In fact its Thursday 13th April.
First Choice are launching new long haul destinations from Bristol, East Midlands, Manchester and Gatwick.
Bristol flights are to Dom Rep, Cuba and Sanford.
Other destinations include Costa Rica and more Asia.
Mainly to do with the lies and fobbing off they do. I suppose if you have a good holiday with them and there are no changes then you maybe OK. We have had a couple of decent holidays with them in the past with regard to accommodation but even then the flight attendants were awful and we were so cramped on the flight. We had a bad experience with them last year at the PT in Turkey.
We went to the Dominican Republic with them once and we only found out that our return flight was delayed by 7 hrs by another couple who had seen a fax laying around with the details on it at the hotel. When the rep finally turned up (some hours later) she said she had only just found out as well which we knew couldn't be true (no apology for not trying to contact us nothing). Had we known we could of kept our hotel room longer.
We have found we have either had really good reps with FC or really bad.
How soon before our holiday should we expect to receive our tickets from them ?
We are regular travellers with First Choice and we normally recieve our tickets two weeks before we are due to travel.
Thankyou Sarah
Booked with First Choice last 4-5 holidays and had tickets approx 2 weeks before departure.
I got my tickets from First Choice 3 weeks before departure
Our tickets arrived three weeks before the departure date.
I heard through this forum that they had changed out flight from a direct flight from exeter to an indirect flight via cardiff- I phoned them constantly and each and EVERY time was spoken to in an absolutley unacceptable manner (I work as a CSr TRAINER!) was passed from pillar to post, told many different stories, inc flight cancelled,flight going from bristol etc, promised callbacks that never materialised, SHOUTED at and over by csr's just for asking polite questions and constantly reminded at least once every 30 seconds that if I had a problem with my holiday I could always cancel!! All I wanted to know was when and where my flight was going from and all I got was abuse from them-I am not alone in this we have friends and family who were all also treated the same way.
When they they finally told us where and when our flight was going from (still recieved no written confirmation-flight in 8 weeks) I asked if we could have our £120 EACH flight supplement that we had paid for a direct flight from exeter refunded-apparently not, yet more shouting at me.
My mother-in-law to be was even told would she please stop ringing them as they were getting 'annoyed'.
I wrote them an email of complaint 3 weeks ago with the website confirming they would respond within 24 hours unless very busy in which case they would respond asap, they responded 3 weeks later and did not apologise.
Obviously first choice must be bucking the trend of low booking this year as they can clearly afford to lose £20000 worth of buisness just out of blatant rudeness! Never again.....

Did you book it on the net or through a travel agent Helen?
anyone know any voucher codes or anyway how to get good discounts from first choice?
Try Eclipse a trading arm of First Choice but we saved nearly £400 on our last holiday booking with them instead of FC
print any prices off and take them in.
Can i ask if they price match do you have to pay the full deposit or do you get low deposit etc.
Is using a Travel Agent the only way to get a low deposit? Just asking as I've not used a Travel Agent for 5 years as I always book online myself.
I got low booking fee with Mytravel over the net this year.
We used to go with Thomsons but the hotel in their wisdom changed to First Choice. We waited for the issue of 2007 summer brochure from First Choice & then went to their holiday hypermarket to book for 2007.
Imagine our surprise when we were told that although the Calypso is listed & priced in their 2007 brochure it is in fact not available as yet due to a contractual problem. We think that if you havn't got a contract with a hotel it should not be brochured.
It could be a problem with standard of hotel or number of rooms hotel has allocated to tour operator several other reasons could case this problem.
You may well find that whatever problem is that it can be resolved and the hotel will go on sale in a few weeks. If you really want the hotel just keep trying.
Goog luck
The depature date is in six weeks.
Do you know how I would go about it and indeed what First Choice would charge for this?

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