I absolutely hate airports. The crowds, the noise the queues etc., In the past I left it till the last possible minute before getting there. Probably because between 1991 and 2005 I was flying to the UK every few weeks and the thought of wasting time hanging round for hours waiting for my flights just drove me nuts. I guess I was lucky never to have missed a flight.
Nowadays I don't fly so often and because of increased security usually aim to get to the airport about two hours before the flight. If possible I always check in on line and when travelling to the UK usually just have hand luggage, so I can just walk straight through to departures. I might have a walk through Duty Free but rarely buy anything other than a couple of books. Most of the airlines that I travel with provide either a snack or a meal, though I do often take a sandwich because quality of meals provided is often not very good. So apart from maybe a cup of coffee I don't buy any food.
The Holiday doesn't start for me until I leave the airport at my destination, unless of course I'm travelling business class which is a totally different experience.
I've got eight flights coming up over the next couple of months and I'm already irritated about them, but if I want to travel I have got to put up with the (to me) bad bits.