Egypt Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Egypt.
Did you read my last post in this topic, page 1? Do you still want the pictures of Yaseen?
If so, I have to get them from my video camera and send them to you as JPEGS
It will take a couple of days to sort them out.
Tez, thanks for the offer and all (re: walking around the Scarab for me), but I already went round it 7 times - what are you trying to do to me?!?!!

:omg :wink: :lol: :lol:
Sorry Choirgirl but that's one of the hazards of Egypt. What about me and Carrot? We walked around it without being told the real version. I was told that it was to ensure that I would return to Egypt, nobody said I would become pregnant! :oops: Think I will put a claim in.
An Egyptian once told me whilst taking a dip in the Nile
"If you bathe in the waters of the Nile, one day you will return"
then he added,
"If you drink of the waters of the Nile, you will never leave!"
You have been warned :D
  • Edited by Tez 19 years 8 months ago

Just in case it sounds a bit far-fetched i've just come across this picture of our caleche heading over the bridge towards the west bank.
I believe you mate :bow
But why can't I open your picture? I just get a cross in a box.
Mind you I am forced to use my old machine with a dial up modem due to technical problems with my other one (me :cry: )
Sorry Tez it's there now!
So it is, were you driving?
You do realise that you are on the wrong side of the road don't you? :rofl
Recently back from a Thomas Cook Nile Cruise then week at Sheraton. Thanks for the advice about Jolly's, I visited before the "rep's talk" and the saving for 4 adults was £60! Also I asked if we coud visit a Coptic Church in Cairo. One phone call is was arranged at no extra cost.
We visited The Hanging Church, the oldest in Cairo with 110 wonderful Icons and the best marble pulpit I have ever seen. As a bonus our guide showed us round the Greek Orthodox Church next door.
Jolly's were fantastic they collected us at 2230 from our hotel, ensured all 6 English sat together in the same compartment on the night train, provided a Guide I thought far better than on the Nile Cruise, and meet us on our return at Luxor station then taking us back to our hotel for breakfast.
I would reccomed this trip to any adults staying in Luxor.
Dave you said that you saved £60 on the trip, but could you please tell me how much it actually cost?


When we were in Luxor I was a bit nervous about the whole culture thing and did all our tours via our three day nile cruise [excluding Cairo of course]. I found it excellent value for money doing it through Thomsons. We did meet a single man who had been several times and was quite comfortable in hiring a taxi for the day to take him to all the sights, but that wasnt for me!!!!! He had a great time and even visited peoples homes on route and really experienced the real Egypt.
Trips in Luxor have complex prices.Thomas Cook (UK) PRICE IN $, Jolley's in £. At The Sheraton there are 2 Thomas Cook desks and no love lost between them!
Trips to Cairo are quoted either for 2 or 4 adults, our party was 6 but was booked as 4 and 2.Jolley's quoted £55 each for 4 persons or £60 for 2.
Thomas Cook(uk) at our conversion rate were £70 for 4 or £87 each for 2 persons.
That is Cairo by overnight 1st class train. The night we went (Friday) we had a party of Antique Traders going to Cairo , very funny, were enjoying their sing song around 0400 hours sleep was limited! But what an experiance of train travel, our guide was in the 2nd class & had less sleep than us.
We went from Cairo Gizza by mini bus not to Pyrmids but to Cairo Hilton for "wash civilised loo and coffee". This trip was the highlight of our holiday, glad we went saw so much but knew there was far more to see.
Man at Jolley's could not have been more helpful, took us from Sheraton put us on train greased the palm of train conductor to look after us etc and was waiting at Luxor station when we returned.

Definately sounds like Jolly's travel is the way to go, I may even consider the Cairo trip, what excellent value for money!!! We are there for a week, how long was you away from Luxor for??

This site is so helpful, without it I would book my excursion via the reps, and now I have confidence to go elsewhere.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed :bow
hi peggy,
just got back we stayed two weeks and used
who were excellent.
Hi Sharon

Thanks for your information.

I have never heard of this company, but they sound like a good choice. I have looked at the website and it seems to have some of the tours that I want to do at a reasonable price.

Where are they based in Luxor?

hi peggy,
I think they are based by luxor station, we sorted our itinerary with them before we went over there. They met us at our hotel first night, and picked us up every morning in the air conditioned mini bus which we went all over Egypt in. I have there personal emails & phone numbers if you would like them.
hi travelling to luxor in 2 weeks time, we have booked a day trip to cario threw Aladin Adventure Tours, at Nefertiti Hotel Luxor Egypt, has anyone heard of them or used their services,as would be intersted to know what you thought of them many thanks Kirkie :fly
Just want to say that I have used Tut Egypt Tours also and can highly recommend them. Took excellent care of us and made the trip so much fun!.
Dear All

I am going to Luxor in September and I am trying to calculate how much money I will need to take!!!!!!!.

It would be a great help, to get a guide price of excursions available in Luxor. I am aware that you can travel independently, however I am looking for prices either from Jolleys Travel or Tour Guides, can anyone help me :shrug

I have e-mailed Jolleys, however I think that they are stuggling with written english, as they are not answering my questions.

I hope to hear from you all with some advice.

Hi Peggy, First of all where are you planning to go to?
You can go a lot of places from Luxor, can you be more specific?
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