hi every one,i thought something had gone wrong as i have changed my virus protection and couldnt acess this site i was getting uptight. now found out there had been a fault the other end.what a relief!!!!!!!!!! well i hope there is more good news of allocations.i would love to be going on another one.i paid extra for it but it was good i the ones who have had it for £10 are very lucky i thought it was great for my extra but £10 i would be jumping up and down where ever i got offered so good luck to all those still waiting.i will get on a lily leaf and dream,with a gin and tonic of course!!!!!!!! carol
I'm not giving up! Any further ideas anybody??
Can you tell us more about what you sent off, to whom and what you were expecting to happen?

To those who are still cruiseless, scroll back and read about Marcus's success and take heart.
Anyway, as Magsy said, greatful thanks to Luci and the mods for the PM and getting us up and running again.

i didnt get notified there was a post it may have been me hopefully it will all happen as it used too.!

Itsd good to be back Oh Yea Oh Yea

may I suggest that we all do as Marcus did - as class actions are not allowed in the County Court if 1,000 county court claims hit a certain company in a week the companies solictors would get jet lag going up and down the motorways of U.K.
Just had a letter from the ASA re the paper and it seems that they (the paper) want the names and addresses of ALL those whom have mada complaint about the £10 offer. I wonder why.
Just off to Spain for a couple of days so will be back soon (Please don't lose the site again)
How about providing an address (or email address) for the ASA so that all those who have not yet had cruises can write or email them individually. To those people I would say WRITE immediately! Who knows perhaps something might be done.
Have a wonderful time in your balcony cabin in Spain Donefor

Here is all you need to make a complaint to the ASA :-

It is nice to be able to get back on site

Thanks Trisantona for suppling the link, I had just got back from Ireland and so have been rather busy.
I'm off for one of these 'short cruses' to Bilbio (£85 for a 2 night cruise with 5 hours ashore, anyone know where the cheap place for ding dong is located in Bilbio

The Coven are upset "where you getting all the money from Dad"

(ever noticed how its always 'Dad' when they feel under threat, or want anything that'll cost money (not theirs, that is, well their legacy is under threat - or so they think, I just quailfy for income support now £1.21 a week, our Gorden


I just read this I must get back or our Dear Luci will be telling me off.
Anyone know anything about 'Pride of Bilbio' is it a cheap ship for ding dong if not where is in Bilbio ?
all seems quiet .is any one going anywhere???
are any cruises getting offered?? keep fighting. carol

Everyone must be cruising, or at least on holiday or just making the most of the weather! Perhaps we are the sad people who keep checking Smokey!
Just think this time last year we were on our DE cruise on Armonia.Wasn't it fantastic, we were so lucky, we had such a lovely holiday.
Well I'm now a nanny, Carla had a 8lb 1oz boy Colby James on 4th July, so I can now recommence my enquiries re no 2.

Thanks a lot for all the fantastic news and ideas about the Bilbio, not a word - as Magsey says 'must be all be crusing'
Fantastic ship, (Pride of Bilbio) great time, pity they could not be as organised as MSC

I tried not to spend everyting on the ship Smokey, but as I was awoken from my slumber at 07.40 this morning

At just after 10 number 2 and 3 phoned "we left a message, why did you not get back to us"

I did get them a small, very small box of chocs, on offer buy 2 get 1 free, I had a hell of a job getting the stickers off before they came.

Anyone thinking of doing the 'mini cruise' go for it, very good value and the food is very good indeed, well it was in the Carvery where breakfast is £8.50 eat all you want, as in the BHS style cafe a pot of tea is £1.50 toast 80p a slice egg, bacon, sausage and beans £4.90 ( and not a lot of it either, note the singular).

I am ringing the ASA tomorrow re the cruise offer as I have not had time today or prior to going away, off to York on Wednesday night for a 2 day confrence

** Edit to remove potentially racism comments and to remove overuse of emoticons. luci **

Hope everyones ok? I dont get chance to pop in here much these days im afraid......

Sounds like you had a good trip to Bilbao Donefor. Did you find good shops for Ding Dong or were the prices better in the ships shop? How long did you have in Bilbao? Did you eat any other meals on the ship?
Yep eat a few more meals, overall the food in the carvery was far better with proper wodden tables and comfy chairs and at £14.95 for 3 courses and cheaper than the BHS style cafe with its plastic chairs an all in which the cod & chips was £6.95 (bread 40p per round, butter 22p per pot, mushy peas 75p.).
We had 6 hours in what is termed Bilbio which is actually 12 kms east of the town, the coffe was cheap and excellant E1.5 for a 1/2 lt of lata, the fags were E43.90 BUT:pele ding dong was only E11.75 (well Cutty Sark, in a presentation box with 2 glasses) Malt was from E20 up to E40 no actual Bells.(so I gotr 6 Glenfidic 15ter old aty E26.25 each For the ladies 1lt of Baileys was E11.50 I got 6 (well they'll do for christmas) Gordons export was E7.90 Martini E3.50 all of these were 1/2 the ship price but the fags and rolling tabacco were near enopugh the same price.
Just read that lot, any one would think I was an alcoholic under training:wink:
Don't understand why I was edited Luci I only used the words words edited
Anyone contacted the ASA or had feed back yet ? I am being offered compo,

donefor but not out
** Edited. Phil, although we are a predominantly UK site, we do have members from several nationalities who may find those names offensive.

Time I took a quick cruise I think although Newcastle to Amsterdam would be easier for me! Any idea what the prices are like there? Do you still go there for acupuncture or have you fully recovered now?
very expensive except pot of course but you could not bring that back . I have complained to ASA but have not received a reply as yet, I do hope everyone who has not yet received a cruise does so. Cheers Carol

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