Yes it does!! They have lots to to choose from too, there is a pre-holiday body kit which I would also recommend, it has 3 minatures- body scrub, firming face serum with a hint of self-tan and firming body lotion with a hint of self-tan. They are only small but also only £5.50!
Have fun shopping!!
I love the hair protector as I have bleached hair and it stopped it drying out and fading.
If it's on bogof you can buy any of the products you just get the cheapest free.
I went to Boots earlier and got the hair protector and the pre holiday firming balm, they were BOGOF, real bargain - may go back and get some for my next holiday later in the year! Thanks for the info
I was told one year in Tenerife by a group of forces wives to put loads of hair wax on my short frizzy dry hair before a day by the pool, it helps protect it from drying in the sun and the chlorine in the pool, it was in better condition than usual for the entire 2 weeks.

A hairdresser friend of mine told me to use vosene shampoo on the kids hair when on holiday as it strips the hair of anything that shouldn't be there i.e. salt from the sea, chlorine from the pool etc. There is only one problem for those of us with coloured hair, low lights and highlights(unless they are bleached) and that is that it will take the colour out. Ok if you over do it on the timing and it goes too dark but no good if your colour/coloured highlights are to cover the odd grey hair or three.
Rgds Jackie
That's true Jackie. My next door neighbour has his own salon and I remember running next door in a panic one day because my hair had gone too red.He told me to wash it a couple of times with Head and Shoulders to strip some of the colour out.
Hi, just been into Boots and the one we use is Soltan Hair and Scalp protector factor 25, it is on a BOGOF. The No 7 one protects the hair but does`nt seem to do the scalp, so all depends what you need it for. The Soltan one does both jobs. Think its about £5.99 but they only had one left so we didn`t get it today.
Here I am ...back from Boots. I got the No 7 Glossy Locks Hair Spritz and a free tub of Pre Holiday Brightening Body Buffer as a BOGOF. According to the assistant , the scrub flies off the shelves. It smells good and I "paid" with points on my Boots card too
I bet you looked dead funky SP On my longer hair I hate to think what I would look like with hair wax.... a better version of a bag lady perhaps

It will stop me from using up my No7 Gossy Locks Hair Spritzer on OH as he has very few locks

I am having my hair coloured a week before I go in May, and my hairdresser is having fits about the time I spend in the pool. I will be having a permanent tint and lowlights/highlights - what is the best product to use to try and keep my colour and keep my hair in good condition when I'm on holiday? Anyone got any good ideas? Should I be using the Gossy locks hair spritz? Thanks.
I normally have the same sort of thing as you and I use a protection mask(just like a conditioner) for coloured hair during the day and a shampoo and conditioner for coloured hair in the evening. Unfortunately I tend to have gold and a deep red put through my hair and the red is still lighter when I get home no matter what I use. I suppose the only answer would be to wear a hat when in the sun but I am not a hat person.
Rgds Jackie
I have a semi-permanent colour on my hair which lasts for 20 washes/8weeks, I'm now wondering what I should be using to protect this, only I've just had it done and don't wish to come back with it all washed out. Don't fancy the swim-cap option. Am now not sure if the glossy locks is sufficient to protect colour, I think it's more to protect the condition of your hair.
Perhaps this protection mask might be good for me too, what make is it?
Soltan also do a hair and scalp protector in a blue bottle, aimed at men however this is only a factor 20 and not 25 like the yellow Soltan.
I use the Avon one that comes in a white tub with red lid but I am sure other companies must do one; but as I mentioned previously my red always fades when on holiday whatever I use. It has to be the sun because it doesn't happen when we are at home. If you can perhaps wear a baseball cap or something when sitting in the sun this will probably help but they just don't suit me so I have to suffer the faded red by the end of my holiday

Reds are notorious for fading.I always do mine a bit OTT because I know it will fade to the desired colour in a week or two. I should think the sun would accelerate the fading. Infact I personally think it's a waste of time getting high/lowlights done for a holiday. Far better to wait until you get home, all tanned and healthy looking, then have them done.
I must admit that I always wear a hat during the day. If you choose a big, flashy one then it becomes part of your holiday wardrobe. If you want to find me in Bitez just ask for the short lady with the big hat and I guarantee that someone will know me!!

At least you can describe what you look like in a hat (mushroom)


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