Thank you everyone for all your good wishes,

felt much better after the jab... O/H and I had a really great night last night at the meet, it was really good fun and everyone felt like they already knew everyone...well those that hadnt met!! if you know what I mean!
Rams was a great choice of venue (The Carvery) as Split and Mike say the food was great ... the atmosphere and welcome terrific... not to mention the company and reasonable prices, .... and dont believe any of Splits stories,.... they are all fibs!!!

and cant think what Mike is talking about...

I did post somewhere on the forum last night (or early hours of this morning!!) about the meet ...but not sure where?? must have been the coffee!!! oh well sorry if i am being repetative.. we spent a lush afternoon on the beach today at Fishermans and I had a neck massage by an old friend that was brill... and been saying hello's to everyone (you all know how it is!)
could not believe that Split and o/h and friend (aka jennifer saunders, HT member name 'somethingshinydrawers'

????) spotted me at airport out of hundrerds in the queue and then we were sat on the seats directly in front of them on both planes... how crazy is that!!!
ahh sorry to rub it in, not long now for the rest of you... keep counting it soon goes!!
photos coming soon??!!
Edited by
2008-11-06 14:16:01