the weather in that part of GC should be spot on at the end of March. We were there in March 06 and the weather was 29/30 degrees most days, and reached a high of 33 although the local said that was unusual.
Mogan has a lovely beach and it is separated from the rest of the harbour and so swimming is good and safe. Mogan is may favourite place on the whole of the isalnd, very pretty, not at all full of lager louts. They call it Little Venice because of all it's canals and little bridges etc. There is a mixtrue of English, Northern European and Spanish culture there. There are numerous restaurants and almost all have a vegetarian option and if you ask, most will make a dish to your specification should you require it. Mogan gets very busy during the day, especially Friday which is market day and then at about 4pm, it quietens down drastically and becomes such a tranquil haven and is very relaxing.
I can't help you with the hotel choice as i have never stayed there but i have seen it many times and it looks very nice, as do most of the places in Mogan. Perhaps you could read some reviews of it on the HT site.
If you wish to stay nearby, i recommend Taurito Princess, it is 4km away and is an AI hotel rated at 4*. Most people who visit there always return. There is a free bus from there to Mogan daily provided by the hotel, cheap local buses at all other times and taxi's are also very cheap. From Taurito Princess, you can actually see Mogan and it looks so close you could swim it, but that is not really the case as the rocks can be treacherous and the road is too winding and dangerous to attempt to walk it. The beach at Taurito is not as nice as that at Mogan but it is still ok and there are plenty of activities on offer.
I hope you have a great time.. i would thoroughly recommend that part of Gran Can..oh yes.. and congrats on getting engaged...