FCA034, Manchester-Sanford
Star Class Premier
Sat 25 Feb 06, 1000
We arrived at check-in approx 0645. The separate Premier line was already open which was a pleasant surprise as I'd read this wouldn't be open so early. Only 2 groups of people in front of us so we were security checked and then checked-in fairly quickly. We were allocated seats 8F&G.
By the way, the new requirement for your full street address in the US was causing some problems at the Star Class security check. It must be a nightmare for the security people with some passengers appearing to know only that they're staying at "the Quality Inn in Orlando".
After checking-in we went back to our hotel for breakfast as Terminal 2 really doesn't have much to offer. On our return, we went straight through security. No gate was showing yet so we headed for a relatively quiet gate area and found a seat. Approx 0915 the gate information appeared on screen - can't remember which gate but it was right opposite the stairs to the executive lounges. No seating area in the vicinity so a queue formed along the 'path' between the shops and cafe. We stood at a distance, people-watching!
It seemed to be quite a while before boarding started, at which time Star Class Premier passengers were called first. The group of people who were standing virtually nose-up to the gate seemed somewhat put-out at being made to move aside to let Premier passengers through. As we went by, I heard a young girl ask an older girl why these people were getting on first. The response was, "They're the snobs in First Class"!
We thought we hadn't seen the plane at the gate and, sure enough, it wasn't there. We went through the gate, downstairs, outside and onto a Cobus which took us to the aircraft which was parked remote. Have to admit, this came as a bit of a surprise as it's over 10 years since I boarded an aircraft this way!
Settled into our seats and had a look at the "pampering pack" - like a paper/card gift bag, containing toothbrush, toothpaste, moisturiser, facial mist, pen and a shoe horn. (Why a shoe horn?!) Then proceeded to watch the antics of our fellow passengers boarding and trying to cram their copious amounts of hand luggage in the overhead compartments.
The FAs came around with "champagne" or orange juice and little dishes of fruit before take-off. Menus were also handed out. One of the female FAs was really friendly and professional but another seemed as if she definitely did not want to be there. After take-off they came around taking orders for drinks and meals, and this FA was really quite snotty with us when she asked what our 2nd choice of meal would be if the 1st wasn't available, and we said we'd just have the tray. We weren't being awkward, just couldn't see the point of ordering something we wouldn't eat.
It was a long time after they took the orders that the drinks arrived. In fact, only just before the meal service. And this was the only drink that we were offered during the whole flight - other than wine with the meal and tea/coffee afterwards. The Premier seats have fixed armrests because the tray table is in them rather than on the back of the seat. There is a serious design fault with these tray tables in that they are about 2/3 the depth of the trays so you have to really be careful not to overbalance the tray. Also, they are quite flimsy, probably because they fold to fit in the armrest, and they don't slide forward at all which is awkward for anyone on the large-ish side like my DH. I saw/heard several people having problems and tipping their trays up. Despite my DH being extremely careful, his drink tipped over when the FA took an empty dish from his tray without any warning and unbalanced the tray.
Serving the meals in separate courses is a nice idea but simply not practical in a cabin with so many people. It took forever to serve a meal which could easily have just been presented on the tray all at once. Drinks were served, closely followed by the trays - on which was the salad, cheese and biscuits, butter and chocolates (Godiva - yum) and the starter. (The starter was sliced melon, which was very nice but totally impractical to cut with a plastic knife on a tray larger than the tray table and liable to overbalance at the slightest pressure.) Bread was offered separately. We then had to wait while they came round and cleared away the starter plates. And again while they brought around the hot meal. And again while they brought dessert. This might be a good service in a business class cabin with only a dozen or so seats, but not with over 60 people in a cabin.
Similarly with the drinks service. Instead of traipsing around taking orders from 60+ people then coming back with the drinks, why not just bring the trolley around? Maybe then we would've been offered more than one drink.
The "noise reduction" headphones were better than the in-ear headphones but not particularly noise-reducing. They are keen to get them back - the FA demanded mine and was most put out when I refused to hand my own Bose headphones over! The movie selection was as listed online. The system had to be rebooted a couple of times but it was excellent, being able to start watching what you want, when you want, pause, re-wind etc.
Seats were very comfortable although we disliked the fixed armrests and, as always, the lowest setting on the adjustable headrest was too high to be of much use to someone of my diminished stature! I like having the footrest. Legroom was good, noticeably better than on our usual American Airlines flights since they decreased theirs and way, way better than Virgin's economy. Seat width was comfortable for me but would've been better without the fixed armrests for DH who is 6' and built like the proverbial brick outhouse. I'd read that the seats had some sort of adjustable lumbar support but couldn't find any control mechanism for this. They did seem well padded, which I particularly noticed on the return flight when it helped cushion the regular kicking of my kidneys by the child in the seat behind me.
The food was pretty much standard airline fare although I did appreciate the cheese and biscuits as often it's all I eat from the tray, and many airlines have stopped providing them. And the Godiva chocolates were a nice addition. "Ice-cream" was offered between the 2 meal services but it was the low-fat 'Skinny Cow' stuff which I don't think tastes of anything except cold. Despite the menu showing a choice of sandwich for afternoon tea, we just had a cardboard box shoved in front of us with no offer of any choice. I didn't try the wrap or the other savoury thing but the scone and jam was okay, as were the grapes.
There seemed to be fewer toilets than on American Airlines 767s - just one at the front, immediately behind the cockpit, 2 at about row 12, almost at the front of the Star Class cabin, and 2 at the rear. Row 12 must be a dreadful place to sit as the toilets are where seats AB and FG should be, and open into the aisle right opposite where passengers are sitting. Getting to the toilet in Premier was awkward for those sitting on the starboard side of the plane as you had to walk to the front of the plane and through the galley area where the FAs were working. There was nowhere to cross over further back as an announcement had been made specifically asking people not to cross over where the extra legroom seats were because people had paid extra for this space.
The flight was comfortable and pleasant but more than a little noisy. The main source of noise was from the mother of a family seated in 9CDE and 8CDE. There were 2 young boys in the party, who appeared to be troubling no-one and who only occasionally became a little loud when talking to one another, nothing unusual or untoward. But the mother spent the greater part of the flight incessantly shouting from row 9 to one of the boys in row 8, "Chas", "Don't do that, Chas", "Chas". Quite what it was that Chas was doing I never did work out!
FCA035, Sanford-Manchester
Star Class Premier
Sat 4 Mar 06, 1750
We arrived at check-in approx 1445. There was a separate Premier line and no queue. The girl at check-in didn't tell us what our seat allocations were but as she handed the boarding cards over I noticed they were 8E and 9E. I immediately queried this, pointing out that we'd paid for Star Class Premier, one of the benefits of which was sitting together - in fact this was listed on our invoice as being included. She said there was nothing she could do about it, they weren't able to change the allocated seats at check-in. She told us to speak to the First Choice representative, Sandy. As we turned away, Sandy was just behind us - but she said we should ask check-in if they could change the seats, that she had no control over it. When we pointed out what they'd said, she then told us all we could do was complain to First Choice when we got home.
Security was fairly chaotic as Sanford, like most US airports, was not built with the post-2001 security requirements in mind and the lines are squeezed into a tiny space. Once airside, we found a relatively quiet seat (well, at first) and settled in for a couple of hours of doing nothing but watching people trying to board flights before their turn! Sanford is fine as an arrival airport but is seriously lacking in facilities as a departure airport.
When the flight commenced boarding, Premier passengers were called first but when we got to the airbridge we had to queue in the corridor for 10 minutes or so as the plane wasn't ready yet. We settled into our seats, one behind the other. On this aircraft the configuration was different and there was a row 10, but only CDE and FG. We boarded through door 1 so although Premier passengers boarded first, all Star Class passengers then traipsed through the cabin. Just about the last Premier passengers to board were the family allocated to 8CD and 9CD. They were father, mother, 2 daughters aged 11 and 8-ish, and a son of 21 months for whom they didn't have a seat. The father was complaining that they'd wanted 4 seats in a row, so my DH asked if 3 together was of any use to them. It was, so I gave up my aisle seat and moved into 9D - at least it meant I was next to DH.
For the first couple of hours, the father sat in 9C. Part of the time the toddler was asleep in his arms - in fact, I'm sure if he'd had his own seat the boy would've slept most of the flight but instead he was juggled between the parents and his sisters, poor lad. I have to say that I'm of the school of thought that every single person on board an aircraft should have their own seat, regardless of age, for the safety and comfort not only of the individual but of other passengers too. This little boy spent a good deal of time standing and walking in the aisle, causing a trip hazard to FAs and passengers alike. The FAs constantly asked that he be removed from the aisle, particularly when they were serving meals, but they were ignored. In fact, they were pouring hot tea and coffee with him standing at their feet.
After a couple of hours, the 11 year-old girl swapped seats with her father. For someone smaller than me - and I had plenty of room in my seat - she took up an awful lot of room! Variously, her feet, head and arms were in my space. Her headphones never left her head and she often sang along to whatever she was listening to. She proceeded to spend most of the overnight flight shouting at her mother and sister in the row in front, presumably shouting because she never removed her headphones. Even the dimming of the lights didn't deter her, she obviously didn't care one iota that other people might either be trying to sleep or at least didn't want to constantly hear her voice. Still, I suppose that's 11 year-old girls for you. Centre of their own universe!
On this return flight the "pampering packs" consisted of a suede-ish drawstring bag with socks, earplugs and sleepmask. However, the sleepmask is cream-coloured so doesn't block out the light! About as much use as a chocolate fireguard.
No drinks or fruit before take-off but afterwards the FAs came round with orange juice for the children then Kir Royale for the adults. We asked for orange juice instead and did get this after a little while. Food service followed a similar pattern to the outward flight and took forever as before. Menu cards were in the seat pockets, showing the identical main meal menu as before but also the breakfast menu. However, both meals served were completely different to the menu listed. At least this time when I asked for just the tray I didn't get snapped at by the FA.
The movie information card was the one from Jan/Feb and sure enough the movie selection was the same, even though it was now 4th/5th March. Still, there was a fair variety so I hadn't watched everything on the way over.
With the different aircraft configuration came different toilets. This time there were 2 at the front of the Premier cabin, both portside, one immediately behind the cockpit and another on the other side of the door - however, the latter was out of order. There was also a toilet at row 10, in place of seats AB. But this was for the use of Star Class passengers and there was a curtain which came along the side of seat 10C and across the aisle to block the toilet off from our cabin. So, in this configuration, seat 10C is not the best place to be - particularly when you've paid the upgrade.
Again, it was an incredibly noisy flight, particularly for an overnight where usually most people try to sleep or at least consider those who are trying to sleep. I had my exceptionally noisy neighbour plus DH suffered with the chap who spent the night mostly standing in the aisle, leaning on DH's seat while chatting with his friend in 10E.
We didn't notice the "mood lighting" on either flight. On the return flight, there was absolutely no warning when the main lights were switched off or, indeed, switched on again.
Despite leaving Sanford a good half-hour late, we arrived into Manchester a little early. The airbridge came to door 2 but the FAs did their best to allow Premier passengers to disembark first. And at least we did have an airbridge this time, we weren't parked remote, although we were on the furthest possible gate.
Overall, my opinion on First Choice's longhaul service is that it is a good product but poorly executed. The seating is good for the price and the entertainment system is excellent. The armrest tables/meal trays are a serious design fault which needs to be addressed. The food and drink service needs to be re-thought and simplified. I think the seating alone is worth the upgrade cost, with the entertainment and separate check-in being a bonus.
That said, I doubt we will fly with them again. To those of you who usually fly scheduled and without children - trust me, the comfy seating and extra legroom isn't compensation enough. We decided to give this product a try because of these features and to benefit from a direct flight to the Orlando area. Well, we've tried it. And now we know that we'd rather stick to American despite less legroom and indirect flights.
As it happens, our next flight is to Orlando in Virgin Upper Class as a special treat for our 20th wedding anniversary in May, booked many months before we'd even heard of the new First Choice product. So we're looking forward to being thoroughly spoiled on those flights. But after that, I think it'll be back to American economy for us.
If you've managed to stick with me this far - my apologies for the length of this trip report! It's just that I gleaned so much useful information from this thread before our trip that I wanted to offer something back. I do hope this proves of interest and assistance to people.
Thanks wraf for taking the time to provide such a detailed report.
It was a long time after they took the orders that the drinks arrived. In fact, only just before the meal service. And this was the only drink that we were offered during the whole flight - other than wine with the meal and tea/coffee afterwards
Did you or your fellow passengers not ask for any further drinks? As these are complimentary, you would have been entitled to them. I'm travelling Star class premier in 2 weeks to Cuba and i know that i would be very thirsty on a 10hr flight without additional fluids being served other than what you say you received...besides, you've paid for this when you upgraded.
I saw/heard several people having problems and tipping their trays up. Despite my DH being extremely careful, his drink tipped over when the FA took an empty dish from his tray without any warning and unbalanced the tray.The Premier seats have fixed armrests because the tray table is in them rather than on the back of the seat. There is a serious design fault with these tray tables in that they are about 2/3 the depth of the trays so you have to really be careful not to overbalance the tray.
I do recall reading this previously on this forum but hoped that the problem would have been rectifed by now, but obviously not. Thanks for the warning!
The starter was sliced melon, which was very nice but totally impractical to cut with a plastic knife on a tray larger than the tray table and liable to overbalance at the slightest pressure.)
I thought that 'proper' cutlery was used in this upgraded service e.g., stainless steel....did you query this?
Despite the menu showing a choice of sandwich for afternoon tea, we just had a cardboard box shoved in front of us with no offer of any choice. I didn't try the wrap or the other savoury thing but the scone and jam was okay, as were the grapes.
I thought that 'proper' crockery was used in this upgraded service. When you say a 'cardboard box' what exactly do you mean? Also, did you not ask what the sandwich choices were?
Re your return journey:
The girl at check-in didn't tell us what our seat allocations were but as she handed the boarding cards over I noticed they were 8E and 9E. I immediately queried this, pointing out that we'd paid for Star Class Premier, one of the benefits of which was sitting together - in fact this was listed on our invoice as being included
I didnt think that the upgrade included guaranteed sitting together - in fact, I was under the impression that NO passengers on First Choice Airlines can be given seat allocation prior to a flight - like most airlines, FCA will try to accommodate passengers as best they can. I cant comment on what your invoice stated, as I'm travelling alone so this would not relate to me.
At least this time when I asked for just the tray I didn't get snapped at by the FA.
Forgive my ignorance, but what do you mean by 'tray'? I was under the impression that trays weren used in the upgraded services...Judging by the pics in the FC brochure, meals are served 'waitress style' on individual plates etc, individual salt n pepper pots etc?
Hope you dont take offence to the questions I've raised. . . I'm a great believer in getting what I've paid for & some of what you've said concerns me. Looking forward to your reply, Etecetera
Had group seating booked. Contacted them in advanced requesting window seats if possible. They said they could not take such requests, but ask at the airport on check-in. So, arrived at check-in 4 hours early and asked if we could have window seats, to which we were told group seating is allocated before check-in in any case, so that was a complete waste of time. So basically you don't get a choice either way. (Luckily our allocated seats happened to be window seats on both flights!) Why they can't take your request, I don't know and secondly, why were we given false info by customer services!
The configuration of the aircraft is 2-3-2
The seats are numbered: [Window] AB [Aisle] CDE [Aisle] FG [Window]
Seat allocation is done on the order of booking and only done a few days before the flight as I've said previously. When allocating seats the person doing it will look at the "big picture" to best allocate seats together based on combination of group sizes booked. Sometimes they cannot avoid splitting up groups , and that is when the "first booked, first allocated" system comes into effect.
Because seating eveyone together is a difficult juggling act (especially in Premier) special request for window seats cannot be considered as sometimes doing so would mean splitting up another group to accomodate the request.
If you called before the flight had been pre-seated it would be impossible to say what seats you would be allocated - it is all done in one go. At check-in changing the pre allocated seats would only be possible if either (a) the cabin isn't full or (b) moving you wouldn't mean someone else's party would be split up. Basically the pre-allocated seating is like a jigsaw and once completed it's very hard to move pieces (people) and fit it back together so all the pieces still fit.
The "first booked, first allocated" system at least ensures those who book the earliest have priority over being seated together onboard.
For a charter flight, FCA was very comfortable. Reasonable choice of films, games etc on outbound flight. Complimentary headphones. Actual films etc on return flight were not as displayed on card and were exactly the same as the outbound flight which was disappointing!
Uploading new flims for a new cycle takes around 5 hours. All the IFE is digitally uploaded from a computer, it's not a case of changing tapes as on older aircraft. As a result it often isn't possible to change the IFE on the first of the month, the engineers have to wait until the first opportunity when the aircraft is due to be on the ground for an extended period to update the films. The only other option would be to delay a flight 4 hours just so the latest films can be uploaded. Needless to say the company believes people would rather be on time than have new films on the first of the month every time! As with most modern systems the films in each cycle are the same on the outbound and return (unless you fly home in a new cycle) which is why there is so much selection, so you don't have to watch the same things on the way back.
We travelled premier with them last year and loved it. Strangly this year they do not offer the upgrade option for flights only on their website.
We infact offer upgrades on flight only to SCPremier via the web. They will only show up if there are seats available on the selected date, and are generally only available for 14 night durations.
when Star Class premier is booked, the passenger manifest is sent to the handling agents / check in co ordinators and staff who then allocate the seats to the best of their ability on their own checkin system.
Again, a manifest is sent to the handlers and are allocated before checkin opens however FCA do not have a manifest of the guests and seat numbers until they recieve the report / ticket count from the handlers / check in, or if they ask for it from check in.
That's incorrect. Pre-seating is done by FCA customer services a few days before the flight. When the manifest is sent to the handling agents it already has the pre-allocated seat numbers on it (and date of booking for SCPremier passsengers)
It is virtually impossible to take out one of the 767's at the moment with the fleet's current capacity and schedule. If one of the four aircraft take on a minor delay it can completly turn the other three aircraft's schedule upside down.
From March until the beginning of May 1 of the 4 767s is being removed from service at a time for annual maintenance checks, leaving the other 3 to cover the programme. This is when upgrades such as new tray tables will be incorporated - as I've said before the company knows there is a problem and there is already a design to solve it - it's currently being installed!
Etecetera Etc
Happy to answer your questions.
We and other passengers did go and get drinks from the FAs in the galley. As I said in my report, only one drink was offered . The FAs weren't much to be seen in the cabin. I know the drinks are complementary but they were not being overly generous with them. By the way, I don't know about the alcoholic drinks, but the soft drinks provided were just the small (150ml) can. On American Airlines they are always a full-size can (330ml or often the US 355ml version) and from Manchester to Chicago, for example, they generally do at least 2 drinks services before the main meal; the drinks trolley then follows the main meal trolley along the aisle to provide a 3rd; then they come round with trays of water and juice; then the drinks trolley follows the snack meal service as before; plus you can ask a passing FA - because they tend to 'patrol' the cabin at regular intervals - or go to the galley and ask, or often they leave a trolley in the galley with soft drinks for you to help yourself. I did forget to mention that on the FCA return flight a bottle of water was provided in each seat pocket, which it wasn't on the outbound.
You have got me thinking now whether we did get metal cutlery with the main meal. My DH thinks I was right first time and we didn't, but I wouldn't put money on it. If it was plastic then, no, I didn't query it - we only had what everyone else had, and I was too busy trying not to send the contents of my tray flying in every direction.
When I say cardboard box, I mean cardboard box.
Just like in the days when the US airlines provided a snack meal on their domestic routes. It was a cardboard box with a lid on it - take the lid off, there's your meal in the box. Complete with plastic cutlery, definitely plastic with this meal. They simply wheeled the trolley along the aisle and placed a box in front of each passenger. There quite obviously wasn't a choice so no, I didn't ask. Well, I suppose in fact there was a choice - eat it or don't.
Our invoice lists: adult price, online discount, fuel levy, credit card fee, group seating. Admittedly for group seating it says "2 @ 0.00" but I understood this to show that it was included in the upgrade price. When I booked online, if I'd booked Star Class then I could have taken the option to pay £17 each for group seating. But booking Premier, this option wasn't offered. Perhaps I misunderstood. Certainly I had no idea that "sitting together" could actually
I wasn't expecting to know my seat allocation before check-in as I'd gathered that information from this thread - although admittedly it came as somewhat of a surprise, but too late to make any difference because I'd already booked. But I was expecting us to be sitting next to one another. And I have to say I think it was pretty sneakily handled by the check-in agent. I have never before just been handed boarding cards without the check-in agent pointing out the seat numbers.
As for FCA being like
Again, by tray I mean tray! They put the usual (but quite large) airline plastic meal tray in front of you with all the usual stuff on it but with the starter in the middle on a china plate. Bread is then offered from a basket. Then they come and take the starter plate away. Then they bring round your main meal choice and put that on the tray in place of the starter. Then they bring dessert separately - although they don't take your main meal plate away. This system takes a ridiculous amount of time and means you end up stuck with your tray for ages. Yes you do get little individual plastic salt and pepper pots. No you do not get 'waitress service'! Let's face it, there's over 60 people in this cabin and while the legroom is fairly good and the seats are comfy, you're still crammed in like sardines.
When I said I asked just for the tray, I meant I chose not to have the main meal but still wanted the other stuff like the cheese and biscuits etc.
I'm not in the least offended by your questions, and trust you won't be offended by my responses. Like you, I'm a great believer in getting what you've paid for. However, I do think you have to be realistic about this upgraded service. It is not a first class or business class product in any shape or form, it is simply an upgrade to the Star Class service. Personally, I think it compares well against both Virgin and BMI's enhanced economy products except for the fact that it is poorly executed. We paid £100 each for the upgrade, which is considerably less than you would generally have to pay for an upgrade on Virgin or BMI. As I said in my report, I think it was worth the cost based on the extra legroom and wider seats alone.
If you've got any more questions, fire away! I hope you have a safe and enjoyable trip to Cuba.
Happy to answer your questions.
Did you or your fellow passengers not ask for any further drinks? As these are complimentary, you would have been entitled to them.
We and other passengers did go and get drinks from the FAs in the galley. As I said in my report, only one drink was offered . The FAs weren't much to be seen in the cabin. I know the drinks are complementary but they were not being overly generous with them. By the way, I don't know about the alcoholic drinks, but the soft drinks provided were just the small (150ml) can. On American Airlines they are always a full-size can (330ml or often the US 355ml version) and from Manchester to Chicago, for example, they generally do at least 2 drinks services before the main meal; the drinks trolley then follows the main meal trolley along the aisle to provide a 3rd; then they come round with trays of water and juice; then the drinks trolley follows the snack meal service as before; plus you can ask a passing FA - because they tend to 'patrol' the cabin at regular intervals - or go to the galley and ask, or often they leave a trolley in the galley with soft drinks for you to help yourself. I did forget to mention that on the FCA return flight a bottle of water was provided in each seat pocket, which it wasn't on the outbound.
I thought that 'proper' cutlery was used in this upgraded service e.g., stainless steel....did you query this?
You have got me thinking now whether we did get metal cutlery with the main meal. My DH thinks I was right first time and we didn't, but I wouldn't put money on it. If it was plastic then, no, I didn't query it - we only had what everyone else had, and I was too busy trying not to send the contents of my tray flying in every direction.
I thought that 'proper' crockery was used in this upgraded service. When you say a 'cardboard box' what exactly do you mean? Also, did you not ask what the sandwich choices were?
When I say cardboard box, I mean cardboard box.
Just like in the days when the US airlines provided a snack meal on their domestic routes. It was a cardboard box with a lid on it - take the lid off, there's your meal in the box. Complete with plastic cutlery, definitely plastic with this meal. They simply wheeled the trolley along the aisle and placed a box in front of each passenger. There quite obviously wasn't a choice so no, I didn't ask. Well, I suppose in fact there was a choice - eat it or don't.
I didnt think that the upgrade included guaranteed sitting together
Our invoice lists: adult price, online discount, fuel levy, credit card fee, group seating. Admittedly for group seating it says "2 @ 0.00" but I understood this to show that it was included in the upgrade price. When I booked online, if I'd booked Star Class then I could have taken the option to pay £17 each for group seating. But booking Premier, this option wasn't offered. Perhaps I misunderstood. Certainly I had no idea that "sitting together" could actually
as Scotlad has said. With just 2 of us travelling, I think it's utterly ridiculous to consider anything other than us being physically next to one another as being "together"! FCA may as well scrap the whole idea and say they'll only guarantee you'll be on the same aircraft.involve members in your party being seated in the row behind, in front, or in the same row as yourself
I was under the impression that NO passengers on First Choice Airlines can be given seat allocation prior to a flight - like most airlines, FCA will try to accommodate passengers as best they can
I wasn't expecting to know my seat allocation before check-in as I'd gathered that information from this thread - although admittedly it came as somewhat of a surprise, but too late to make any difference because I'd already booked. But I was expecting us to be sitting next to one another. And I have to say I think it was pretty sneakily handled by the check-in agent. I have never before just been handed boarding cards without the check-in agent pointing out the seat numbers.
As for FCA being like
, well they are the only one I've come across that handle seating this way. I generally fly American where I pick my own specific seat as I book the flight, and where at any time I can access my booking online and change my seat choice if I wish. I've also used the same facility on transatlantic bookings with Continental, BMI and Virgin. Although there is always the proviso that seats may be changed due to operational reasons, in well over 5 years of choosing my seats online I've never had this happen.most airlines
Forgive my ignorance, but what do you mean by 'tray'? I was under the impression that trays weren used in the upgraded services...Judging by the pics in the FC brochure, meals are served 'waitress style' on individual plates etc, individual salt n pepper pots etc?
Again, by tray I mean tray! They put the usual (but quite large) airline plastic meal tray in front of you with all the usual stuff on it but with the starter in the middle on a china plate. Bread is then offered from a basket. Then they come and take the starter plate away. Then they bring round your main meal choice and put that on the tray in place of the starter. Then they bring dessert separately - although they don't take your main meal plate away. This system takes a ridiculous amount of time and means you end up stuck with your tray for ages. Yes you do get little individual plastic salt and pepper pots. No you do not get 'waitress service'! Let's face it, there's over 60 people in this cabin and while the legroom is fairly good and the seats are comfy, you're still crammed in like sardines.
When I said I asked just for the tray, I meant I chose not to have the main meal but still wanted the other stuff like the cheese and biscuits etc.
Hope you dont take offence to the questions I've raised. . . I'm a great believer in getting what I've paid for & some of what you've said concerns me.
I'm not in the least offended by your questions, and trust you won't be offended by my responses. Like you, I'm a great believer in getting what you've paid for. However, I do think you have to be realistic about this upgraded service. It is not a first class or business class product in any shape or form, it is simply an upgrade to the Star Class service. Personally, I think it compares well against both Virgin and BMI's enhanced economy products except for the fact that it is poorly executed. We paid £100 each for the upgrade, which is considerably less than you would generally have to pay for an upgrade on Virgin or BMI. As I said in my report, I think it was worth the cost based on the extra legroom and wider seats alone.
If you've got any more questions, fire away! I hope you have a safe and enjoyable trip to Cuba.
When we were on Star Class Premier we had drinks on demand plus they kept coming round to see if there was anything else we wanted. It's like the previous poster was on a different airline from us.
Sounds like it to me too! The standard of service obviously depends totally on the crew on your flight. Either you were lucky and got a good crew or we were unlucky and got one which was pretty much NFI. Our return crew were better than our outbound crew. But overall I wasn't impressed.
You are paying charter prices and not the high priced ticket costs that you would pay with a scheduled airline, if you want everything you get on a scheduled American Airlines flight, then fly with them.
For a charter airline I think FCA have done a tremendous job in improving the standard in charter long haul planes and flights, far superior to any other charter company at the moment.
An excellent product well delivered by a courteous, efficient and very attentive cabin crew.
I would not hesitate in using them again (in fact we will be booking an FCA long haul flight when new brochures out next month) and I would most definitely recommend them before other charter airlines.
This is the point I was making to Etecetera Etc in my earlier post, although I also have to agree with Jayjan that you should get the product as advertised, regardless of whether the airline is charter or scheduled.
At about £400, I actually paid slightly more for this upgraded FCA flight than an economy seat with American. Charters are not always the cheapest option, particularly by the time you add all the 'extras' on that are already included in the scheduled price. As I said in my trip report, we decided to give this product a try because of the advertised benefits and because it was a direct flight. As I've also stressed previously, we found the product to be good but, in my opinion based on the flights we experienced, poorly executed. The fact that it is a charter airline doesn't excuse poor crew service and attitude.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and everyone's flight experience is bound to differ. Unfortunately, our experience was not of a "courteous, efficient and very attentive cabin crew".
I would too. If someone was particularly looking for a charter flight to Sanford then I'd have no hesitation in recommending First Choice and Star Class Premier. But I'd give them my honest opinion about the flights we experienced. And, as I said in my report, it's unlikely we would fly with them again. The main reason for that is simply down to the noise levels and overall 'busy' atmosphere. We knew it was a B&S flight but were not prepared for just how overwhelmingly noisy it would be.
As JayJan agreed with me, much really does depend on the cabin crew you get on the day. And again, everyone has their own opinion. For example, JoshAvion has had different experiences to mine and says
That's the good thing about forums like these. Everyone can share their opinions and experiences, and glean the information that's relevant to them.
By the way, an earlier post asked about booking Premier as flight-only. As FlyFCA said, this is available online. This is how we booked, and we went just for 7 days.
You should remember that this is a charter airline and not a scheduled airline.
This is the point I was making to Etecetera Etc in my earlier post, although I also have to agree with Jayjan that you should get the product as advertised, regardless of whether the airline is charter or scheduled.
You are paying charter prices and not the high priced ticket costs that you would pay with a scheduled airline, if you want everything you get on a scheduled American Airlines flight, then fly with them.
At about £400, I actually paid slightly more for this upgraded FCA flight than an economy seat with American. Charters are not always the cheapest option, particularly by the time you add all the 'extras' on that are already included in the scheduled price. As I said in my trip report, we decided to give this product a try because of the advertised benefits and because it was a direct flight. As I've also stressed previously, we found the product to be good but, in my opinion based on the flights we experienced, poorly executed. The fact that it is a charter airline doesn't excuse poor crew service and attitude.
An excellent product well delivered by a courteous, efficient and very attentive cabin crew.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and everyone's flight experience is bound to differ. Unfortunately, our experience was not of a "courteous, efficient and very attentive cabin crew".
I would most definitely recommend them before other charter airlines
I would too. If someone was particularly looking for a charter flight to Sanford then I'd have no hesitation in recommending First Choice and Star Class Premier. But I'd give them my honest opinion about the flights we experienced. And, as I said in my report, it's unlikely we would fly with them again. The main reason for that is simply down to the noise levels and overall 'busy' atmosphere. We knew it was a B&S flight but were not prepared for just how overwhelmingly noisy it would be.
As JayJan agreed with me, much really does depend on the cabin crew you get on the day. And again, everyone has their own opinion. For example, JoshAvion has had different experiences to mine and says
Well, I've only upgraded with BMI on one return flight and I found it better than FCA. But even then, I had a mixed experience. On the outward BMI flight the enhanced economy cabin was completely full but the crew were excellent and provided a really special service. By contrast, the return flight only had a handful of people in the cabin but the crew did the absolute minimum possible.I've upgraded on bmi to the USA before for far more than on FCA and found the upgrade to be much inferior to FCA.
That's the good thing about forums like these. Everyone can share their opinions and experiences, and glean the information that's relevant to them.
By the way, an earlier post asked about booking Premier as flight-only. As FlyFCA said, this is available online. This is how we booked, and we went just for 7 days.
Every long haul flight has a main meal and finally a snack, the layout of the aircraft means there is simply no space to physically store a second meal and crockery as they wouldnt be able to wash the others remember.
American Airlines may be able to offer this by having galleys downstairs in very old planes but there are very few who do this now as i say its not physically possible to carry two meals there and two meals back.
If i can clarify the cardboard box situation,
Every long haul flight has a main meal and finally a snack, the layout of the aircraft means there is simply no space to physically store a second meal and crockery as they wouldnt be able to wash the others remember.
American Airlines may be able to offer this by having galleys downstairs in very old planes but there are very few who do this now as i say its not physically possible to carry two meals there and two meals back.
Sorry BEfreeTODAY, but I really don't believe this is a reasonable explanation!
The layout of the aircraft is as each individual airline dictates, so if they want space to store meals then they'll have it. In fact, the cardboard boxes were quite large and I would hazard they probably take up more storage space than the small trays that other airlines use for the snack meal.
As for very few airlines carrying 2 meals, and only on old planes - well, I don't know the age of the planes (747, 757, 767 and some Airbus number I can't recall), but I've flown transatlantic with BA, American, Delta, BMI, Virgin and Continental and always had 2 meals, and always on a tray.
I personally didn't have a problem with being fed from a cardboard box, other than it seemed an odd thing for a premium service product. It didn't make the food taste any better or worse than any other airline meal!

However, this is the service that First Choice have chosen to provide, presumably for economic reasons, and that's entirely up to them. But I find it bizarre that you are defending their decision by saying it's beyond their control!

We paid for the premier upgrade.
We experienced no problems at all. Outward/inward bound flights were on time.
IFE was good.
Food on the outward flight was excellent, although the breakfast and the cardboard boxed food on the way back was ok.
The cabin crew came around regularly to ask if we needed anything. We didn't need to keep asking for water or any other drink.
Cabin crew on both trips were funny, polite and helpful.
I must admit the 'air filled seats' made me laugh. On the way out I could not understand why I was sitting higher up than my husband until I saw an arrow on my seat pointing to a black button. When I pressed it the air shot out and I was on the same level again.
The seat on the way back did not have any air in it at all, so I don't know how it gets there in the first place. Do engineers come in pump them up with a foot pump? (only joking!).
The cabin crews uniforms were bright and cheerful.
Overall, our First Choice experience was brilliant and we will be using them next year.
The main dowside to our flights both ways was from 2 groups of people who were placed next to us on both ways! we travelled as a family of 3 and were in the 3 center chairs, going out we had a family of 2 adults and 2 very young children who on a day flight had the seats fully reclined the whole flight (i kid you not!) the only time they were upright was for landing and take off, the 5 year old treated the chair like a game and had great fun flinging it back at full force several times into my husbands dinner and sending everything on his tray flying, he was also throwing things over the chair or standing up leaning over towards us which was uncomfortabel as we only had about three inches face space as it was, why the parents needed a 5 year olds chair fully reclined for 11 hours is beyond me. The adults said nothing at any time. the youngest child also cried and screamed into convulsion like states for the first hour of the flight as he didnt like flying and also for the whole hour of the decent. this was hardly a relaxing journey, they were the only children in the premier and they happened to be in front of us, unbelievably the same family was in front of us coming home as well! we had the whole fiasco again with them with. The most awfull thing i think though was that we had a severly disabled young girl travelling with her carers on our flight again both ways and going out she was 2 rows in fron of us but coming home she was directly behind us, i would imagine she was in her early twenties and very badly disabled phisically and mentally and had to be lifted up in the chair about every hour as she was slipping down, she also had to be fed and looked after the entire flight, this lady was very verbal due to her disability as i think this was the only way she could comunicate, but her way of comunicating though was by screaming, and i dont mean a stiffled scream i mean a fully voiced scream. she seemed to do this if she wanted something, when she was being fed, whilst taking off and the to whole landing and any time she was trying to relay any kind of message the the ladies travelling with her. This lady also was kicking my husband in the back half of the way home when she slipped down in the chair. The poor girls with her had to ask us to put our chairs upright every half hour during the return flight so they could stand up behind us to get in a suitable position to lift this lady after she had slipped down in the chair, so we had no rest or sleep during our night flight home nor did we have any peace with the lady behind us and the kids in front. We arrived in resort and back home feeling that the premier was a waste of time. totally unrested so not as described in there brochures!
We feel that placing a young severly disabled lady into a middle section where the carers had to phisically disturb other passengers is not acceptable, especially for the needs of this particular young lady who may i add was lovely. They should have adressed the needs of this young lady and placed her in a seating area where the carers would have had full access to look afetr her properly without having to feel awfull about disturbing other people to look after her needs. certainly not in center row 6! where the carers were really struggleing. With the screams on take off and landing especially they were ear pearcing and im very surprised that she didnt un- nerve some passengers either further back or in star class who may have thought that something dangerous was happening and started a panic situation, as they wouldnt have known it was this lady who was disabled screaming. All in all i dont think i would fly premier again as the roulette of who you sit next to is out of your control and you may as well have the star class seats and take your chances as pay extra for journeys such as ours, it certainly didnt live up to the promises of arriving in resort refreshed and ready for your holiday.
we are writing to first choice about our flights and i will up date this page when i have any replies.
Its hardly anyones fault they are disabled, first choice seating policies apply to everyone.
The problem with children is again a matter for the parents not first choice.
The only actual complaint you have with first choice is the de-inflated seat cushion and the tray tables.
How are these seats re-inflated?
I recall the cabin crew saying that First Choice were doing something about the trays. I think they are being replaced. The ones fitted now are very flimsy and fold in the middle.

I think maybe the airlines should allocate a sectioned off space especially for severly disabled people who need constant care throughout the flight, im sure that this young girl wasnt the first and certainly wont be the last to have encountered such limited space to be cared for.
Sorry, rant over!
First Choice shouldn't have put her there... but at the same time, maybe it would have been a hazzard for her and the carers, if there was an emergancy, people who are weightbearing and able bodied should have the exit seats. There should also be a condition that children are well behaved if they are in premium. As long as parents are willing to pay, they should be entitled to sit there!
dont get me wrong, I wasnt pittying the young disabled lady, the young girl in question was positively enchanting and i dont look down on people with disabilites as my young nephew is severly disabled and i have looked after him in the past and my father had alziemers and i cared for him for the last year of his life, and my brother works as a volunteer with disabled children also. So to me they are all wonderfull human beings with excellent personalities. It just seems that better provisions should be made by the aircraft companies to cater for people who would need more room as we know the emergency exit seats are not suitable in case of an emergency. As for the family who travelled in front of us there and back, words fail me, i have 2 children of my own who are now in there late teens but have travelled all over the world with us and never been allowed to annoy other people whilst travelling, i think its all down to respect for others at the end of the day and im afraid this family didnt have an ounce of that. besides these factors, the food was trully delicious, and the aircraft overall are super. so dont let my experience put anyone of travelling in premier.
I do object to having children throwing stuff, being purposly annoying, but you'll find that the parents who you HAVE to ask to keep their kids tame, are the parents who'll throw a load of abuse at you!
Thank you for expressing your opinion... I find this sort of thing useful... I am going to the Dominican Republic in 5 weeks with first choice premium... and from your report, I'll know to utilise the airline pillow as use as a cushion... and to take a load of kalms

The seats were nice but not as comfortable as i had thought they would have been as both ways the pillow cushion under the bum wouldnt inflate and had been totally deflated so was hard on the poor posterior especially towards the 2nd half of the flights.
It's difficult to believe you had a defective seat both ways, the most common cause of complaint with these seats is people not understanding how they work!
To get the cushion to inflate you have to lift yourself off the base of the seat and then press the button on the front of the seat, with the cushion inflated the seats are very comfortable.
Pressing the button while seated will only let the air out, the cushion will only inflate if there is no weight in the seat.

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