We are organising a long weekend in June/July to Palma Nova / Magaluf (4 nights) and were wondering where is the nearest unit, any information/comments/advice would be greatly appreciated.
I have read that with the current economic problems in Spain that many public hospitals are refusing treatment to EU nationals who are not resident, even although this is illegal. So you might have big problems getting a public hospital even interested in talking to you.
The EHIC card scheme only covers non-residents for emergency treatment under the same rules as the nationals of the country you are in. It doesn't cover you for routine and/or regular treatments for an existing condition so a public hospital in Spain could legally refuse treatment for that. Just as a NHS hospital could here to tourists - so much depends on why Gailyface is asking the question. If it is on behalf of someone who is on regular dialysis then they will probably have to arrange this privately anyway - and that might be why they are asking.
Thanks very much. I was asking on behalf of a family member who is on regular dialysis at home. If it can be arranged privately that would not be a problem as he has only today returned from a long weekend in America, (where he attended a private clinic) this was his first break since being on dialysis for the last 18 months - 2 years.
Has anyone had any experiences with any private clinics?