They are 3 rupees each, perhaps we will get a discount for bulk buying,
I have sent you a PM with receipt details to confirm.
You might as well buy them now rather than last minute.
Have fun wrapping them up
and I have just donated for the other 500.
just a quick note to say that I've got photos of you and the kids on Aswem Beach ( I was the girl that accosted you as you walked onto the beach with a heavy bottle of water!!) and will put them up in the next few days. We dropped by the Mango House on Fri am and were shown round by a very helpful young man (sorry, I forget his name!!) and took a few pictures there as well. It all looks great and I hope you can get the children round soon. Hope the presents go down well.

Thanks Goan mad and Fiona, They will not actually be wrapped but put in a goodie bag, which is a job and a half in itself, but at least I don't have to sharpen 1000 pencils,
Hey thanks guys!!!! - I'm back at the weekend and see what is happening with the sharpeners... Although I could see lin there's sharpening with a pile of sharpenings a few meters tall...
Not gonna happen Rob, we have left it up to you to find somewhere that stocks 1000 sharpeners, welcome home

I wish i could be there to see the look on the shopkeepers face when you ask for 1000 pencil sharpners
Rob/Shermina - how are you getting on with your Christmas present delivery to all the children. Hope all is going well.
The pencil sharpners were bought and are now safely in the bags, along with a pen, pencil, balloon, sweets, now waiting for the fruit to be added on the morning of delivery, which starts on Wed and will continue up to Christmas day. over 1,000 bags and presents will be distributed over the next week.
Well done to everyone Lin, youve all done a marvellous job. And to see all those little grateful faces will make it so worthwhile. Merry Christmas, enjoy yourself. See you again in February x
the children had a fantastic time and I managed to catch some snaps of the tug of war

Many thanks to Allmen for giving me help with the photos!!

Girl Power,

We'll see about that for the drinking games in Feb Lin..
Fiona - Glad you liked the newsletter and the Xmas card... - She is lovely isn't she! - Hopefully get lots of pictures this year too.. All being well we're starting to give out presents later on today (fingers crossed)... Then will continue up until Christmas hopefully giving out 200+ each day.
Gemma33 - Well all the wrapping (or at least 95%) of it is all done, now just have to buy LOTS AND LOTS of fruit (to put in the goodie bags and then the exhausting job of giving them out.

Linb - Thanks for ALL you help, not really had chance to say so, so thought I would put it in writing..

ILoveMyPiglet - Glad you enjoyed your day at Ashwem, I know the children did. I have to say I love doing the tug of war, the only thing is I'm a really bad when i don't win

Linb - Well - what do you mean the girls always win!!! - That's because we let you!

Well this has been the third day of giving presents out - we have managed to give out over 350 on the first day, over 300 on the second day and around 300 on the third... It's been a tad tiring and we are all looking for a day off before we do our last visits on Christmas day. The children have been fabulous and I would like to thank all the volunteers and visitors who have helped. There are lots of photos to share and I will be updating todays photos in the next hour or so.. They can all be seen below
Hope you enjoy them, many thanks
but it must be so rewarding, Happy Xmas to you and Shermina , shirleyV xxxxxxxxxx
ps do you think cuddly toys are appeciated in Goa or are they impractical??

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