my mom got back from her cruise on the superstar libra yesterday and she had a fantastic time. She had upgraded to a slighlty higher spec cabin but she said the whole ship was great, especially the restaurants. She enjoyed Dubrovnik, messina but Corfu was 46 degrees wich was the hottest day for decades and a little too hot for her. There where a few other DE cruisers on board so it looks like they might be using this ship again. If you do get allocated it my mom says that you will have a great time and the meals and fascilities are spot on. Good luck to everyone else who is waiting to hear of there cruise. I actually contacted the BBC and the DE several times, I don't know if this made any difference but it must be worth a try.
Like Maureen, Raych and Carol I'm still waiting (as too is my computer less friend). Also had a busy year with lots of commitments and this year would now be difficult work wise etc, to fit in a cruise. Next year something would fit in just nicely though so have decided to start gently with the wake up call to the D E. We are coming towards the end of the season in the Med so presumably things might slip backwards with the bookings they have been making unless they start booking for further afield?? Thought if we started off now we could build the pressure over the winter months and if necessary take the Marcus route in the New Year.
Think the compensation you are referring to Alex was the books of vouchers some of us were sent, there was a definite promise made though that everyone who qualified would receive their cruise. I for one am determind to keep waiting.
Edited by
Cava Kate
2006-08-30 17:55:22
Have been watching the forum but not posted for some time. Alex you are correct in saying that SM stated on the Watchdog programme on 15 Feb 2005 that within one week a letter with alternative offer would be sent out.
He also mentioned compensation offer of £1000.
I am still waiting for an offer to replace a South American cruise which was cancelled in Feb 2005. I intend to wait until the end of 2006 then if nothing has happened I will be taking court actioin.
Is this the same story for others?
And there was me thinking that things might be improving

wonder how long it will take for my patience to run out and start legal proceedings. Not too long i shouldn't think.
If i think i am entitled to somthing and I am right, i will use the courts. I even took Ryan Air to court for a mere £15 !! Some may say, its not worth the hassle etc etc, but in that case it was principle of it, they had my money and i wanted it back. It actually cost them over £300 in the end! ok i know slightley off topic, but its just to make the point that people should use the courts to get what they are owed. It is not as duanting as it sounds.
Cheers Colin
Hi Maureen, Raych and Cava Kate lets keep in touch and go through the small claims court in December or January and we should be offered a cruise before the commitments for 2007 start to pile up. I am sure we will get there in the end. Cheers Carol
You and Yours programme from a couple of weeks ago. I had to laugh at some of the statements by that ex P7O man. He first said that Newspapers don't like the bad publicity when these offers go wrong and they "will quickly put the matter right" .Try telling that to people who have been waiting two years.
He also said that the companies do not expect such an overwhelming response to such promotions. What ? If you are going to spend thousands or even millions of pounds promoting these offers , what do you expect? That's the whole idea of these advertisements, to get as many people to respond as possible. The mind boggles.
Just heard that He also said that the companies do not expect such an overwhelming response to such promotions. What ? If you are going to spend thousands or even millions of pounds promoting these offers , what do you expect? That's the whole idea of these advertisements, to get as many people to respond as possible. The mind boggles.
Hi Tris, do you have a link to that programme and when was it broadcast?
You will need Real Player to hear it. Don't worry that the first few seconds seem to be about caravans, it soon gets into its stride and starts talking about newspaper promotions.
Thanks for that Trisantona. So, they are still working through the backlog! Just how long will it take for them to fulfil their obligations I wonder!
This "we didn't expect this level of demand" excuse just keeps happening. The latest to fall victim to this is Talk Talk's broadband offer. There again, after plastering every newspaper with full-page adverts, they are still taken by surprise by so many people applying, causing their call-centre to go into meltdown.
They're not waiting for people to die off are they ?
Well, if they are, just make sure you live long and prosper.

Although I had my cruise last July (Melody) I still have a look in here from time to time to check up on the latest state of play. You would think it would be easier for them to simply charter a couple of ships and get people away. Perhaps they are afraid that if too many of you all get together they won't be able to control you.

I know that everyone on here who is still waiting have been in the fight so long now that there is no question of giving up so all I will add is good luck to you all and keep the flag flying (the Jolly Roger perhaps :lol:)

i havent looked in for some time.but nothing seems to have changed.i was hoping to see long lists of people shouting to the roof tops that they are off!!!!i cant believe this fiasco has been going on so long.all i can say is keep fighting it will be worth it in the end. good luck carol
I was the only HT member mentioned in the "Who is going where and when" list for this particular date and it was impossible to identify any non-HT members who might have been on the cruise.
My cruise came through just a few weeks after submitting my complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority.
I do hope more members are successful in getting their cruises.
Pam B
Where have the avatars gone Luci
oops - my mistake! They seem to have returned
She finally got her Daily Express cruise !!!!
It's all thanks to the encouragement and support of all the people on this forum.
In the end I didn't have to take the threatened legal action.
Pam B - like you, they had an amazing time on their cruise.

Once again, thanks to all on this forum.
To those still waiting, keep fighting and I hope that you all get your cruises.
Thanks for joining the site to let us know about your Mum. I'm sure it will encourage those who are still waiting.

Well done to those who have now finally had their cruises! Let this be an encouragement to those still patiently waiting!

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