we venture down to breakfast and I notice all the lids are open on the food, there are 3 cups, no spoons, no juice, 2 new normal english toasters , no bread and people smoking so already now there is steam coming from my ears..infact there was more steam betweeen us than from the urn.
so we agree that its the norm again and without the Manager Mario there is nothing we can do about it so we order omletes. People are smoking and even though I smoke I would rather eat my food without it in my face. There was a few other white bods around at breakfast having moan about simple things like , no hot water. The greatest thing was watching people remove the toast from the toaster using metal tongs

English people are very silly yes.
Anyway we walked to the beach but dropped in on our way out to see the new Manager, I mentioned the smoking and the other stuff and the fact that there was 4 chefs mincing around and only one frying pan on the go and that vegetarians shopuld have a seperate fryer. I mentioned the lids and how the flies love food, and how the food was cold. I mentioned the lack if hot water for tea, the lonely cup and that it would make sense to have bread in the basket before people have to ask. I mentioned how when youy ask a boy to bring more cups he saunters off and returns 10 minutes later with a tray of 3 cups

I told him that if he does not sort out the breakfast in here people will not re- book.
The next day smoking was only allowed outside. There were at least 12 boys working but not actually doing anything except collecting your plate when you had not finished....so waste of breath really.
Anyway same day on the beach said hi to Linb who has had a new 'air do and was sitting on her balcony. My friend fed the dogs on the beach with her winalot ( yes I know) they all ran up to her every morning after day one, she was like the pied piper of Goa.Said Hi to thong man and had another familly day.
Fell asleep donning i - pod and was woken by small child who put a carrier bag of bananas on my bare bosom and asked if I wanted a banana

We eat fish that day and it was lovely, day ended about 16.30 as it was very breezy and we were being exfoliated for free.
Off we walk back to hotel with 3 dogs in tow ( yes I know) we are asked if we want to lookey at my shop, a dozen times and a dozen times I now ignore people...rude I know but I am sick of the insencerity of some of the sellers, they smile at you ' hi good morning how are you. ' then when you reply fine thanks good morning' they pounce on you and I am sick of it as much as I am sick of being called a taxi.We make a detour to the dentist to make appointments for a check up, we come out having made 2 appontments and one for botox ( yes I know) but the botox was not for me