Spain - Costa Dorada Discussion Forums

Discussions regarding holidays in the Costa Dorada.
Cambrils Park
46 Posts
hi there! i hope you get this info before you book your holiday. we stayed at cambrills holiday park in july 2006 there was 8 of us, the park itself is beautiful but not that much to do on site. we stayed in a 3 bed siblu mobile home and really wish we hadnt, it wasnt clean at all to say the least. the shower was hanging by a screw and the place just had a musty smell. we were provide with a barbeque but it was unuseable it was all our holiday package we hired bed linnen only to be told when we got there that they didnt have any, they said for a charge they would beable to find some from somewhere. and when they did turn up with some it was just horrible dirty and smelly.the siblu reps were not very helpful at all(they are a young couple who havent got a clue really)you should think of stayin with eurocamp or even canvas holidays(the reps are a lovely couple and very helpful)salou is beautiful just becareful x
Thanks Rob, but oh god you've got me worried now, we have already booked our holiday and are staying with Siblu in one of their mobile homes, the latest pics on the Siblu website of their mobile homes looks very impressive, but i guess they only show you the best :( Our hol is only another few weeks away and we have pre booked bed linen :cry: Are any of their mobiles decent? Just wondering if we complain when we get there that we might can get moved? What more can I ask you, I'm soooo disappointed :( But thanks for being honest, thats what this site is all about. Can I just ask what did you mean by Salou is lovely but be careful? Do you mean pickpockets etc? :shock:
please dont be worried im sure you will have a great holiday.there are only about 11 siblu mobile homes on site there, we did complain but was told that all the other mobile homes were full and there was nothin they could do. salou is beautiful we went to portaventura which was a great day out the beach was fantastic, there was people every where tryin to sell you fake bags, sunglasses, tshirts.just ignore them. we would never stay with siblu again but we would return to salou.just one more thing dont take loads of clothing its just a waste as it is so hot you will only wear swimwear anything else was just unbearable. we hope you really do have a great holiday :)
Thanks Rob, lets hope that Siblu have bought in a load of new mobiles since last year!!? :D Do you think the weather will still be as hot as it was for you in July though as we are going end of May? Up to now it only seems to be around the 18-19 degrees mark? At least you have put me on my guard regarding the poor condition of the mobile homes so at least if we expect the worst we might be pleasantly suprised!! :)
Twinkletoes, I would suggest you also take the photos they show of the homes and then if they offer you anything inferior show them the photos and then complain that it is nothing like they advertise and you will be seeking advice regarding a claim for false advertising. Karen
Thanks Karen, that is really good advice, I will do that but lets hope I won't need to use it :)
I worked as a courier for Eurocamp on Cambrils in '06 and know the Siblu reps Rob is talking about, they were very useless, there was a third rep who left the site because of having to work with those two. But don't worry the site is lovely as is the surrounding area. As for the cleanliness of the mobiles that is entirely down to the reps, if the reps there this year are better, which they probably will be on such a popular site, the mobiles will be in a good state.

Another tip is if they do mess up with your linen orders is to go and ask Eurocamp, as thats all Siblu reps used to do anyway, as they have a large amount of linen in the store there and may have spare.
Thanks so much Joedee, thats great to have a courier giving first hand info! I have read brill reviews about that site I was just really worried about siblu as there have been a couple of people said they weren't very nice mobiles. I don't suppose you know if the mobiles have a fan in them (the siblu ones?), I know how uncomfortable mobiles can be if it is hot weather. Usually the couriers change each year anyway, don't they? So hopefully we won't get stuck with those useless two! Any idea what the weather is usually like in Salou that time of year (May/June?) We go on the 23rd May, thanks :)
Yeh don't worry about the couriers you should have different ones this year! From memory the mobiles do have fans in but only went in the Siblu mobiles a couple of times so I'm not 100%. Thats another good thing about Canvas, all mobiles have air con as standard in Spain. I was there last May and June and the weather was fantastic, all the time I was there we had one night of rain! VERY hot weather to work, so be sure to offer your couriers a cold drink :wink:
Hi Twinkletoes, Whilst you are here, have a look at Camp Sanguli. We stayed here many years ago and had a really good time. It is located literally on the border where Salou meets Cambrils, you cross over the railway line to gain access to the Camp. Hope you have a really good holiday.

Hi there i hope you had a lovely holiday! please let me know how you got on thanks. :)
We have been in May and the weather was a tad inclemment so I would take a light jacket, kagoule and brollie just in case, best to be prepared.
Hopefully it will be fine, enjoy your holiday.
Hi Rob-Blackpool, well we've been and we're back and I totally agree with everything you said about Siblu, Salou was fantastic, Cambrils Park was a lovely site we had a brill time there, but those Siblu Mobiles want scrapping along with the reps (apparantly the same young couple who were there last year, know who I mean?They were still as clueless even though this was their 2nd year on that site) Another one of the reps was leaving due to the way he was being taken advantage of. The Siblu mobiles were old and dated (at least the majority of them , the smaller esprit ones seemed much newer) not very clean and yes we had a rusty barbecue too. Only positive thing we could say is the kids rep for the Siblu kids club was brilliant, he deserves 10 gold stars, our boys loved him to pieces and for boys that don't usually go to kids clubs we could't keep them away, we even had to return from the beach etc just so they could go to the afternoon session! We would love to return next year as our boys are begging us to go back but we would def not go with Siblu and the kids rep prob won't be there next year anyway. The other companies mobile homes are in such better condtion, particularly Canvas
Had a friend who holidayed here earlier in July and heard a rumour that all mobile homes were being replaced with bungalows for next year. Have tried to book accommodation for next year and was offered a luxury bungalow by keycamp, no mobile home. It seems the bungalows are all 2 bed room which is a pity as I require a 3 bed room house/mobile home.

Then it got me thinking, is this the start of a trend for camp sites or has there been a change in some law, or availability of a grant to replace mobile homes with bungalows.

Anyhow that is Cambrils struck off the short list for next years' holiday.
Can't answwer your question but this sounds like the kind of place I would be interested in.
Where is Cambrils Park? Is it easy to get to by public transport and how far away from Salou?
Hi peapod, don't hijack the tread ;)

You will get plenty of info on here ( use search option) and if you try eurocamp or keycamp or google the name of the site you can get all the info you need.

I am just trying to find out if anyone else heard the rumour that the mobiles are being replaced with bungalows and if so what size they are goingto be etc and will they be ready for next year. :tup
Hi Peapod there is plenty about Cambrills here a bit of light reading until you get some personal recommendations.

Hope this helps

All the mobiles are been replaced by 'super' bungalows from next season,building is due to start at the end of October 2008 they will be owned directly by the site.(from 210 euros a night :cry )They had a show one built down beside the main reception
We have stayed there 6 times now and were there a few weeks ago.The two Canvas reps Ellen and Kees told us that Canvas are moving their operation further south about 8 km's south of the town of Cambrils.
Its a pity though as me and the rest of our family have loved the place from the first time we stayed there years ago :cry
The present bunglows are approx 48 Square Meters in size, the new ones are approx 66 Square Meters,they have all the mod cons A/C,Flat Screen Tv,Dishwasher,etc
Hi jonlfc68 At €210 per night I don't think they will get much trade no matter how super their bungalows are. Keycamp are offering bungalows for next year on this site, not sure of price but would imagine it will be cheaper than that.

Bit of a bummer though if they are going to make things more expensive, the euro zone seems to have been more expensive than previous years, so this is not good news.
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