Holiday Complaints

Do you have a holiday complaint? For help and advice post in here.
We were due to fly out with Crystal (Thomsons) from Cardiff to Chambery on Sat 9th Jan 2010. We set off but were unable to land at Chambery due to adverse weather conditions. We finally landed in Lyon but ground crew would not let us disembark so after 7 hours on the tarmac, we flew back to Cardiff. Thomsons than put us up in a hotel over night and again picked us up at 4 am to try again. After a further 4 hours delay, sitting on the tarmac, we were told we were flying to Milan where we faced a 5 hour coach transfer back to Chambery before being taken to our resort. At this point we thought enough was enough and got off the plane. Tompson have offered us £50 each compensation for the delay. Does anyone know if we have any further rights to reclaim our holiday costs.

I note someone has commented that they got an equivalent holiday provided due to delays. Thomson say this is not true and they would never do this. Any comments!!!!
Re the crystal Ski holidays.

Your flights departed and were not affected by the UK snow which shut some UK airports and caused delays and cancellations - it was your arrival that was disrupted due to adverse weather conditions in your destination.

So this is different to the OP. You may want to start a new thread about this. Holiday Insurance would normally cover this.
Have split the above complaints and given them this new topic.

Sorry to hear your tail of woe, it sounds like you had it a lot, lot worse than us I can assure you Thomson's/TUI/First choice did just what I said, but it was not offered initially I sent an email off to the address on the form they handed me (it is in my thread) and a few days later got the call I complained that they had left me without a holiday it was only then they said that they would transfer the balance to the new date

Hope this helps!

If you can
HI All
We were on the same plane as Jilly (ours is the less succinctly expressed message posted before hers). Thanks for your feedback - Barbados holiday. Can I just confirm that you decided to get off the delayed plane - and it was not cancelled? I agree that the situation is slightly different in so far as we were delayed due to bad weather at the destination and the plane did take off on time. However, since we boarded a new plane 24 hours later from our original departure point then this plane clearly was delayed even if the first go wasn't.

Appreciate your feedback - the whole situation is proving to be rather frustrating. We still haven't even received a letter from Thomson/Crystal for us to attempt to claim on our insurance (who, in an initial chat on the phone to the claims office are also quibbling over the fact that we took off on time and therefore we weren't delayed).


No we never got to board the thing, we sat in departures 14 hours were called to the gate and then told the pilot had gone over his hours, and we then sat around for two more hours now totalling 16 hours and where then told at 1am the flight was not till 0915 and where handed the doc below

At that point we decided to abandon it, as the first day was spent in departures and the second would have been spent in bead recovering from having to sleep rough in departures we where only gong for a week !
  • Edited by MarkJ 15 years 1 month ago
    To activate link
Interesting too. I'm glad that they've seen sense for you - hope your revised holiday plans go well. I'm calling Crystal/Thomsons tomorrow. I'm very doubtful over whether they're going to do anything for us. However, nothing ventured...

Will keep you posted!
Hi Cletus1,

do you have the name / contact number / email of the representative you contacted at Thomson? It sounds as though you got to talk to somebody in authority whose words were transformed into action. Unfortunately the people we've spoken to (all very personable and helpful) have their hands tied by red tape and company policy.

Many thanks, Jilly.
******MODS NOTE*******


I have tried to send you a personal message (P.M) but I don't have the facility, I don't really want to post the number on the open forum so if one of the mods could temporally enable my PM facility I will sent it to you ..
Dear Cletus1
That's really kind of you. Jilly and I are in touch by email - however, if you can email me the details too, that would be very useful. You have been so helpful - thanks!

This thread went eerily quiet! What happened to the other posters?

Did TUI cough up ? :que
Frustratingly slow and no TUI haven't come up with the goods. My understanding is that they have sent each passenger £50 as a 'goodwill gesture'. We are applying to Thomson for a refund of the cost of the flight as I understand that we are legally entitled to this under the EU regulation. TUI claim that the refund for the Barbados holiday was from a different subsidiary company [Thomson Mainstream] and their policy is to replace the holiday; we are with Thomson Activity and their MD never replaces nor refunds. As far as I'm concerned they're all part of Thomson PLC and should operate the same policy but I'm not sure where I stand legally on this. So, no tangible news.
StuartJohn ...

I suggest you ring the PA of Ros .... who is a travel solicitor .... number can be found on here....

Ask her ...

Thanks Mark
Where? Couldn't see on the site.
The aim of this section of the holiday-truth website is to enable holidaymakers to get advice and assistance as soon as possible on any holiday complaints or problems encountered.

Our members will be able to offer you advice on how best to deal with your holiday complaints and how to deal with the Tour Operators. However please remember that this will be non qualified advice. We therefore suggest you seek professional assistance from someone qualified in Travel Law.

We have teamed up with Ros Fernihough, Travel Law Solicitor, to provide the best information available.

Ros has offered our members free impartial legal advice. Please note that Ros does not read or post on this board any contact to her must be made via :-

The direct number to Ros's PA Pam is 01922 705134

Or try the switchboard number 01922 633214 and ask for Travel Dept.
Thanks! Will let you know how we get on.
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