I phoned CS and of course its now in India. I had to repeat everything several times including spelling using the phonetic alphabet. After about 10 mins I was told they could only speak to the passenger. This was a new one on me as BA already has me down as being able to deal with his flights. This is on the silver line by the way. Goodness knows what it would have been like on the general one. Eventually we were told the only option was a 9.30 flight. By this time it was 7.40. Mad rush to get to the airport on time. He did make it. However, when the flight is cancelled so late on wouldn't it better CS to actuslly phone and help rearrange, especially as there was a connecting flight. It was only luck that he checked his messages right away.
As it was a cancelled flight I did look to see if he was able to claim under EU 261 but it turned out that the cancellation was one of several due to wind conditions above 30000m- apparently they need to free some airspace.
Alls well in the end- he was going to run the Cologne marathon and has finished in the top 10% with 3 hrs 28 mins. Not bad for a 56 year old! (and he had left his running watch behind being charged, as he had to finish packing so quickly. )
Maybe I shoudn't have said all's well in the end, quite so soon. He still has to get home!!
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2017-10-01 14:11:36