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MarkJ HT Mod
Well I don't know about everyone else but i'm glad I did not stay up til midnight to look at holidays as I have just looked and it says 'Sorry our site is going through routine maintenance' something like that I'm still half asleep, I will just have to try at the TA today if I get it
I'm on Thomson's now & it looks like they have got their holidays on now, only looked at Crete so far but there's 3 pages coming up for that!
Thanks for the update - Direct Holidays and Thomas Cook still uploading I think - no change to DH and TC is down for maintenance!
I'm hoping before I book some TA will offer free travel insurance

I tried Barut Lara and Susesi and both are only doing standard rooms - no family rooms.
First choice has some decent prices too.
Also i wouldn`t worry about travel ins Shaz, if you are fit and well then look around internet insurance sites, such as insure and go, theres loads more. I never get it from the tour ops unless im offered it free and i only pay around £20-£25 for a family of 5. Its not worth buying it from tour ops..because its overpriced.
Chris, depending on how many are in your family...can you not book 2 rooms, and also depending on the age of any children, all just stay in the 1 room. We used to do this as 5 person rooms are limited, I used to make sure that at least one of the rooms could accomodate 4 people, therefore 4 beds...and 2 of our sons would bed share. And all our luggage and clothes went into the "empty" room so that we had more space. I cant do it this way anymore...my sons are too big and i dont think they would appreciate being squashed in one bed haha
Thomson are showing their 2010 holidays but not flights which is what I want. Hope my TA can get them up this morning. We booked our apartment direct with owner yesterday - 2 bed apt in Cala Bona right on the sea front, everything we could want inc beach towels for £690 for 2 weeks next August. If I can get my flights for about £700 today I will be ecstatic!

Re Travel insurance, we have an annual one with Atlas - very good. Prices online are better than if you phone them.
I was just going to say the same - no different to yesterday!

Ah Chris, your children are too old, like mine now. Hope you find something.
Maybe TC are adjusting their prices having seen Thomsons aren't as high as we all thought they were going to be!!!
Well I'm hoping that Thomas cook will be cheaper than the Thomsons quote I'm getting as like you say Thomsons are normally more expensive,I will consider getting my own travel insurance if the TO won't give it free.
I got a good quote from Thomsons to Turkey too £1447 for 2 AD and 2 CHD for 14 nights, but I don't think the other half fancys Turkey

Will wait and see what happens at the TA today

Im on Thomson's site now shirley getting more depressed by the minute . Im over the 5K mark . cheapest I've found there for a decent A/I is £4700 for that Rio hotel in bulgaria I was looking at . I really wish I'd booked cuba now with DH when I had a good price a few weeks ago at £4600 .

think i will stick to goin 12th april for 2 weeks thats only coming up at £3234 for the 2 weeks and its a week in the kids easter hols.
dunno why its gone up so much wen its not evan the kids holidays
ahh their server is currently unavailable when you do a holiday search...bet its going to wait until 9am to go live...and i'm in a meeting

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