How's this for an unusual suggestion? try and take one book with you that is about the country you are visiting. I don't mean a guide book, but a novel or biography set in that country , or a book written by someone who has travelled there before you. For instance I took
My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrel when I visited Corfu . I have just bought a book about the life story of Chopin, I shall read that when I am in Krakow next month.
There are plenty to choose from. For France you have the books about Provence by Peter Mayle . For Spain there is
Driving Over Lemons by Chris Stewart. There have been several books about Tuscany recently and I am sure there similar books for all the other holiday destinations. They can be very light reading or , if you're inclined,a classic such as Don Quixote .
I know this might not suit everyone, but I like to read as much about the place I am visiting , both before I travel there and when I am actually in the country.