laticsontour wrote:
Remember though ask yourself this you may not need a rep every day of your holiday but as soon as somthing major goes wrong like a death, earthquake, flooding, major illness etc who will the first person be that you turn too for help?
That would depend on the Rep assigned to my Hotel. As I have stated in some of my posts, I know more than what the Rep does. I have clearly stated that I am all in favour of Holiday Reps because they can help you deal with situations that in a foreign country you may not be able to deal with yourself as you would in your own country. But when Tour Operators are employing 'kids' just out of school who have clearly taken the job on for the "lifestyle" they believe it will offer them and not for any other reason then we have a problem.
On my holiday, last but one, that would have been this time last year, the Thomson Rep assigned to my Hotel who was also the Rep on duty at the Airport to meet us had absolutely no idea what to do when I told him my suitcase had been mislaid. He never even had a pen to record my details. I don't think he could have been a day over 18 years old, and I was on a Thomson
Gold Holiday with my parents. That simply cannot be correct. I would have expected a more mature Rep to be assigned to deal with Senior Citizens. One would think we had arrived on an 18 to 30 deal!!.
At the Wecome Meeting which we always usually attend, although I have no idea why to be honest, his 'local' knowledge of Benidorm was almost non existent. He had to read from 'cue cards' and kept stumbling over his words. Ok, I appreciate some people can be nervous speaking in front of a large group of people, but if you do not have what it takes to do that you should not be doing the job in the first place. He gave out several misleading bits of information and his sense of direction when explaining how to get to the beach from the Venus Hotel, well heaven help those who followed his directions thats all I can say.
Another Rep on a later Holiday advised us not to buy food at the Food Outlets in the Terra Mittica Theme Park in Benidorm because they were "expensive" and that we would be best taking out "own food" this we did, spending something like £80 on food for our party of eight people. However, on arrival at the Theme Park our food was confiscated because it is forbidden to take your own food into the Park. Needless to say our food was wasted as it went off in the hot lockers and was totally unedible, so £80 was wasted as a DIRECT result of being given FALSE information by our Rep. I would have though that the Reps would have known this and advised accordingly. Do Reps not do any 'homework' on the Resort they are assigned to?
I also asked this same Rep about booking Car Hire and she simply never got back to me despite approaching her on several occasions.
And as for the Reps who clearly new about the lengthy delay at the Airport on out return, but failed to notify us and failed to keep us updated, well I was disgusted with them.
laticsontour wrote:
Also did you know that 70% of reps quit in their first month? ever wonder why?
Could that be because they wanted the lifestyle they thought the job would offer, but could not 'hack' the long hours? Repping is not a 'glamourous' job far from it, but then surely they would have been aware of this when they applied? Several years ago I attended a recruitment selection day to be a Virgin Holiday Rep, but after completing the full day, and listening to what I would be offered in return, I made my own mind up there and then that being a Holiday Rep was not for me. I was offered the job but declined to accept.
laticsontour wrote:
Now ***** and BenidormHereIcome, I am not dismissing what you have said but try to put yourself in the other persons shoes and see it from their eyes.
I appreciate what you are saying, but as a Rep yourself, or an ex-Rep, you need to try and put yourself in the posistion of the Holidaymaker yourself, forget you used to be a Rep, and flip the coin over to the other side. If we are assigned a Rep who knows less about the Resort than you do, is almost non existent is their very rarely see a Rep these days, especially in Benidorm, and who clearly by their attitude do not care about the Clients in their 'care', unless they are making money from them, well then you can see why some of us are frustrated by Holiday Reps, and why many people now opt to DIY. They simply don't want Reps anymore. Customer Satisfaction Survey Questionaires will back up this.
laticsontour wrote:
But I will guarentee this: In a few years every company will go back to having resort reps!!!!
I'm sorry, but I simply cannot agree with you. The rise in popularity of the DIY Holiday, which is only going to become even more popular, will in itself be enough to put Holiday Reps out of business eventually. Tour Operators MIGHT employ a small handful of 'Local' Reps for dealing with certain 'serious' problems where a Language Barrier might be a problem, but there is no way the Holiday Rep will be back in the numbers like they used to. A mature Thomson Rep I spoke to very recentley confirmed that. She said Thomsons were "gradually phasing out" their Reps as they are simply not wanted by their Clients. She said very few people, even first timers, attend Welcome Meetings and no one books excursions with them anymore because they are well aware that 'trips' can be booked MUCH cheaper at local travel agencies in resort. So Thomsons intend to cut back on expenses by cutting back on Reps.
Shell wrote:
Good for you sticking with the job for so long but I have to say if I was threatened with a knife, or physically assaulted and threatened to have my legs broken, I'd have been on the next flight home, I would'nt care less if I was seen as a quitter or could'nt find employment for a while but then thats' me
I totally agree with you. There is no way I would stay in a job that paid .80pence an hour only to be physically assaulted. Verbally abused, maybe, I could live with that and one would expect that Reps are trained to deal with verbal abuse, but not physical abuse....for .80p per hour its simply not worth it. And I would not regard the fact that I was concerned for my own personal safety as being a "quitter".
laticsontour wrote:
it is cheaper to employ reps to cut out some complaints.
But what about complaints against Reps themselves? I've read numerous stories, not just on HT but on other similar sites where holidaymakers have had just cause to complain about Holiday Reps.
laticsontour wrote:
Sanji you claim that reps get backhanders!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Forgive me, but where exactley did sanji say that please? I have read and re-read this thread and Sanji's posts but I cannot see anywhere where you claim that she stated Reps get "backhanders". Have I missed that bit somewhere? Can you provide a quote from Sanji's post where it is alledged she made that statement please. I'm not saying she did not, but I cannot find where she as susposedly said that, and its nice to be able to follow a thread properly.
Do not misunderstand me, I am all in favour of Holiday Reps, but I think the whole Rep 'program' needs a radical overhall.