Turnaround time would be affected, I'm crew and at times on the busy flights we struggle to meet 25 minute turnarounds.
If it wouldn't make any difference EZY and FR would love to be able to charge extra for passengers to pick their own seat, however the airline would have to factor hour long turnarounds, meaning the aircraft won't be making as much money, fares would be more or less the same price whether flying with TCX, TOM, and they're not stupid, people are going to go for the charter airline over the budget if its the same price!
Why would it take longer to turn around if people were allocated seats? Surely passengers would be boarded at the same speed as when looking for somewhere to sit themselves.
Sod's law (and experience) says that the first people to board will be those with seats closest to the door - so when they stop in the aisle to put stuff in the lockers the whole queue stops. Also not helped by those who can't work out seat numbers on boarding cards at all, or those who can but can't understand that if they have a seat on row 20 and are stood next to row 5 they aren't close - why do they check every row to see what number it is!!!! The only answer is an aptitude test for passengers and ban those who fail - and can we have same on railway please? As you may have guessed, we've touched a nerve here.......
Thanks for that Steve. The funniest thing we saw was on Ryanair when a couple told someone they were sitting in their seats because they thought they had been allocated the numbers stated on their boarding passes. Obviously never flown budget airline before.
Could anyone please advise when easyjet will release their flight prices for JulyAugust 2011 for flights to Rhodes
I still don't get the Easyjet way of boarding tho'.....if there was a crash there is absolutely NO way they would know who was sat where which in this day and age I think is quite bad!
Don't be worried Tis, you'll be fine, ok now and again the passengers don't abide by the rules but everyone gets a seat so collectively they know who's on board so no crash talk eh, enjoy you trip, think of the £200 you are saving.
If you have Easyjet SB you should not have a problem - a maximum of 30 (out of the 180+) seats on each plane can be SBers. Chill and enjoy.
Remember if you travelled with Ryanair (as we normally do) up to 90 out of the 183 seats can be Priority boarders !
Hear, Hear to your comments David N.
Reards, Chris
up to 90 out of the 183 seats can be Priority boarders
From my experience at Karlsruhe-Baden and Stansted it seems to be substantially more than that!!

As normal we go for boarding by the rear steps and normally get on and settled in before most of the priority boarders who have got on via the front steps anyway !
Cant see the point of being the 90th (or maybe more!) on the plane and having to pay £4 for it.
Will see how this Sunday goes !

Think I read somewhere that Palma are doing a better job of segregating SB+ from the others even if you are bussed to aircraft so if that's true it will hopefully be okay coming home too. Fingers crossed!
If you are speedy boarding there is no worry at all about you getting seats altogether. We have never paid for SB, always get on at the back and always found there was plenty of choice of seats. Relax and enjoy.
This is certainly true of Ryanairs 737-800's and I have found the front few rows have the same problem.
anyone know if all the easy jet flights to and from Fuerteventura are always full
We aren't premitted to post such details I'm afraid, reasons on the following topic: SEAT AVAILABILITY QUESTIONS.
It still amazes me when people are told its free seating, the answer is "I/we can sit anywhere?" and they still take ages to select a seat,even looking at and passing empty seats and pushing past people coming the opposite direction

That said I was in Newcastle Aiport collecting my parents yesterday and went down to the Easy Jet desks and they had signs plastered all over offering SB+ upgrades for £9.50 - I'm hoping it still applies to the first 30 passengers only!
My son's flying EZY 5055 from LGW to Montpellier tomorrow. He's wondering what sort of aircraft this will be i.e. will it be a propeller plane or not

Thanks to anyone who can give me the info.

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