Tried a bandeau animal print tankini top in Matalan. It was £8 and would have looked great teamed with a black pair of pants. It was so flimsy and didn't give a flattering look when on at all. The padded cups were really poor and the beading on the ties seemed too heavy for the top and pulled it down slightly making me look like I had really saggy boobs! Not a good look at all!
Not impressed with Tesco swimsuits this year either so far. They had a lovely deep purple bandeau one in store which I tried on but it felt like I was wearing a bandage! The body was short I checked to see if I'd picked up a petite style by mistake, it felt really uncomfortable and tight on. Tesco also had a 'special k' red swimsuit in store too. It looked lovely and felt really good quality to touch for the price £12 but that was small in the body too. Both costumes were size 16 and I am clothes size 12-14 but I felt like I should have tried a size 18 just to fit my body properly!
I had a look at Asda's website after lilyflipflop showed her suit on here and I spotted their teal tankini set for £8 and a spotty bandeau swimsuit for £12 which I'd thought I would try. Arrived today and hoorah both of them were fantastic! Fit really well and the tankini shorts had a really nice cut and fitted well round my bum. The tankini top kept everything in place and the cups were padded much better and gave more support than the Matalan one. I was really impressed for the price. I was going to buy a suit from Marks for £35! so glad I didn't now!