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Dear Mark, A thousand Thanks to you I will now turn off the gas as you have made this old bird very happy, also i now need to take some headache tablets and a good strong vodka & tonic will think of you when drinking it, God only knows what you do to switch off!!! but enjoy it anyway. !!!

Best Regards to you, an ever grateful. Ann xx.
Just a word of thanks for the info on page 1.
I've managed to upload my last. It only took about 3 days of losing my temper,despair countless attempts at resizing etc, but got there in the end.
Actually have a sense of achievement. :)
Thanks again for instructions and for anyone else trying to do this.....good luck and persevere!!
Hello! am new to all this and would like an avatar! Could someone please tell me where to look in plain, uncomplicated language ( preferably words of 2 syllables!) as I am not pc literate! :?

first you need to find your advatar either choose one of the set advatars in your profile or if you want something diffrent GOOGLE "free advatars" a lot of sites will come up or just look on heathers animations (you will have to google that as i cant remember the link) then follow the instructions in the first post of this thread just remember max size 90X90 pix

thanks SOOO much! as you can see i've managed it! even managed to resize! definately my best achievement this week! even my sons were impressed!

Donna :lol:
I need help.
Baldur (Bulgariaforum) helped me to put the avatar on his photobucket but now I don't get it into the url section!!!!
its only 2,7 kb :shock:
what is wrong with it??? :cry: :cry:
(I can see that I'm not the only cow here with these avatars :roll: )
You'll need to resize the Avatar to 90x90 pixels, it is currently at 100x100.

Mark :D
:? I followed your instructions on page 1 Mark to resize my avatar. Did it to the tab...but when I went back into Image Shack..and did the doodie dah stuff there and posted it in my STILL came up as it being too big? What am I doing wrong??? I SHOULD know how to do this stuff by now!!! :roll:
What is the link to your pic please Pam.

Mark :D
:shock: Have I done it Mark!! :shock:

Instead of changing the width you said initially on page one...I had a go at changing the LENGTH to 90 ....and it accepted it :lol: . Is this the correct size?? :shock:
Yep.... 47 x 90 is acceptable.

Mark :D
:wink: Is that as big as I can go Mark!?? :lol: :lol: :lol: I like to keep a 'quick change' of avatar in my wardrobe :rofl

I tried doing it with but got in a right muddle! Your Gif one was far better!
The maximum you can go is either 90 pixels wide or 90 pixels high. Any greater than that, the software will not allow you to display it.

Size doesn't really matter.... it is what is on offer that counts :wink:

Mark :D
:wink: So the gal done good then? YAHOOO I've learnt something else! ( :roll: Only taken me since June 2004 :lol: :lol: :lol: )

Thanks Mark! :kiss
yes i have finally managed to get an avatar. it would of helped if i had found this help and assistance forum when i first joined :roll: mel
When I highlight the link and then right click, the option to copy is'nt there. All I get is back, select all, add bookmark, view source, print, refresh and properties. Help!
Cancel that Mark. I've just done it. :lol:
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