Why didn't you choose Blackpool ? I guess being on a Spanish Island the population would be very high towards..... Spanish people

we love the canaries and Gran canaria is great. we go there precisely to meet people of different nationalities. The last time we were there, we were in the minority as we stayed with mainly northern europeans and spanish with very few english people there. It was great. no yobs, no people parading around in football shirts and nobody embarresing our country with their little englander attitude.
i am sorry you did not enjoy GC, but i feel there is far more to see in the canary islands than english bars and clubs..perhaps you should try Skegvegas..there are plenty there.

go on then, help us by telling us what part off the island you were at....not that it will make much difference to me, as I'm away to PUERTO RICO IN 3 WEEKS.
many times I've been there and many more times ill be back, so i think you must have been on another planet as i have never found it the way you say

Will lock this topic now as the member has been removed for our listings due to foul language in another thread.