Would not be worried in the slightest about Globespan, they appear to be one of the companies that is best weathering the current economic storm and as stated in the Hearald article even appear to be heading for a modest 2million profit this year. Personally I just returned from Orlando on Sunday (21st) after a two week holiday and my experience was outbound- Flight only 5 minutes behind schedule with great crew and flight on way, IFE equipment was old but one of the audio channels was playing "classic scottish rock music" including big country and simple minds etc.. so I was well happy, and Kung Fu Panda was the movie so relatively up to date, on arrival car hire went without a hitch although would rather never use Dollar again. After a great 2 weeks our return leg started with a 15 minute delay which turned into a 7 hour delay on the flght (from the terminal window it looked as if there was a problem with the left engine), A ten dollar food voucher was provided after the first four hours and we eventually took off after being left on the ground for about 40 minutes by Air Traffic Control. Crew on way home were really not very good and seemed to have that end of season look and really did not want to do that much (but I suppose they were in reallity delayed as well so would not be in best moods), Flew through a thunderstorm shortly sfter take off which had people gripping there seats and holding hands across the aisle and may have been the reason for our delay on the ground, the pilot did come over the intercome and was very reassuring though. Despite the delay which could happen to anyone I can honestly sat that I can have no real complaints and on the whole Globespan gave as good a service as I have had with any airline, I have used them a few times now and would continue to do so without hesitation, as I have said before that what they have brought to the scottish holiday maker makes them invaluable and i think most of the rumours are started by people who would like them to disappear as it effects there business, if you look at the number of passengers they carry this has bound to have had an adverse effect on other national tour companies Scottish business.
Welcome news for you people north of the border. I returned from Hisaronu, Turkey yesterday, whilst there, we picked up a free local paper called Land of Lights, it has its own website. In this paper(dated 23rd Sept to 6th Oct) it states that from April 1st, Flyglobespan will operate flights from Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen to Dalaman in Turkey, these flights will take place three days a week. As of May 1st, 85 flights are planned until the end of the season, with a passenger capacity of 15,000.
Well thats good news!
Can anyone reassure me that its safe to book a flight with Globespan next year? They are closing down shops here in Edinburgh, pulling flights from airports down south and a travel agent told me that they could not book me a Globespan flight after Feb 2009. Its a bit suspect and I am not sure if I should go ahead and book with them directly.
merged into the flyglobspan thread
They are as safe as any airline at the moment in my opinion, They are maybe pulling out of Durham airport but not yet confirmed, but why not if it is not viable, they have closed there Edinburgh shop but as I presume most of there business is web based why have a shop that may be again not viable, you dont say where you are flying to but maybe your travel agent hasn't had the flights after Feb released to them yet (or maybe they want you to take another flight that suits there company best as this has been tried on me before). If the press reports previously posted on this topic are anything to go by, then I would say that Globespan are quite healthy at the moment and closing non profitable parts of the operation will only stregnthen them. I usually take three overseas holidays a year and have used them a lot as flying from Scotland they offer me the best choice of flights and prices, and will more than likely quite happily use them in this coming year. Nothing is ever 100% and using the big boys is no guarantee that nothing will go wrong, Excel is proof of that.
i really want to book flights with globespan but also dont want to be left flightless , this is not happened yet but my last two hoilday companys went bust but we where the lucky ones that got home
the way i look at things is if no one books there flights thinking this they might go bust and Ive missed out on the cheapest flights to dalaman that can be got
Hi,We want to book with Glodespan for next year too but keep puting it off they are much cheaper than T/cook around £20pp on the same day in June from Edinburgh to Dalaman.
If you dont book soon you may lose out on the cheap price, Globespan tend to get get dearer the closer you get to departure date, as I have said before I thik they are very healthy just now, certainly no worse than any other airline and better than most.
Just returned from Florida and I flew with Globespan. This was the 2nd year in a row that we went to Florida with them. I would just like to say, both years flights have been fantastic. The crew were very good and the inflight meals were some of the best I've ever had, and trust me, I've been flying to Florida since 1978 so I've tried a few airlines in the past. The check in was really smooth, with hardly no queueing time, at both ends.
I would just like to thank Globespan for a comfortable flight and wish them well for the future. I will certainly be flying Globespan again.
Nice to se positive reports on FlyGlobespan and the previous post is not alone - I have been hearing of some very positive comments on GSM service long haul. Hopefully they wll continue and that hey will get the wide bodies operating more to ehnace these good comments.
Thanks again, Scott.
Flyglobespan secures second MoD contract
Flyglobespan expects to bring in more than £40 million in revenue through aircraft leases to the Ministry of Defence and other outlets.
The Scottish airline, which recently started operating a Falklands service from Brize Norton for the MoD, has agreed a separate five-month arrangement which will see another Boeing 767 300ER flying to Qatar from the RAF base.
The new contract runs from December, meaning the aircraft returns in time for the summer transatlantic flying programme.
Chairman Tom Dalrymple said: "These high profile MoD contracts and other new recently-negotiated arrangements which we have over the winter will generate over £40 million worth of revenue at a time when the UK holiday market is at its most quiet.
"Around 80% of our long-haul fleet and over 50% of our short-haul aircraft are generating revenue through various leasing arrangements. These will have a hugely positive impact at a traditionally lean time and leave us much more strongly positioned as summer approaches."
Having watched the downfall of a number of airlines in a tumultuous year for the industry, Dalrymple said he had ensured the company had heeded the lessons from rivals' failures.
"Other carriers mothball chunks of their fleet and lay off huge numbers of staff during the winter. Our strategy means continued work for more of our employees at a time when others are making staff redundant," he said.
Apart from the Falklands service - a four-year arrangement - all the aircraft will be back in time for the airline's peak summer programme next year.
"We are ahead of plan at the moment," he said. "But we are well aware that the credit crunch may bite further into the everyday pocket and have to watch the market and ensure our product is spot-on."
With permission from Travelmole
Flyglobespan expects to bring in more than £40 million in revenue through aircraft leases to the Ministry of Defence and other outlets.
The Scottish airline, which recently started operating a Falklands service from Brize Norton for the MoD, has agreed a separate five-month arrangement which will see another Boeing 767 300ER flying to Qatar from the RAF base.
The new contract runs from December, meaning the aircraft returns in time for the summer transatlantic flying programme.
Chairman Tom Dalrymple said: "These high profile MoD contracts and other new recently-negotiated arrangements which we have over the winter will generate over £40 million worth of revenue at a time when the UK holiday market is at its most quiet.
"Around 80% of our long-haul fleet and over 50% of our short-haul aircraft are generating revenue through various leasing arrangements. These will have a hugely positive impact at a traditionally lean time and leave us much more strongly positioned as summer approaches."
Having watched the downfall of a number of airlines in a tumultuous year for the industry, Dalrymple said he had ensured the company had heeded the lessons from rivals' failures.
"Other carriers mothball chunks of their fleet and lay off huge numbers of staff during the winter. Our strategy means continued work for more of our employees at a time when others are making staff redundant," he said.
Apart from the Falklands service - a four-year arrangement - all the aircraft will be back in time for the airline's peak summer programme next year.
"We are ahead of plan at the moment," he said. "But we are well aware that the credit crunch may bite further into the everyday pocket and have to watch the market and ensure our product is spot-on."
With permission from Travelmole
Can anyone help, Going to book a holiday on Globespan holiday online, the website says children age 2-12 (dont know if this means 12 and under or up to ahe 12), my daughter will be 12 years and a few months when we travel, so do I book her as a child or an adult.
I would read that as 2-12 inclusive and that 13 would be classed as an adult fare.
Crikey that was quick!!!!!!!!!!, thanks for that, thats what I thought so I will just go and book just now.
Does anyone think that the credit crunch will actually benefit Globespan (or damage it),I was looking for a two week break for 2 in Gran Canaria and priced the Eden apartments with Thomsons from Glasgow at 1180, Globespan do the same holiday from Edinburgh (better for me) for 730, only difference is that Globespan flight leaves at 2pm instead of 10am, Guess which one I booked. I think that with the credit crunch and dismal exchange rate more people may start looking at the cheaper options.
I think that with the credit crunch and dismal exchange rate more people may start looking at the cheaper options.
Well I would actually hope that people will also think about the protection of their money and not just the cheapest option. It wasn't long ago that people who booked on XL.com had problems when they went bust.
I think it always worth checking for ATOL cover when booking your holiday. Cheapest is not always the best.
other Tour op for the same holiday to Turkey in June.

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