hiya, we got a call off our t/o and scottravel want another £47.88 to cover the cost of the fuel increase. Can they do this after you have paid for your holiday? Yes, as long as it is after 30 days of departure. When do we go? 31 yes 31, days time............very convenient.
i know it isn't much but it is the principle.
Threre is thread running in the flights discussions about fuel charges with Onur.
That's really bad luck but i think everyone will impose this charge now.
This post has had to be edited for copyright reasons, but the information which was quoted can be found by clicking HERE and scrolling down to the bottom of the page to the section dated 7 January, where it is guaranteed that bookings made before the end of January will not be liable to surcharge.
David HT Mod
hi donna where about on their website is this stated?
Hi nubber .. you will now find a weblink to the relevant page in the edited post above.
many thanks to donna and david called aegen flights who told me to call holidays4u on 08444152444 who i did and explained that i booked these flights last june and mentioned that the link on their website stated no surcharge if booked before january 2008 and the fuel surcharge was removed...a result...many thanks
No problems nubber! if you are in icmeler the same time as me mines a large effes.... ha ha..
do you have to phone for them to remove the charge or do you think they will do it automaticaly for people who booked before january?
Hi the number is :-08704442840.
ive checked online booking surcharge been added i booked june 2007 nothing on there website about if you booked before january no surcharge?
Well they may have taken it off now, but it was on there this morning have you tried looking on the link from a previous post?
However, Google is still holding a cached copy of the page, try clicking HERE and see if you can take a copy of the statement from the foot of the page.
For the moment at least, an identical statement still appears on the H4U website, CLICK HERE and scroll down to the section dated 7 January.
For copyright reasons, we unfortunately cannot reproduce it here.

thanks david i just rang aegean about surcharge said about statement on jan 7th .i will recieve invoice for charge the statement she said been removed ,and to take it up with holidays 4u.
phoned aegaen they said they couldn't remove the charge, so then phoned h4u who removed it no problem
i booked flight with aegean not h4u are they same company
Yes they are the same company, i too booked with aegean but it was h4u that i rang.
I downloaded the page and have just got off the phone with, first Aegean and the girl on there did not have a clue!! Basically all she kept saying was that I would receive a letter from H4U explaining the surcharge. I said I knew for what I was being charged but I told her I booked with Aegean, not H4U and that I shouldnt be paying this surcharge as I had booked last August. I must admit I was very persistent and was not prepared to wait for a letter and in the end she gave me a name of a person at H4U who was dealing with surcharges, I think just to get rid of me. I phoned and spoke to this lady, quoted the guarantee that was on their newsletter and she took the surcharge off as I was speaking. Have checked with the booking confirmation, this has been done and I shall be receiving a revised booking confirmation soon. Talk aout trying it on with people!!! I wish everyone luck. Be persistent and ANGRY, I was!!!!

I have just rang H4U and have had the surcharge reversed, I have checked my booking online and I confirm it has disappeared, they are sending written confirmation.
just checked my booking online and it hasnt come off yet (the lady at h4u said she d take it off) how long did yours take to come off your online booking?
I came off the phone and checked within 5 minutes and it had gone. The lady was really nice, I informed her that I had a copy of the web page on my PC that stated no surcharges, her reply was I don't know why the charge had been applied as it shouldn't have been and said I'll take it off now, she confirmed it had been removed before the end of the call.

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