Hello All
Been to this hotel, came back Last Friday. Glad to get out of the place. I had heard mixed reviews but still went. After travelling there and arriving at 8.30 pm, very tired, and travelling by myself hoped to get a nice welcome. Got there to a miserable unsmiling trout on the desk. Asked me for my paper work ,and passport with no manners or a smile. Told me very abruptly where to go and told me I was on the top floor, which I was pleased about because I like to have a good view and a quiet room. She told me to get the lift to the First Floor and there would be stairs. got out on the floor and then after climbing three lots of stairs, tired with a heavy suitcase and flight bag, realised she should have said third floor, as the lift went to the third. So a very weary 49 year old woman had struggled for nothing.
Got to the room, not bad thought clean had sea view and balcony (room 401) unpacked. and rested then I started to hear a noise in a room next door, not a hotel bedroom, but at the end. thought it was just an odd bang, Went to bed then it started, a loud hum, followed by two loud bangs that vibrated through the bed, this occurred every 10 secs. I thought what was it, went to bed, then another noise started a loud gushing and humming besides the other noise. Stuck my ear plugs in, no good. This went on all night. Did not get any sleep. Two noises keeping me awake, it was constant. Decided to go down the next morning to ask for another room. There was a man on now, just as unfriendly, more or less told me the noise must be the lift, no I said, its not that. He said must be the water, only last a few seconds when someone ran water. I asked for another said there was one with no balcony, went to look, a scruffy room I wouldn't put a pig in. Holes in the curtains. Said I would stay in the room, but would he let me know if another one came vacant with a balcony. He said yes. Found out later, a fob off.
After another sleepless night, and also having to go out to get away from the din I went down again to the desk and it was the miserable ignorant trout again. She seemed to relish my discomfort because as she told me there were no rooms free as the hotel was full , she beamed for the first time. I knew it was a lie because I knew two couples were checking out.
I gave up but I was very upset and telephoned my husband and family a lot because I felt low. I did try to make the most of my time out of the hotel, but it was not easy knowing I had got to go back to that room and the din. The room was nice, but the place it was, situated was not.
I discovered when I saw the door open when the cleaners were in it, it was two great tanks that fed the hotel system, one tank had wires hanging out of it. Fancy having tanks next to a guest bedroom, not only was it noisy, but to me a safety risk, if there had been an explosion or anything my room would have been affected.
I spoke to a couple next door to me, 402 and they could hear it too.
However, after checking out after a week, I sat in the lounge and starting talking to some other guests who were also about to leave and found out that they had been on the same floor as me and that the room next to them 403 had been empty for days.
What a rotten thing to do to me, knowing I wanted another room, treating a mature woman like that. It was a disgrace.
I was relieved to get home to be able to rest and get some sleep.
So I will not be recommending the hotel to anyone. I would like to mention I am not a complainer, but this was an awful experience, and I have never been treated like this in a hotel before.
The only nice thing about the hotel were the cleaners, they were very nice.
A very unhappy, Dawnie-Rob