Egypt Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Egypt.
basic phrases
75 Posts
Every time we are in Nuweiba, a lot of the staff who know us well address my daughter with "abDullah!", to which she replies the same. I would consider Abdullah to be a name but it appears to be used in a sort of friendly, derogatory way. Does anyone know the actual meaning of this expression? Maybe "plonker" or similar?
As far as I'm aware its just a name!
Heres a few I forgot to put down before...

Kiiv el hal - how are you?
Aziyak - hello
Anna Ahebbak - i love you

I'm bored.....!!
Thanks Cath, thats really really helpful!!!
Mesh Mumkin = Not possible.

Becam de = How much is this?

Ralee = roll the 'r' = expensive (always gasp before saying that one).

Quais = good

Mesh quais = not good

I'm still learning but blimey it's hard!
Thats really good!

The "expensive" one will come in handy when i'm trying to haggle!

I will have to print these pages off!

The Quais words... is the Qu said like in spanish like "Que" as in K or is the word pronounced as if its got a W in it?

(Does anyone get what I mean, or am I being really confusing)!!!!

Sorry :hmmm
Hi all,
Just wondered if anyone give me some basic phrases for when i am in egypt, you know please, thank you etc
thanks julie
Hi Julie,
We found some phrases on hope this helps.
:D :D :D :D :D :D
I found some really good language guides on the ras mohamad website.

click for the info pack on here and there is some good stuff to help you through your holiday.

I also found that simply saying "Shokran" put a smile on their faces, it just shows that you are making an effort and its greatly appreciated.
thanks for that, will get practising, some words are abit hard to say, but sure i will get hang of them
julie :)
Folks, for those of you wanting to try the lingo, this site allows you to click on a word or phrase and you can hear someone speak it so that you can learn the pronounciation

many thanks for that jilly will come in very useful:)
Hi Goldun, dont know about you, but I am finding it quiet difficult with the pronouncations! Practice makes perfect I suppose. As long as I can master a few phrases ( I think its polite to have at least a smattering of phrases to be seen to be trying instead of expecting everyone to speak English) then our hosts in Egypt can help us perfect.

yep it certainly is quite tricky with some of the pronouncation, will be very useful for basic please and thank you and pick a bit more up when in Egypt, much the same as yourself always try to have a couple of basic phrases to go with as i find most people appreciate the any efforts to understand their own language.

Thanks for the site once again jilly :)
Cracking site!
Very helpful, only just found it, it's gone on my favourites!
Drummer, it is an excellent site, have found out many things on it!

Glad to have found it and glad I could share it!

the best way to learn is still to be in egypt and speaking to them. such a hard language to learn. helps if you can roll your R's.
you can get some strange looks sometimes but overall they are always pleased to help you along!
Good site Jilly - I had a link to another site but no pronunciation on it. This makes it bit easier. Always like to know basics. :D


I would dearly like to know the following:
No hasstle please, I just want to look... in arabic and how to pronounce
if you just say to them La Shukran which is no thank you they get the message!!
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