Please can anyone help me with a dilemma.
After having very enjoyable caravan holidays in England in 2007 and 2008, we were thinking of going to the Isle of Wight next year. However, as the weather was a bit hit-and-miss this year, I am wondering whether to be a bit more adventurous. I have found a 10 day coach holiday to La Siesta Holiday Park in Calella de Palafrugell, with Siesta Freedom Holidays, for not much more than it would cost us for a decent caravan in the Isle of Wight when you include the car ferry.
My dilemma is this - I would hate to go on such a long and tiring journey with two children only to wish we hadn't bothered! Has anyone been to this Park recently, or used this company? My main concerns are that it must be clean and safe, and not full of drunken yobs. (Normal, lively holiday fun not a problem).
Any advice or comments would be appreciated.
I haven't been to this place, but did go to the Isle of Wight staying in a static caravan this year. As you said, the weather was hit or miss (mostly miss) and it was this that prompted us to plan driving through France to Spain ourselves next year.
Looking in to it, the Dover to Calais ferry is cheaper than the ferry to the Isle of Wight and the accommodation in Spain is also cheaper for a week in August - we paid about £600 for the caravan in IOW for a week in August, whereas we can get a week in Spain for £450 quite easily.
Yes we'll have high petrol costs etc driving to Spain, but we spent a small fortune in IOW trying to keep the kids entertained while it rained and gale force winds blew us about. Once in Spain, hopefully, we won't need to find somewhere different to go every day at huge expense.
That said, I spent many happy holidays in IOW as a child and think it's a great place to visit.
Sorry I can't help with advice about the Spanish holiday park, but we'll definitley be trying the Spanish option next year!
Wakey Wakey
La Siesta is a FANTASTIC site
Just a few questions.
We would be going at the end of August. Would it be very crowded and noisy then do you think?
Is it expensive eg. for drinks or at the shop? Are there any supermarkets in the area, as I think I will be doing a fair bit of my own cooking to save cash?
Don't know which company you went with, so don't know if you can comment on the Siesta lodges - would a Siesta 4 be big enough for 2 adults and 2 children of 15 and 9, or would we very cramped? Also presumably these are cheaper only because they are smaller - not because they are tattier or anything?
The place I really fancied going to was Port Grimaud (it is also in the Cantabrica brochure) but unfortunately it is too expensive. I've never been to mainland Spain. Been reading general reviews on the Costa Brava on various websites and must say some of them are a bit offputting. I get the impression it is a bit run-down and past its hey-day (and those are some of the kinder remarks!)
Thanks in anticipation.
CiderMonster wrote:La Siesta is a FANTASTIC site :)
Yes got to agree
BUT go with one of the Camping firms and take your car down
the firms offer stopovers on your journey so you don't need to go mad and it will still take you the same length of time as one of those silly coaches (In France I pass them with my caravan in their convoys on the Autoroutes)
OR go really mad WE find that some of the better cheap holiday websites offer good value holidays in places like the Canaries or Balearics for cheaper prices and they are ABTA bonded too just check before you book
But my husband decided in the end that he didn't fancy driving all that way (he's never driven abroad at all), and as I can't drive, I would not be able to help him out. We ruled out sites in northern France (shorter drive) thinking that the weather would not be much better there than at home.
We are pushed for money at the moment, and I remembered going on a cheapish coach holiday in the 1980s to Cap D'Agde with a company called NAT Holidays. That got me searching on the net, and that's where I came up with Siesta.
I'm sure we could probably put something together ourselves with a cheap flight and book our own accommodation - BUT we cannot risk doing this as we no longer have a credit card, and I believe that your money is not protected should the airline go bust if you pay by cheque or debit card.
We may end up in the Isle of Wight after all this year - I have a few brochures for caravan parks which look really nice - anyone been to Old Mill Holiday Park or Field Lane Park in St Helens?
PS. If anyone is looking for a nice site in Northumberland, Seafield in Seahouses is beautiful (if a little expensive).
holidaystresser wrote:I'd already thought of driving ourselves, and sent for all the brochures, eg. Canvas, Keycamp etc.
But my husband decided in the end that he didn't fancy driving all that way (he's never driven abroad at all)
I tow our caravan through France and Spain each year now my wife who refuses to tow in this country will do so in France especially on the Autoroutes where the traffic is a lot lighter than our motorway system I will say once you get used to driving in the gutter as we and some of our friends call it you find that it's so much more relaxing and I have even got so excited that I have driven 700 miles in one day (yes with the caravan hooked up)
What I suggested was using a firm like Matthes or Eurocamp etc and they will sort out what is called stop-over sites where you can stop for the night and going all that way I would suggest at least 2 stops so you keep the daily drive to under 250 miles (4-5 hours driving)
I think that once he gets the hang of it he WILL want to go again and again
why not try one of the offers on Ferry cheap where you go over for one or two nights for a romantic interlude
Ive done trips within Europe & thats just with us adults before kids!!
You are never going to have the weather you want either here in the UK or Europe.
Europe is too hot in the school holidays & can also be awful/stormy.
I admit some weeks this year were pretty wet but overall its not been as bad a year as most people make out.
I would say its best to plan for sun & showers wherever you go & make sure the kids know how to entertain themselves.
Wherever you decide i hope you have a good holiday!!
I'll take my time and weigh up all the pros and cons before deciding, I'm not in too great a hurry to book anything yet.
If we do go to Spain though, I'm pretty sure we won't be driving ourselves - my husband finds driving in this country stressful enough without having to get used to driving on the right as well - the thought of the return journey would ruin his holiday!
Seconded... I'd rather drive abroad than here in the UK! French autoroutes are easy, and once you've got the hang of running around to pay the tolls really simple. Even in French towns (merge in turn) is OK, the only place I sturggle is in the country villages where Priority from the Right still seems to exist - but even then the big hint is the solid while line about a foot thick at the junction!
BarryD wrote:Seconded... I'd rather drive abroad than here in the UK! French autoroutes are easy, and once you've got the hang of running around to pay the tolls really simple. Even in French towns (merge in turn) is OK, the only place I sturggle is in the country villages where Priority from the Right still seems to exist - but even then the big hint is the solid while line about a foot thick at the junction!

Seriously I love to drive in France even on ordinary roads but for Autoroute tolls try this if you drive alone
Take a kiddies fishing net and a "helping Hand"
use helping hand to reach the ticket out of the machine
when you get to the toll booth put ticket in kiddies net hand it to the hostess de Caise
put money in net and repeat
I know of quite a few solo Enlgish driivers using this method
Oh Yes a "helping hand " is a grap device that disabled people use to pick things up with
this is one
Briar HT Mod wrote:What a good idea Gray :tup
Got to say not my idea

I was told about it by a wicked bachelor type who drives a lot to the Spanish resorts and camps along the trip down through France

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