are signed in and out but lazy irate drunken parents who couldn't be bothered to entrol kids in the first place. Oh happy days!!
I will say if you are due to go the please take oral antihistemines and cream for the mozzies bites as they are really bad. My hubby never gets bitten and he had to see the doctor within 3 days as he had an allegic reaction and they got infected. this really did let the holiday down so please i know it has been said before but go extra prepared. Someone out there had a thing from Boots it cost around £5 and you put it on your bite and click, it gives a little shock ( and I mean little) but it takes the itch away, it did work I had a go. It is small and fab, I will remember it for next time.
Just to add about the kids club, at this time in the season you do not sign up the day before for the kids clubs you just turn up at the session you want, we had no problems.
The place is fantastic and we really enjoyed it but just have your wits about you and don't get involved in some of the hassle that goes on. Anyone going out soon - i'm sure you will have a fab time it was really good.
hi there, i'm really confused, should i take sterling, euro's or lira or a bit of them all?
I wish we had done it the other way around. Sterling is OK for the market but day to day its easier in Lira. Yes they take both and Euro but they still give prices in Lira first.
Have fun its a wonderful place.
I recommend getting up at 6am, walk to the beach and watch the sun rise over the mountains. Its quite a sight.
If this is not the case and you are going to a small, resort (off the beaten track) take no more that £50 for you first 36 hours. Small villages and towns give the worst exchange rate ( but again 7 times out of ten will have a ATM
The Hole in the Wall is your best bet and even more so if you are a NATIONWIDE BS customer they... out of all the main high steet branches charge nonpence for withdrawls except for your exchange rate (normally the banks own interbank rate which is top dollar / Lira if you see where i'm comming from)
I have not taken sterling trav checks for a long time but this said if you you want something in reserve these are a good fall back but make sure you get the best cashing deal ( no commision) or free to exchnage when brought back to UK.
As for the ATM in the local village, its a mobile one that is not their all the time. As mentioned do check how much your bank will charge to withdraw money overseas.
I took the above advice and only took small amounts of Lira. Sterling is fine for the market but buying things else where they will round up for sterling but wont for Lira. You'll need Lira for the taxi and if you do the Fethiye market trip most of the 'corner shops' will only take Lira. Also on the Daylan mud bath trip (well worth it) when they stop for lunch the drinks need to be payed for. Again they want Lira otherwise you'll give them a £5 for 4 cans of coke and wont get any change. At the Turtle beach they want Lira and 25cents to go to the toilet.
If you were getting huge profits in changing the money out there it would be worth it but I did not find it worth the effort. They only seem to like the £ as they can round it up and screw us Brits.
We found it best to pay for trips and swim kids in English as it worked out cheaper than paying in lira. Also the leather and jewellers in the town prefer stirling. It is better in the supermarkets etc to pay in lira as they never have change if you pay in english. The supermarket in the hotel is very expensive compared to the shops inthe village, so if you have to go to the village then get all your crisps, lilo's etc there. We took equal amounts of stirling and lira and spent it all
The choice is yours.
We had a Turkish bath in the Hotel which is £19 if you don't buy from the rep, if you pay the rep it is only £16! It was nice but I had the man and he was a bit hard, I was flinching and he did mark me, but then I bruise easily, my hubby loved it (he had the lady) he said she was hard too but then thats what its all about! I have never had a proper massage so I was not expecting it. You go into the sauna then they come and get you,they lay you on a warm marble slab and exfolite your skin by wearing this big mitten, they rub you all over, this to me was rough! then they pour water over you, then they put foam over you and rub and massage you, this then get rinsed off and you have towels put round your head and body and you go and relax on a sunlounger. After I had had this I felt really refreshed and it was nice, just best to go in knowing what to expect!
The inflation rate in Turkey today is 10.5% it was 67% in 1998. The transfer to the YTL has made a big difference and the major Supermarkets (always good indication on what the prices a realy like for the average Turk shows in a general basket as they do here to see price comparisons etc turkish supermarkets and I mean the likes of Tansas, Gima, Migro...etc are not far off what you pay in the uk. Alchol excepted as the tax in Turkey is still lower. Having said that in the middle of 2005 Cigs and boooze were increased (in tax terms rates) by 35-40% hence the higher price you paid this summer . Cards both credit and debit are much more widely excepted now and with chip and pin ,no need for your passport and you can pay in whatever you like as the till gives the change as per and worked out for you on your recipt in lira.
Hi,in the small supemarkets in sarigerme you could pay in stirling and they would give you the change in lira but they gave you a good rate of 2.3 to 2.4 which was much better than in the hotel. The shops in the hotel would only give 2 lira to the pound. Also with the tom watch i think your better of paying with euros because you pay £50 and you only get 66 euros which is 1.32 to the pound and you can get euros in some places over here for 1.42. It works out roughly that you only save about about £3.50ish but it all adds up if you spend alot on the tom watch.

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