Egypt Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Egypt.
bombs in dahab
121 Posts
My girlfriend and I are due to travel to Sharm El Sheikh on sat and as you can imagine we have grown a little concerned after these recent attacks. It is so difficult to make a decision when you so want to go and not give in to these terrorists but at the same time we do not want to place ourselves in an unnecessary areas of risk.

I know that we can say that we will go ahead and not let this affect our holiday and have an amazing time, but will this be the case?!?! We will be arriving very soon after these attacks and can only imagine that atmosphere will be dampened and we will always be watching over our shoulders even though it happened about 100km away. I guess its just a case of whether we would feel comfortable and be able to enjoy this fabulous country.

Whats your views on going out there so soon after these attacks, all views are appreciated.

My Wishes go out to those victims in Dahab
To coralsea and everyone else who are going to egypt over the next few weeks. We are going on the 18th May to the coral sea, we've had this holiday booked since last year, and i'm afraid that i'm not cancelling my holiday because of the idiots out there who think they can rule peoples lives ! Egypt will not survive without people like us, and i'm sure they will make us feel alot safer knowing what has happened over the last two years, the last thing they want is for us to stop going. The only thing i will probably do is stay in the coral sea resort more than i may have done, who knows ? My hubby said last night he'll have his eyes on everyone, because their not going to spoil his holiday, i had to laugh at him.
So i for one will be there from the 18th may to the 1st june and having a good time. Feel free to join me and don't let them make the decision for you, thats my opinion anyway. Stuff them :sun
good on you helen the bombers never stop me going to egypt, i been 5 times and never stop me form going all my wishes to all egypt xx
After reading everyone else's posts, I feel a bit more confident about going now. We may go on fewer excursions and spend more time in the resort to be safe but Egyptians need us. We'll just try to be careful (although I'm not quite sure how!) and still try to have a great time. I hope everyone else does the same. As others have said, we still go to London and it's likely to be a one off attack. Tourists out in Dahab at the moment are staying there so we all need to be positive. 8)
I know this is a very difficult situation, shall we go to Egypt, shall we stay at home etc. It is extremely sad for families, a tragedy when bombs go off. But look at all this realistically, as far as i am aware(Maybe wrong) but most destinations in Egypt that have been bombed or hit is only the once, so we would hope it is not going to happen again. You could walk down your street and get run over, or shot in a city or murdered. We have NO idea when our 'time' is up, and we do not know our future. it isnt all a case of the 'Bombers' winning, the true scenario is our lives are all mapped out for us anyway.

I went to LA a few years ago to land at the airport only to find someone waving a gun and shooting people, security was everywhere. Look at the Merseyside disaster a few years ago, just watching football. Look at the people who lost lives on the underground. Look at twin towers disaster.

I do apologise for going on, but in a long winded way, i am trying to say, GO to Egypt, i value my life like you guys, but tradegy can stike any time or place, go and enjoy.

We are going but not till August and I haven't considered cancelling yet. However, if it was just me and hubby then that is one thing but I am taking 2 of our children that's what worries me :? Am I putting them into unnecessary risk? I don't know but I have a while to think about this. They are 16 and 11 so I will have to chat with them I guess.

I know it's true it could happen anywhere and it is all about being in the wrong place at the wrong time while there are nutters on our planet. And lets face it, they will always be there in some shape or form.

I don't want them to stop us living our lives but I don't want my family blown up either.

Decisions Decisions
"We have NO idea when our 'time' is up, and we do not know our future. it isnt all a case of the 'Bombers' winning, the true scenario is our lives are all mapped out for us anyway."

What a depressing view point, to imagine that your life is mapped out already. :shock: That may be your true scenario, but not mine. I am in full control of where I go and what I do. Do people seriously believe that a moment will come when their time to live is simply "up" ? :roll:

I haven't thought once about cancelling my holiday to egypt next month, but that's only becuase I believe as many others that you should stand up to terrorism any way you can.
"..the true scenario is our lives are all mapped out for us anyway.."

says where ? take it you mean some hoodoo voodoo manual. can you show me my map ?
No it isnt hoodoo or mumbo jumbo it is a fact that once you are brought into the world, 'you the person' do make your own decisions on what you do and how you live your lives, but no one knows not you or I, how its going to end, if we did surely we would change it and prevent sadness if we could in the world, if we could change the bombings in Egypt we would if we could, wouldnt we. But the fact remains we cant!

So all i am stressing is, no one knows what's around the corner. I believe my future is mapped out, everything happens for a reason good or bad. Some people do not want to think like that, but i am not getting into an argument, and to go off topic, but i will always say go to Egypt unless we are told not too by the necessary authorities.

Michelle xx

Oh yes the picture at the side of my typing is off my 11 year old that died at 11years old, his life was mapped out for him too, that isnt mumbo jumbo either, but a fact!
Let's not argue about how we will all leave this mortal plant everyone has different views but the outcome is the same. Let's concentrate on living a full an active as possible enjoyable life - despite the nutters that try to ruin it for the rest of us.

My thoughts are in Egypt
Love your reasoning michelle and fully understand xx.
Just seen latest advice from foreign office,No cancellations.So were still off to csr on 29th of may to support egypt.Except on the 10th june when i'll be supporting England.See you there folks.
For anyone who hasn't seen it, the FCO website can be found HERE.

Pippy :D
We were in Sharm in March and still plan to go back again next March.

We were within the last 1000 people atop of the Twin Towers. We were also on the first flight out of Baltimore Airport after 9/11. When your numbers up it's up. WE CAN'T let them win!

I can understand people with children being concerned. It's a quandry true enough. Whatever decision you make will be the right one for you.

Thoughts are with the Egyptians.

9 Sleeps then I will be positively snogging Egyptian soil as soon as my feet hit the runway, may even snog those lovely chappies in Sharm passport control , just to show my full support to them and their people!!!
WE are off to Sharm (Sharks Bay) 7th May

No backing out

unless the Foriegn office make the airlines cancel then we are going
We are still going on the 28th May. Like Michelle I believe we all have a time to die and if it's meant to happen then it will. But these monsters are called terrorists because that's what they try to do - terrorise us into doing their will. No way!
We'll I'm booked to go Taba Heights (3 days) then El Gouna (4 days) with 4 friends on the 22nd May 2006. I just had a chat with the rest of the group and we're still all up for it. I absolutely love Egypt/Red Sea and usually travel there several times a year, and still plan to go to Marsa Alam in (August-yes I know very hot) and Sharm El Sheikh (December/Xmas).

I hope some folks in Egypt read this and now we're behind them 100%
my heart goes out to everyone affected and the poor locals who depend on tourism :roll: we are going to taba in august it will be our 1st time to Egypt, we will def still go, i am concerned its a natural thing to be worried about it but i try to keep in in perspective, weve traveled to London & took the kids, Manchester quite regularly not once did i think about the fact they had been bombed, i worry that if i change destination something could happen there, madrid bombs were awful but people will still be holidaying in Spain :) just my opinion 16 weeks to go 8)
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