I managed to get 3 brochures before from my local TA . I got thomson ,thomas cook and first choice . Seen a hotel in the first choice brochure to Pefkos in Rhodes . I have just rang to see if they would give me a quote and they said not until 9am tomorrow............thought i would try............
Does any 1 know what the deposit will be with first choice ???

but he said the prices arent goin live on the net till next thursday,does anyone know if this is right?
I had a live chat with a guy from Thomas cook and he assured me that I will be to get a on-line price after midnight tonight but don't hold me to that as thats what he told me and also from the TA opening tomorrow, If i'm still awake tonight i'm going to try and price a holiday up to see if they do go on after midnight
My local TC just rang me with a price for Royal Dragon - £5133 - bit different to the quote from Direct Holidays!!!! Not all holidays are loaded up yet.

shazajo - ring DH again. My quote changed dramatically from the one I got last week!
ohhh shazajo im gonna b looking then at midnite to see,coz my little girl dont go to bed till then so might have to come back down stairs and have a look
Don't forget if you book via quidco cashback for thomas cook 3% and direct holidays 2% it all helps.
That's exactly what I'm planning to do if I can hold out that long
Thanks I might give them a ring tomorrow if I get time as going to be trailing round TA getting quotes

I've been assured by TC that prices go live from 9am tomorrow in store, not heard anything about when they're live online though...I might hold out til midnight aswell just to see!!
whats the betting that TC'S website goes into meltdown @ midnight with everyone going on there & keep refreshing it?!
All you have to do peeps is go on their website and start booking 20 or 30 holidays in different web tabs. I think whilst in the middle of booking the holiday is 'kept' for you until you wither book od quit! Then read through them and choose the one for you!!!
well ive just been on FC site to look for next april aswell and the sites down so looks like they r goi live online tonite or tommorow,the site is never offline,and i go on all the time lol
i'm on first choice's website now...they've got an announcement on under "our latest special offers" saying summer 2010 goes on sale tomorrow!
o sorry i meant its down wen u try and get a price,the site is ok,im gonna go have a nosey.
lol i don't think you'll be the only one troops, although the one night i want to stay awake until then and i'm sat here with my eyes nipping and screaming for me to go to bed!!
lol its typical aint it,i can see it being ver run and being slow tho so ill end up giving up,just so excited to book somthong now,been waitig wat seems like ages
I know it's typical, i'm usually sat wide awake at midnight, i think i'll be bo-peeping tonight tho lol

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