Brilliant Fiona, and especially if its a place youve always wanted to visit.
Ive got a list of all the places I want to go as well. Dont know if i'll ever get thru the whole list. Think I will need to win the lotto first
It keeps trying here put me washing out and it started went out fetched it in, it had only been there 15 mins and me t towels where solid so its freezin as well as trying to snow. Trouble is i live where i work so got no excuse in the morning iv only got to walk across the paths
Anyone got snow yet?
I am watching the footy on the TV and I see its snowing at Anfield (Liverpool).
I am so scared driving to work in the snow, its horrible
I'm in East Midlands, keeps starting and stopping. Light dusting on the ground at the moment but just looking at the sky it looks like theres loads more to come.
It's been trying to snow on and off all afternoon here in Hertfordshire. Hope it gets it over and done with overnight, absolute hate going to work and wondering if it's going to be bad getting home
in answer to yummymummy's query about the yellow bottles.someone said that it was somewhere for the stallholders to relieve themselves ! which i thought was very nieve, as most of the ones i saw were looked after by women, and a funnel came to mind ! ! but the truth is as you say. they are filled with petrol ! as petrol is hard to come by (how many petrol stations did you see ?) they have to get it where they can.
No Fiona timing not good, wish I was still in Goa. Body clock now well out of sync so having a honey bee to help me sleep -not that I need any excuse! :cheers. Still got my case to unpack (though have raided it for bottle of HB)
Had a call from Silver angel she is having a ball the weather is fab im so happy for her and her hubby they are lucky to be in Goa right now and we are all stuck here in the snow
Thanks grannypat not been very well for few days but feeling much better today, i am being very lazy but its very hard to think i am in goa as its thick snow here in london, but it is lovely looking at it as i lay under my quilt. Gel