My OH has just phoned me from work to say he cannot get any time off work over christmas and new year, so bang goes our christmas/new year trip to Goa next year.
Im really annoyed as this is the only time we could go on holiday as a family.
Im a nursing/social work student at uni, so i only get 7 weeks off a year, and it just happens that the only time i get any time off is when my son is at school, other than christmas.
It looks like we will have to go back to Turkey in September, but this will mean my son missing a few days of school, as when my 2 weeks holiday starts in september, my son has to go back to school.
Im just really angry, because his boss said the reason he cant take time off is because if he did, then all the other staff would want time off over christmas too, and thats not possible.
They're closed on xmas and boxing day, so i dont think they would moan.
It just seems everyone has it easy, apart from me. I cant even take a holiday in the 6 weeks summer holiday as im on a 90 day placement all through, so my son will have to go to childcare.
Sorry for the rant, but i get paid peanuts for being a student nurse/social worker, and when im on a hospital ward on placement, get made to do health care assistant duties all the time, when that isnt what i should be there for, i should be learning. im not one of those uptight students who say, its not my job to help someone change the sheets on the ward beds, i will help if im not busy Learning things i should be learning, but it just takes the p*ss when they're on around 12k and im doing those duties but getting a 3rd of that.
sorry, i know this isnt the place to rant about these issues, but i need to get them off my chest. I just feel that i work hard all year, and people are telling me that i cant go on holiday!!
My OH's boss said i should just go on holiday around Jan, and i will have no problem making up the 2 weeks work that i would have missed, because students have it easy! shows how much he knows!!