We are looking for a weeks hols, with two kids 3.5 and 10.5 in July Aug, on the Isle of Wight (now deciede not to go to Cornwall)
I have not been to the Isle of Wight since I was a young child.
Can anyone advise the best parts to visit/stay.
Any deals with crossing included?
Also how long is the crossing from Portsmouth?
Thank you.
With the Island being something like 20miles X 15, nowhere is more than an hour away by car. There are loads of other resorts to go to and attractions. There are that many varied attractions it could cost you a fortune. What you need is the weather of course and a certain degree of planning. No way will you see everything but it will give you an excuse to go back.
Dont expect Brighton or Blackpool, The IOW has its own charm. Given the weather the scenery, the thatched cottages, its own pace of life--there are no motorways it can be infectious . But then again everybody is different.
The crossing from Portsmouth is just over half an hour. It tends to be cheaper Sundays and week days.
The first week August is Cowes week (may bump into you there ) so you will definately need to book.The Montrene is a child freindly hotel and they have family suites.
Hope that helps -- any specific point come back to me. Regards.
Thank you for your reply.
I have been but not for many years, I was only 2, 3 & 5 when we went, after that it was Majorca

I would hate it to be like Blackpool

As I said our daughter has very bad travel sickness, so I don't want to travel far, but as you said it is a very small Island.
I would like to stay somewhere with walking distance from the beach, shops etc.. so if she is sick we don't have to travel every time we want to go out

Thanks for you help.
Clarendon Hotel and Wight Mouse Inn (the same establishment) in the south of the island for child care and welcome ... and 150 malt whiskies and jazz nights in the bar.
We visited the Isle of Wight about 20 years ago with a son newly-diagnosed with chickenpox! I would thoroughly recommend the
Hi its me again . Sandown should meet that requirement. Its a level walk to the beach. Plus its a pleasant walk to Shanklin along the promenade or the higher paved cliff path. Sandown beach / sea meets the blue flag standards to my knowledge.
I will have a look on what's on offer there.
As I child I stayed at Cowes, Ryde and Shanklin (so mum tells me

I have a Timberland t shirt on with Cowes, they were promoting the sailing two years ago.
I hope you enjoy your trip this year, would love to sail, but not with my little sick bucket

Hi again Kazza, Totland Bay is also really lovely for young children, the beach is only narrow, but that means they can get to the sea a lot quicker, and it`s easier to keep an eye on them. We stayed in a flat above a pub/hotel called Starks Hotel, at Freshwater Bay, then the followingb year we rented a house in South Square, jst round the corner. Freshwater Bay is very pretty, but with a pebbly beach, but there`s a nice walk along the coast road to Compton Bay, and there`s a lovely sandy beach there.

But despite what I have said above, its well worth the trip,and the best time to go would be in the evening when the park is illuminated.
Take a look at this and see what you think:-

I just hope we have some decent weather.
The link for the Blackgang Chime looks good, though we couldn't vIew the ride, some error

Now I need to look at whats avalible in Aug.
I just hope we have some decent weather
Unfortunately that is something we cannot guarantee in the UK, but even if you are unlucky, you will still have a good time. My parents used to take us the the IOW when we were kids, long before we could ever dream of affording a foreign holiday, in those days, the early 1970's, the IOW WAS abroad!!
We had lots of wet weather on nearly all of our trips to the IOW, but it never spoilt our enjoyment, not for one moment. Do try and get to Blackgang, its a great trip, but try to go in the evening sometime, its much better then.
Other attractions that spring to mind are 'The Needles', (there is a Chair lift there down to the beach and a small themed park), and The Wax Museum in Brading. I think it used to be called 'Osbourne Smith's Wax Museum.
This site might assist you further:-
There used to be a doll museum at Brading as well, very interesting, if it`s still there, we haven`t been for a good few years.

For the Dolls Museum in Brading, which I understand is still there, take a look at this site

For other attractions in Brading, THIS site might be of interest to you
There is also a Roman Villa well worth a visit, just outside of Brading. Take a look here http://www.bradingromanvilla.org.uk/ for more information.
I am to visit isle of wight on a coach tour in early march ,staying at Auckland Hotel in Shanklin . anyone got any experiences of area that they would like to share .
regards wee-john

I am new here and from yorkshire, hope to have some recommendations.
I am trying to book a late coach holiday to the Isle of wight as I have to use my holidays up.
Is it a good time to go end of March and could you please advise the things to do.
Could you give me a few more details, like where are you coming from, what your interests are etc.
thinking of staying isle of wight in august ,iv looked at a few caravan sites which look nice , i just wondered if anyone had stayed somewhere they would recommend self catering preferably and i know its a small place but what part is the best for a family with a teenager .............
I live on the Island, the best places for you with a teenager would be the Sandown area which is where most things are happening, You say your thinking about coming over in August if your into sailing the first sat of aug cowes week starts and it gets very busy great social occasion with plenty going on at night with the world famous fireworks on the friday evening at the end of the regatta
But to be honest for what you would pay to come to the Island for a week or 2 you could go abroad

hope this helps
if you need anything else just ask

Its been a while since I took a break in the IOW. Apart from
*Blackgang Chine
*The model village
*The needles
Is there any other attraction that I should visit? I have two children in my party so Id need to accomodate them in the excursion.
There is a beach Alum Bay near the Needles where the sand is all different colours you can make up a little souvenier rainbow pack. There also used to be trips to the Solent Forts dont knowif they still do it was years since we were there.
havent been for a while but you could try the craft workshops

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