Welcome to HT Ceecee
I can't comment on your hotel because I have never stayed there and it might be better to post on the main Cuba forum for feedback on the hotel. Likewise with any queries you have as to whether the flight will be comfortable or not because this is dependent on a number of factors such as who you are flying with and whether you upgraded to Premium if available etc and posting on the specific corum for your airline will probably generate more replies
However, I think that I can safely assure you that it will be hot - compared to here in the UK it is always hot in Cuba

The other bonus is that because it is the tail end of the hurricane season then it will be less humid andhence more pleasant than duriing July and August. I was out there in Santiago in September and it was both very hot and still very humid then but the humidity will start to reduce by the end of this month and it will be drier heat.
If you have any other questions about Cuba and places to visit then do come back and ask but you will also find lots of background info on the main Cuba forum as well.