Trips in Luxor have complex prices.Thomas Cook (UK) PRICE IN $, Jolley's in £. At The Sheraton there are 2 Thomas Cook desks and no love lost between them!
Trips to Cairo are quoted either for 2 or 4 adults, our party was 6 but was booked as 4 and 2.Jolley's quoted £55 each for 4 persons or £60 for 2.
Thomas Cook(uk) at our conversion rate were £70 for 4 or £87 each for 2 persons.
That is Cairo by overnight 1st class train. The night we went (Friday) we had a party of Antique Traders going to Cairo , very funny, were enjoying their sing song around 0400 hours sleep was limited! But what an experiance of train travel, our guide was in the 2nd class & had less sleep than us.
We went from Cairo Gizza by mini bus not to Pyrmids but to Cairo Hilton for "wash civilised loo and coffee". This trip was the highlight of our holiday, glad we went saw so much but knew there was far more to see.
Man at Jolley's could not have been more helpful, took us from Sheraton put us on train greased the palm of train conductor to look after us etc and was waiting at Luxor station when we returned.