Goa Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Goa.
I think it may just be the Indian way. We have stayed all inclusive twice at the same hotel. Everytime we got a drink/meal etc we had to sign a receipt showing our room number. They knew us by name and by room number so it wasn't as if they were verifying that we were guests. Couldn't understand it. Also in Newtons they won't let you take bags etc/drinks etc in and follow you around like a criminal!!!

:que :que :que
I had the same trouble!!! On the way back I went to Mumbai and did nothing but shop for the day and the staff just followed me all round the shop...they were right in my personal space all the time - about half a metre away constantly. The final straw was when it was getting late, i was getting tired and again a guy followed me round the shop, I noticed that there were a couple of locals in the shop and they werent getting followed. I said to the guy - "Can i ask you a question" he said "yes" so i said "How come you are following me around the store but no - one is following the couple over there" again I got a blank expression but I think his collegued heard as he shouted to the guy and moved his arms around as if to say stay away from them!!! Not to be put off - i asked the question again!!! the answer was "We just want to serve you" ...but i wasnt so sure.

As regards to the bag thing I noticed that too as i had a "Man bag" :) , if anyone said we couldnt come in without leaving the bag with security I refused to go in and walked out. After all, if they can't trust me to be in the shop with a bag then I won't be giving them my business! didnt go in about 10 / 12 shops because of this.
thats just soooooooo annoying jtownson, i know what you mean!! we had the same in Kerala once really put me off ... but i think it is probably just their way. as MCB says, but i still dont like it! :twisted: :twisted:
abit like when some see you for the 1st time after some mths and you may have put on a couple of pounds (or not!!!) and they say things like...'oooh belly has come big!!' or 'you become fatty'!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl got to laugh, but its just sooo rude!!
Chilly that's not just the Goans. Met a girl I had worked with years ago when visiting my old office. Noticed she had a bit of a stomach and pointed at it thinking she was with child. Yes you've got it she wasn't. Avoided her for the rest of the day.!!!

:rofl :rofl :rofl
Yes I have been told "you are fatter this year". Nothing like putting you on a diet for the next year. Unfortunately nothing seems to hae changed - still fatter!
Obviously i can't say for sure but i would say whoever checked the room had the 400 rupees!
Don't really know why you left that. :que
It hindsight it was wrong, but I didn't expect anyone to check the room. I assumed it would just be the room boy who would have gone in there first to clean it. Live and learn!
We learned through experience not to leave a tip in the room because we were told that the people who check the rooms know where people leave their tip e.g. under a pillow, on the side etc and quite often take it. What usually happens we tip the cleaner (if it is the same one throughout the holiday) on the last morning and also tip the minibar people on the last morning, so we don't need to leave any tips in the room.

We also make sure we pay our room bill the night before, because in the past when we wanted to leave for the airport, we have had to wait ages for someone to check our room including the minibar.

Another thing we do, we go through the bill thoroughly because once we were charged for another room's drinks and it is difficult to query a bill on the morning of departure especially at 4 am.
Good tips about about the tips sydney.

We actually settled the bill 3 days before we left due to all the issues we had.
The mini bar thing is always a pain in the butt.I always keep a tally of what we have and show them it from time to time, and never pay till the last day :tup :tup Added to which we put our own drinks in :rofl :rofl :rofl
never put my drinks on the room number, especially after an embarrasing sutuation at the Marinha Dourado.
We had spent all night talking and drinking, at the end of the night one couple asked for their bill and it ws astronomic!
The guy queried it and they brought out all the signed receipts for his room.... most of them with MY signature on them.
In fairness their room no was very similar to mine! :)
I normally just put all my drinks on someone elses room number,saves loads of time when you are checking out having no bills to pay...........JUST JOKING!! :rofl
Hi, Folks,
just had email back from hotel to say that all safe boxes are now in place.

Hi Jtownson

Pleased you liked Goa despite your problems

I am not making excuses for the way you was treated but as way of an explanation I think you have to remember that a lot of the staff will only be earning 150 Rps a day max and would be made to refund any loss out of that. The trouble is the management pass the tickets out like pass the parcel and the last one stuck with it has to get the signature or loose out, they don't care if you owe the money or not and do not have the power to sort things out, also it is worth remembering the low wages when tipping, unless you would normally tip someone nearly three days wages in the UK

I think you coped very well on your first visit and got over the shock very quickly. I hope next time you come the shacks will be built because it is very different place then and they help with keeping their part of the beach clean and create a great atmosphere
When Lynn was in hospital in Margao, they had to put an inch of water in her breathing apperatus, on my visit to the hospital on the morning visit they gave me a bill for 2 rupees, on the afternoon visit Lynn was having trouble breathing I feched a nurse to see her, she told me there was no water in the tube to help her breathe because I hadn't paid my bill ( 2 rupees) that afternonn they found out what it is like to upset a worried husband.
having experienced last moment confusion over the minibar bill i started to wonder why the hell do i use the minibar?! it is allways better to buy your drinks and just store them in their ref. and cheeper as well. so now we just use hotel ref to cool our drinks - no problem whatsoever.
We had similar experiences last year in the Sunkissed in Calangute.I think it is because they make the room boy responsible for any losses.They are asking a lot of someone who is possibly not that well educated it makes sense that they will try to make up losses by juggling bills around.

Should be the job of a manager.From what I have seen of Goan management style it appears to be a lot of shouting and pointing and instilling total terror in the poor lads.

We managed to resolve our bill without too much fuss bit it did stress the poor lad out that I had not paid until the day before we left.

And as far as asking any manager to sort out guest complaints the style is to nod tell you it will be sorted and then do exactly nothing.

Took me a week once to get a toilet seat fixed.It became a battle of wills.

Thats why we all love it.

Browsing in the Acron store in Candolim and the assistants were never more than two feet from you. my wife ended up asking them to leave her alone and stop following her around the shop. To be fair, I think they were just wanting to be seen to help, but it is quite unnerving when they are there at your heel everytime you move.
just got back from the Nazri. Had no problem with the bill but waiters did come to our room a few times for us to sign for drinks we had round the pool. It often took quite a while to get the bill so we didnt wait sometimes. Also found it rather strange that the laundry boy brought our laundry to our room at 10.45pm. We were asleep!
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