PARKY45 wrote:I'll do it the same way as the Greeks and worry about it tomorrow.

I'm sick of hearing about the whole euro thing, It's like watching a slow train crash, I just wish it would hurry up.
Sanji x
well Cyprus will be jumping on the footplate with them in the next few days
Sanji wrote:PARKY45 wrote:I'll do it the same way as the Greeks and worry about it tomorrow.
I'm sick of hearing about the whole euro thing, It's like watching a slow train crash, I just wish it would hurry up.
Sanji x
Me too , there are people in Greece who can't afford to buy food and all people seem to be able to think about, is will it mean I can buy a few more beers on me holiday

Apparently so bad now that when folk do a supermarket shop those with money leave a few bits in a trolley outside for people who can't afford enough food to help themselves too.

doe wrote:Sanji wrote:PARKY45 wrote:I'll do it the same way as the Greeks and worry about it tomorrow.
I'm sick of hearing about the whole euro thing, It's like watching a slow train crash, I just wish it would hurry up.
Sanji x
Me too , there are people in Greece who can't afford to buy food and all people seem to be able to think about, is will it mean I can buy a few more beers on me holidaytragic
Apparently so bad now that when folk do a supermarket shop those with money leave a few bits in a trolley outside for people who can't afford enough food to help themselves too.
I'm sure the majority of our members are concerned about the hardships that the greek people are enduring right now, the fact that many are still choosing to go to Greece where hopefully they can buy a few more beers which will in a small way help put money back into the coffers of a country which relies heavily on income from tourists can only be a help. Surely the more money holiday makers can receive for their pounds the more money they can pay into the Greek economy. I really can't see what is tragic about people discussing their holiday currency.This is after all a holiday discussion site.
Edited by
2012-06-29 08:57:42
I hardly think a few beers are going to help them out of their problems. Germany lent 29 billion, France 23 billion, UK 9 billion, still as its the Germany thats hell bent on a federal euroupe I guess it's only fair they pay for it. :rofl. Are u going there then Judith to help them out of their problems
No I'm not, but I am sending parcels of food and clothes to the country are you?
Perhaps you could post the link of the food parcel charity as I am sure many would want to do this.
doe wrote:Whilst I don't want to get into a debate on a public board as to which charities I do and do not give to, all our clothes that we no longer need go to charity.
Perhaps you could post the link of the food parcel charity as I am sure many would want to do this.
As this discussion has now gone off topic I'm sure the mods would be pleased if we returned to discussing the OP.
Sorry mix ups with the quote and edit facility
Mods is this the thread in which we should be discussing the Greek currency and Euros Please? I thought that's what this thread was about but according to Doe, we are tragic to be thinking in such terms of wanting more euros to spend there
Do you think about starving people everytime you eat? Do you feel guilty and tragic talking about going on holidays when many third world people can only dream of a holiday?
shirley h wrote:Mods is this the thread in which we should be discussing the Greek currency and Euros Please? I thought that's what this thread was about but according to Doe, we are tragic to be thinking in such terms of wanting more euros to spend there :think
I read Doe's post:-
doe wrote:Me too , there are people in Greece who can't afford to buy food and all people seem to be able to think about, is will it mean I can buy a few more beers on me holidaytragic
Apparently so bad now that when folk do a supermarket shop those with money leave a few bits in a trolley outside for people who can't afford enough food to help themselves too.
As to meaning that because of the drop in the Euro she feels sorry for the Greek people who are struggling with their economy and maybe not having enough money to live off. Whereas we, the British holidaymakers are getting more for our money which enables us to buy a few more beers on holiday. So IMO Doe is still on topic, she is no more off topic than when, earlier in the thread, mortages were used as an example of what the Euro crisis may represent.
All posts are monitored on HT and have been for at least 8 years by our moderators, most with 8 years experience, please feel reassured that if a topic is deemed to be way off topic we will of course step in.

Glynis, it's not just a case of a post going off topic, it's about the poster belittling the members who were asking about the exchange rate. It's not unreasonable to search around for the best rates is it or should people expect any old rate.
Yes it's bad for the People (some) in Greece but I made a harmless comment about some extra beers and you think I'm tragic? Did I really mean 'so what if the Greeks are starving , at least I can have a few extra beers?' Because thats how Doe's post seemed to be written?
Am I glad the euro is weakening against the Pound? Absolutely!!!!!!!!!!! Do I want people to starve? erm, No!!!!! Seems daft even connecting the two!
Edited by
2012-06-29 14:42:13
It doesn't matter which country I travel to for my holidays, I always want the best rate available for the money I have to spend. I thought most people did that. I certainly wouldn't accept the first rate I was offered. I am going to Greece in a few weeks time, so any extra Euros will be going directly into their economy. Greece is not the only country which is struggling, there are many others, Egypt, Cyprus and now it appears Spain. I'm presuming that tourists to these countries want the best value for their money too
Helen T wrote:It doesn't matter which country I travel to for my holidays, I always want the best rate available for the money I have to spend. I thought most people did that. I certainly wouldn't accept the first rate I was offered. I am going to Greece in a few weeks time, so any extra Euros will be going directly into their economy. Greece is not the only country which is struggling, there are many others, Egypt, Cyprus and now it appears Spain. I'm presuming that tourists to these countries want the best value for their money too
shirley h wrote:Glynis, it's not just a case of a post going off topic, it's about the poster belittling the members who were asking about the exchange rate. It's not unreasonable to search around for the best rates is it or should people expect any old rate.
Shirley I don't read Doe's post as belittling? I read it as her having an opinion and using, as many people do, the price of a drink as a for instance.
I actually use the price of a drink as a guide as to how much I'll save, for example if TC were to give me £2 more than M&S I'd think 'Oh that's the price of a large beer' But I don't feel offended by Doe's post and certainly not belittled by it.
This matter is now closed. Doe's topic has been cleared as on topic so let's all move on.

So it's allright for a member to have a little dig at another member as long as it stays on topic?

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