Hi in sha'allaah nearly always automatically follows each sentence.
ahlan wa sahian = hello, nice to meet you
SabaaH ilkheer = good morning
misaa' ilkheer = good evening
izzayyak = how are you (to a man)
izzayyik = how are you (to a woman)
itneen biira min faDlak = two beers please
ashuufik bukra, in sha'allaah = i'll see you tomorrow god willing
ismak 'eeh = what is your name? (to a man)
ismik 'eeh = what is your name (to a woman)
isma ?? = my name is ??
maasa laama = goodbyebi kam = how much?
mumkin = possible
mish mumkin = not possible
ghaali 'awi = very expensive - this is a good one to use with taxi drivers and shop keepers!
bi balaash = free
tawarek - emergency
men fadlak - please
shay - tea
sokkar - sugar
haliyb - milk
bekam - how much does it cost
badel - change
Kollo Sana wa into tayibeen - It is used for most occasions: Christman, Eed, New year, Birthday etc.
Kollo Sana wa inta tayib : said to a male
Kollo Sana wa inti tayiba: said to a female
Kollo Sana wa into tayibeen: said to a group of people
tammam means "good" "fine" "cool" "perfect and you can also answer miya miya - means 100%
ma-sa-ul-khayr - good afternoon!!
tafad-dal - how are you?
min ay-na anta? Where are you from?
ana inglezi - I am English
hal tata qualam inglesia - do you speak English
My mum is diabetic so this is handy - anaa ma-rii-th bis-suk-kar - I am diabetic
ah-taaj in-su-liin - I need insulin
When inviting someone to have a drink, say tishrab 'eeh? (to a man) or tishrabi 'eeh? (to a woman).
doorit amyya - lavatory
takyiif hawa - air conditioning
mish shaghgaal -not workiing
bit bos ala eh? What are you looking at useful for the women!
imshi - go away - another useful one
huwa zowgi - and another - he is my husband
El ham dulilah - thank god/bless you if you sneeze
Enta magnune - you are crazy to male
Enti magnuna - you are crazy to female
There is no letter P so you will hear them say Bebsi, Shob etc.
Hope you will find some of these useful x