No real reason but i find it quite interesting where will the aircraft be used just before the 16th of may lgw to cancun 10.30 ish i belive thanks very much.
i am planning a trip to Dominican Republic in August flying with First Choice does anyone know what type of plane would be used
and also is it worth upgrading to Star Class Premium 36"seat or just Star Class "33 or even just the extra legroom as 9 hours on a plane to me is a long time
many thanks
Marky c
I have never travelled on FCA but people on here have said that its not worth it, not that it isnt great but because economy or "star class" as they call it is so good.
My Personal opinion would be if you are above average in the height department then go for it. But for £000's ask yourself will you really spend than on free drinks? you have to pay £5.00 to match the premium entertainment package add all this up and see if you will spend close to the upgrade price. Weigh in any addtional costs(not sure if premium get more baggage allowance, etc...)
If you do get a bit cramped during the flight you can always go and perch on one of the crew seats by the doors, while not comfortable for long periods they do have unlimited leg room.
The flight goes quite quickly really, you do have the opportunity to pay extra for the same TV as they have in premium which was brilliant as you can pause the films so you don't miss parts when the meals come round, you get extra films and games too, it really made the flight seem quicker.
We are flying to Holguin Cuba on Sat 3rd May 2008 flight number FCA162 return FCA163. I wondered if anyone can confirm if it is a FC aircraft or a thomsonfly one, and what the seating config is (I would guess from having seen previous answers that it is a 767?)
Thanks for your time
I will be flying on FCA050 to Aruba July 8th from Gatwick,And need to know which terminal will it be, so i can book my car parking.
According to Gatwicks web site, all First Choice Airways go from the North terminal.
Have a great time.
Cheer's Deb.
What the aircraft is for FCA146 (MAN-MLE)
Seat configuration?
Best exit seat rows to sit in?
....I dont want much do I?!!!
Thanks in advance
we fly out to Sanford from Gatwick on 3rd April. I am a bit concerned that people flying this route next week have just been told that the flight times have changed from 10.00am to 17.30pm, apparently FC has lost it's time slot?? does anyone have any experience of this...or could it be a blip because it's Easter...I really don't want a call a couple of days before we fly to advise us of a flight change, as I have lounges, taxis etc booked??

I though that was way too much as I'm sure I've read about people paying very reasonable prices.
It can't be due to demand as the flight is in 7 weeks time so it's unusual for them to have any left isn't it ?
So what I would like to know is what is the lowest people have paid and more importantly are they likely to reduce them in the coming weeks if they don't sell ?
To say I'm p****d off is an understatment because I've got 2 little boys aged 4 & 6 to try to keep entertained for 11 1/2 hours.
I feel that they should of informed me of this at the time of booking, this way I would of chosen to fly from Gatwick or even Manchester.
I havent flown with FC to Florida but have gone premium to dominican republic, we paid about 120 pound each for the upgrade which we fount was worth it as my partner is also tall.
We have booked to go to mexico in september with FC premium and we only paid 30pound each for the upgrade lol but i think the website was having problems that day as on my invoice there are many "first choice discounts".

I dont think the upgrade was anywhere near that amount. We did not ask for upgrade but it was the only option left when we finally got round to booking it. The cost the day before (star class) was working out at £1360 total. when we booked the following day including premier upgrade it came out at £1495.00 so about £140 for the upgrade in total

(please dont recline if someone is 6'3 and sitting behind you as it might be me)

This is (i suppose) a question for Dazbo!
Just about to book our holiday for end of the year, always go with first choice so sticking with them just now!
On our last hol we did our PADI SCUBA diver course, so how do we go about claiming the extra baggage allowance when booking (i normally book online)??
Also, what with the merger etc, are the changes to the FC services likely to change much, im booking for December so it is still a bit away yet, worried i will get everything booked then they roll out big changes. It makes it worse that we live in the north of scotland so have to book flights from aberdeen to manchester the day before/morning of our outbound and for going home, normally with a 4 - 5 hour wait, not always great after a ten hour flight home!
Plus i must say that we normally go scp and will do again this time but are there likely to be changes to the planes / service of the scp??
All answers greatfully received!!
Can anyone provide further info on the bold below?
We booked to Cape Verde on 23rd June from Gatwick with Thomsons at 09.40. Flight no.s TOM1883 and TOM 1884
I've been informed by letter that this is no longer a Thomsonfly class plane and when I rang to enquire I was told it would actually be a first choice plane FCA452 and FCA 453 (same times)
Can anyone shed any light on this, I know First Choice and Thomson have some kind of merger happening.
What seat config will this flight be? What IFE will it have? Will it be non-stop? One of our party is over 6' and was happy with the Thomsonfly seat pitch for a few hours but what will the FCA seat pitch be?
Thanks again
Many regards
There has been some talk about problems with the 767 fleet First Choice are flying on this route.
Anyone know anything about this?
We've been put up on I-Drive in the International Plaza, so aren't too bothered, but I guess the outbound people aren't too happy.
Cheers, AmanitaMuscaria
before xmas i booked a flight to egypt for july 2008 ,using first choice airline and today i had a phone call saying that the flight as been changed to thomson ?but i can not book the extra leg room seat untill 8 weeks before i fly out ?as i have never been with thompon ?

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